
  • 网络believe in music
  1. 我也相信音乐重要是因为它是秩序的肯定。

    I also believe music is important because it is an affirmation of order .

  2. 当我要求她相信音乐是变革的力量,她肯定地点头。

    When I ask if she believes music can be a force for change , she nods vigorously .

  3. 我们是一群基督徒的音乐人,我们相信音乐是造物主赋予人一份特别的恩赐。

    We are a group of Christian musicians and believe that the Creator has given mankind a wonderful gift through music .

  4. 他把自己的音乐免费送给路人,因为他相信音乐应该像你所呼吸的空气,

    He gave the music away for nothing because he believed it should be as freely available as the air you breathed ,

  5. 因为我如此喜欢与我的学生交谈,我依旧热衷于教育以及令人相信音乐是无界限的。

    Because I so enjoyed my conversations with students , I remain committed to teaching and trying to convince others of the limitless joys of music .

  6. 著名音乐制作人宋柯也承认的确存在这些问题,但他依然相信音乐选秀节目正将整个乐坛推向一个新方向。

    Song Ke , a renowned music producer , acknowledges these problems but also believes that music talent shows are pushing the industry in a new direction .

  7. 他们相信是音乐帮助牛奶放松和安静。

    They believe music helps the animals to relax and keep calm .

  8. 我的朋友,您是相信酒神音乐的,您也知道悲剧对我们的意义。

    My friends , you who believe in Dionysian music , you also know what tragedy means to us .

  9. 这里的医生们相信:音乐是最好的方法维持婴儿的健康和帮助他们缓解生产遭受的痛苦。

    Doctors there believe the music is the perfect way to keep newborn babies healthy and relaxed after the traumatic experience of being born .

  10. 科里·考克斯:老实讲,我确实相信流行音乐在某种程度上是年轻人的专利,同样也是为那些正处于中年危机的人准备的。

    To be honest , I do believe pop music is somewhat special for young people and also reserved for those suffering from a midlife crisis .

  11. 我相信,音乐想象作文教学是一种有益的作文教学方式和教学理念,在教学实例里也说明这种作文教学能发挥学生的想象力,拓展学生的思维空间,是真正行之有效的写作教学新思路。

    Thus it can promote teaching reform . I believe that music imaginary composition teaching is a kind of good teaching mode and idea . In teaching practice it proves to exert pupils ' imagination and extend their thinking space , which is a truly effective teaching mode .

  12. 我相信,有音乐和年轻人,世界会更美好。

    I believe between the two of them , the world is a better place .

  13. 音乐产业的观察者对这套战术很熟悉,那些知名的音乐家们相信自己与音乐出版商的利益一致。

    Observers of the music industry are familiar with this tactic ; prominent musicians are persuaded that the interests of music publishers are aligned with their own .

  14. 我们相信一个制作音乐的新时代是在这里,而我们也同等于在这一部分。

    We believe that a new era of music making is here and we are an equal part of it .

  15. 两人都是瑞典人。他们相信自己找到了音乐影响情绪的6个途径,其中有激发大脑脑干反射,到大脑皮质的视觉图像。

    They believe they have identified six ways that music affects emotion , from triggering reflexes in the brain stem to triggering visual images in the cerebral cortex .