
  1. 碧昂丝和真命天女重聚,并演唱了《Bootylicious》,《IndependentWoman》和碧昂丝的单曲《SingleLadies》。

    The reunited Destiny 's Child sang " Bootylicious , " " Independent Woman " and Beyonce 's " Single Ladies . "

  2. 经过一连串的更改,“真命天女”最终为组合带了了好运。一年后,她们的歌曲killingtime被收入了《黑衣人》的电影原声带。

    The name change proved prophetic because a year later they had their song , ' Killing Time ' included in the Men In Black soundtrack .

  3. 1998年“女孩时间”的后继者真命天女(Destiny'sChild)乐团第一次跻身“公告牌”百大金曲前五名时,碧昂斯才16岁。

    when the successor to Girls Tyme , Destiny 's Child , first cracked the Top 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 , in 1998 , Beyonc é was just 16 .

  4. 专辑也多次赢得白金奖项,其中歌曲Billsbillsbills、JumpinJumpin与Saymyname也成为“真命天女”组合脍炙人口的代表作。

    It went platinum many times over and included a number of their best known songs including ' Bills , Bills , Bills ' , ' Jumpin ' Jumpin ' and ' Say My Name ' , their biggest hit of all time .

  5. 这只是因为你没遇到真命天女。

    That 's just because you haven 't met the right one .

  6. 真命天女会让青蛙变王子。

    The right woman can make a frog turn into a prince .

  7. 我觉得你就是丹尼尔的真命天女

    That I think that you may be the one for Daniel .

  8. 我取消了婚礼,她不是我的真命天女。

    I called off the wedding because she wasn 't the one .

  9. 他当然会认为她就是真命天女。

    Of course he thinks she 's the one .

  10. 我觉得她是我的真命天女

    I think she may be the one .

  11. 变成。这里是指他们夫妻俩随时都可能添宝宝真命天女会让青蛙变王子。

    turn into The right woman can make a frog turn into a prince .

  12. 她刚和男友分手,而且她会是你的真命天女。

    She just broke up with her boyfriend and she 'd be perfect for you .

  13. 她不是我的猎物妈妈我喜欢她所以说她是你的真命天女

    She 's not a flavor , mom . I like her.So she 's the one ?

  14. 直至1996年,组合名称才最后定为“真命天女”。

    It was only in 1996 that the group settled on the name of Destiny 's Child .

  15. 她们与真命天女的形象,声音完全一致,已经被歌迷所接受。

    They fitted perfectly with the Destiny 's Child image and sound and have been accepted by the fans .

  16. 亦或许是因为我注定的真命天女,怀着金子的心的她,还没有来到在这个世界上。

    Or it could be that the one , bringing a golden heart , has not come to this world yet .

  17. 时光在流逝,她就像是一扇门,站在你和你的真命天女之间,跨过去,一切都会好起来。

    She 's standing like a door between you and the women who 's right for you . Get over and things shall happen .

  18. 感谢您接触我的生命,并让我找到我的真命天子(或真命天女),现在我的世界充满了爱与快乐。

    Thank you for touching my life and allowing me to find Mr. ( or Ms. ) Right ; my world is filled with love and happiness .

  19. 真命天女以她们天然的魅力、才干、风采、尤其是自信,向世人展示了女人的魅力的真实含义。

    The Destiny 's Child has shown the world the real meaning of girl power with , their natural charm , talent , charisma and , most important , confidence .

  20. 华灯初上,夜景迷人,此情此景,让你欢呼雀跃,你渴望认识一些新朋友,甚至找到你的真命天子或真命天女。

    You 're excited to enjoy a night out on the town , and you 're excited at the prospect of meeting someone new and potentially finding your Mr. or Mrs. Right .

  21. 她的才华在很小的时候就已经显现,当她还是一个小姑娘的时候,就凭借着专辑《真命天女》的巨大成功而备受瞩目。

    Her true talent manifested itself from a very early age and , while still a teenager , she was propelled into the starlight with the break out success of Destiny 's child .

  22. 首张专辑《真命天女》斩获白金奖项,首支单曲nonono也荣获多项包括灵魂猎车女士奖和灵魂单曲奖等多个奖项。

    Their debut album , Destiny 's Child achieved platinum status and won a number of awards including the Soul Train Lady Best / Soul single for their first big single , ' No , No , No ' .

  23. 她的父母也因长时间的紧张工作以及经济压力短暂分手了,不过在1996年“真命天女”与哥伦比亚唱片公司签订合同之前他们就和好了。1997年她们的第一张唱片上市,自那之后,碧昂斯的名字家喻户晓。

    The strain of working together alongside monetary pressures caused her parents to split briefly but they reunited just before Destiny 's child scored their contract with Columbia Records in 1996 and their first album debuted in 1997 . Since that time Beyonce has been a household name .

  24. 她所在的乐队——真命天女是史上最成功女子组合之一,唱片销售量超过6亿。2005年组合解散后,她的单飞生涯仍精彩万分,个人唱片销量超过了11.8亿。

    Her group , Destiny 's Child was one of the most successful women 's groups of all time selling 60 million records and , following their break up in 2005 her solo career has been no less stellar leading to sales of over 118 million solo records .