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  • Rectal prolapse;prolapse of rectum
  1. 术前肛门测压预测直肠脱垂患者经会阴直肠切除术后的排便节制功能

    Preoperative anal manometry predicts continence after perineal proctectomy for rectal prolapse

  2. 消痔灵治疗成人完全性直肠脱垂117例

    Hemorrhoid injection in treating adult total rectal prolapse in 117 patients

  3. 结论:1.三联术治疗直肠脱垂疗效显著。

    Triple treatment of rectal prolapse significant effect . 2 .

  4. 消痔灵注射治疗完全性直肠脱垂的临床研究

    Clinical Research on the Therapy of Xiaozhiling Injection for Complete Rectal Prolapse

  5. Ⅱ~Ⅲ度直肠脱垂的消痔灵注射疗效分析

    Therapeutic Analysis of Injecting Xiaozhiling for ⅱ ~ ⅲ Stage Rectal Prolapse

  6. 经腹腹直肌前鞘悬吊术治疗直肠脱垂23例体会

    Experience in Trans-Abdomen Rectus Abdominis Anterior Sheath Suspension Treating 23 Cases of Proctoptosis

  7. 嵌顿性直肠脱垂的急诊处理策略分析与探讨

    Strategies for emergency management of acute incarcerated rectal prolapse

  8. 三联术治疗直肠脱垂值得推广普及。

    Triple treatment of rectal prolapse should be popularized .

  9. 结论改良的沈克菲手术是治疗成人完全型直肠脱垂的一种较满意的术式;

    Conclusions The modified Sheng operation is a satisfactory procedure in treating adult proctoptosis .

  10. 目的:探讨~度直肠脱垂的注射疗法的疗效。

    Objective : To explore non-operative therapy of ⅱ ~ ⅲ stage rectal prolapse .

  11. 综合疗法治疗老年人直肠脱垂77例分析

    Combined treatment for rectal prolapse in the elderly : a report of 77 cases

  12. 半刺法治疗小儿直肠脱垂36例

    Treating 36 Cases of Children Proctoptosis by Half-puncture

  13. 经肛门或阴道入路治疗直肠脱垂:一项前瞻、随机性初步研究

    Transanal or vaginal approach to rectocele repair : A prospective , randomized pilot study

  14. 应用胶原网行经阴道直肠脱垂修复术后的功能及解剖学结果:一项前瞻性研究

    Functional and anatomic outcome after trans-vaginal rectocele repair using collagen mesh : A prospective study

  15. 儿童直肠脱垂的治疗

    Management of rectal prolapse in children

  16. 消痔灵双层4步注射治疗完全性直肠脱垂临床疗效评价

    Evaluation of Curative Effect of Xiaozhiling Injection Double-layer Four-step Inject therapy of Full Thickness Rectal Prolapse

  17. 骶神经刺激治疗直肠脱垂修复术后大便失禁:一项多中心研究

    Sacral nerve stimulation for fecal incontinence following surgery for rectal prolapse repair : A multicenter study

  18. 直肠脱垂的外科治疗提倡个体化治疗,应综合考虑患者的病因、年龄及病情,选择合适的治疗手段。

    Thus the treatment for proctoptosis should be individualized based upon pathogenesis , age , and severity .

  19. 目的:观察消痔灵注射液治疗成人完全性直肠脱垂的疗效及安全性。

    AIM : To explore the effect and safety of Xiaozhiling for treatment of adult total rectal prolapse .

  20. 接受直肠脱垂外科治疗的妇女盆腔器官脱垂和小便失禁的发生:一项基于人群的病例-对照研究

    Pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence in women with surgically managed rectal prolapse : A population-based case-control study

  21. 目的:观察消痔灵注射加肛管环缩术治疗直肠脱垂患者的临床效果。

    Objective : To observe the curative effect of combined surgical therapy in the treatment of rectal prolapse .

  22. 目的:观察中医外治固脱注射疗法治疗脱肛(直肠脱垂)的疗效。

    Purpose : To observe the curative effect of prolapse-inhibiting injection therapy of external treatment of traditional Chinese medicines .

  23. 三联术治疗直肠脱垂,可明显改善肛门括约肌功能,不易复发。

    Triple treatment of rectal prolapse , anal sphincter function can be significantly improved , less recurrence . 3 .

  24. 治疗组患者予以直肠脱垂三联术治疗;对照组患者予以直肠脱垂注射疗法治疗。

    To rectal prolapse in patients treated with triple treatment ; control group patients to be treated injection therapy of rectal prolapse .

  25. 尤其是对直肠脱垂这种公认的肛肠科难治性疾病,田师更有深刻体会。

    In particular to rectal prolapse , the kind of recognition rectum branch difficult disease , Professor Tian has the profound experience .

  26. 如何寻找一种创伤小、恢复快、疗效可靠的治疗直肠脱垂的理想方法,是临床工作所面临的一个重要课题。

    How to find the ideal treatment with smaller trauma , faster recovery and more reliability is an important topic for clinical work .

  27. 田师认为,直肠脱垂的病因病机比较复杂,应从中西医两方面综合加以认识。

    Professor Tian thought , pathogens and pathogenesis of rectal prolapse is quite complex . We should knew from Chinese medicine and western medicine .

  28. 10例不孕患者1例妊娠。③结果实验性家兔直肠脱垂经治疗后,20只家兔中全部在排便时均无直肠外翻发生。

    No patient developed recrudesce , there into a case gestation . Result The rectal prolapse did not recrudesce in the 20 experiment rabbits .

  29. 实践证明,中医外治固脱注射疗法治疗直肠脱垂具有治愈率高、疗效快、操作简单的特点,是较为理想的治疗方法。

    Practices show that such therapeutic method features higher cure rate , fast curative effect and easy operability , thus becoming a desirable therapeutic method .

  30. 直肠脱垂的发病机制尚未明确,幼儿直肠脱垂多采用非手术治疗,成人完全性直肠脱垂以手术为主。

    The pathogenesis of proctoptosis still remains unclear , conservative treatment usually be applied in pediatric patients , and surgery is indicated in most adult patients .