
  • 网络dc current;DIRECT CURRENT;dca;DCMA
  1. 传统的电流型PWM整流器(CSR)一般采用三值逻辑SPWM调制技术,通过相间解耦预处理的方法获得实际PWM控制波形,过程复杂且直流电流利用率较低。

    The three valued logic modulation technique is usually used in the conventional current source PWM rectifier ( CSR ), and the SPWM control waveform can be obtained by the interphase decoupling . However , the process is complex and the utilization ratio of the direct current is low .

  2. 抑制主变压器中性点入地直流电流的几种措施

    Several Measures for Suppressing Direct Current in Neutral Point of Main Transformer

  3. 利用定子电流的滞环宽度模糊控制,及模糊神经元自适应加权PID直流电流控制方法。

    We use the stator current wide fuzzy control and fuzzy-neural cell self-adaptive PID control method .

  4. 基于IGBT变流技术的高精度直流电流源的设计

    Design of a High-precision DC Source Based on IGBT Regulator Technology

  5. 基于IGBT变流技术,设计一种高精度的直流电流源。

    Based on the IGBT regulation technology , a high-precision DC source is worked out .

  6. 基于AVR的数控直流电流源的设计与实现

    The design and Realization of the Digital Controlled DC Current Source Based on AVR

  7. 最后,整个系统就可将连接ZnO纳米线阵列与金属电极的两根金属导线感应出的交变电流转换为直流电流输出。

    Finally , by connecting ZnO nanowire arrays and metal electrodes two metal wire induction out of the alternating current into dc current output .

  8. 该电路能够检测nA级范围的直流电流并能剔除噪声(特别是低频时在噪声总量中占有优势的噪声)和减少漂移。

    The circuit can be used to probe the DC current of BA range and can get rid of noise and reduce the drift .

  9. 旋弧式SF6断路器开断高压直流电流性能的实验研究

    An Experimental Investigation into the Use of an SF_6 Rotary Arc Circuit Breaker as an HVDC Switching Element

  10. 测试结果表明,HBT器件直流电流增益大于100,fT为15.2GHz,f(max)为14.8GHz;

    The test results showed that the current gain is greater than 100 with f_T of 15.2 GHz and f_ ( max ) of 14.8 GHz .

  11. 然而由于系统中高电感电机输出直流电流具有波动性,采用常规的SPWM控制算法,变换器输出并网电流谐波较大。

    However because of the fluctuation of the output direct current of high inductance PM , the harmonics of output grid-connecter current is large with common SPWM control method .

  12. 所设计的数控直流电流源采用PID算法实现了量程可选、输出可调、步进精确、纹波电流极小的功能,而且可将输出电流预置值、实测值在LED上同时显示。

    The design applied PID algorithm to achieve the functions of different measurement ranges , adjustable output current , exact step and very small current waviness . It also can display the output preset value and the measuring results by LED at the same time .

  13. 对PWM整流器的模型分析表明,常规间接电流控制(亦称幅相控制)方式在本质上是静态解耦控制,过渡过程中超调电流过大,直流电流偏移,及动态响应慢是其内在缺点。

    Analysis of the mathematical model of PWM rectifier shows that the conventional indirect current control ( or phase amplitude control ) is steady decoupling in essence . Significant transitional current overshoot , current dc offset and slow response are its inherent drawbacks .

  14. 根据经典的Sommerfeld赫兹矢量分别推导出了空气和海水中水平直流电流元的电磁场表达式。

    According to typical Sommerfeld Hertz vector , the electromagnetic field expressions are derived when horizontal DC current element is located in air half-space and seawater half-space respectively .

  15. 直径16cm圆电磁线圈通以直流电流3A,在距线圈表面不同距离及距中线轴不同距离点的磁场强度。

    The value of magnetic field was measured at different distance to the electromagnetic coil and axon of median line of diameter 16 cm flowing direct current 3 A.

  16. 在实验中,考察了直流电流密度、脉冲宽度、脉冲间隔、脉冲电流幅度等条件对TiB2镀层性能的影响。

    In the experiments , the effects of some conditions such as current density of CCP , pulse width , pulse intervals , pulse current average were examined .

  17. 研究结果表明,随应力时间的增加,开启电压增加,直流电流增益下降,特别是在低E-B正偏电压时下降明显;

    The results show that as the stress time increase , turn-on voltage increase , DC current gain decrease , particularly at low forward base-emitter bias .

  18. 直流电流输出范围为0~100A,不确定度为5×10-4,直流电流测量范围为0~120A,不确定度为5×10-5。

    DC current output range is on 100A . Uncertainty is 5 × 10 - 4 , DC current measurement range is 0 ~ 120A .

  19. 介绍零磁通电流检测原理,探讨100A直流电流测量用传感器的设计方法,对该传感器在高精度直流电流标准源中的应用进行论述。

    Introduces the principle of zero-flux , and discusses the design method of the 100A DC current measures transducer . At last , discusses the application of Zero-Flux in DC current standard .

  20. 电流总加器既可以精确地对直流电流实行总加,又可以作为标准装置与直流大电流测量装置进行比对,实现数百KA大型传感器的在线校验。

    Therefore , direct currents can be added by the current adder precisely , and measurement devices of heavy current can be corrected by the current adder as a metrological standard unit , which can realize on-line testing of hundreds KA of large sensors .

  21. 文中实现了直流电流的准智能测量,即无档测量,且在0~20A测量范围内做到内阻恒为0.01Ω。

    The quasi - intelligent measuring circuit of direct current is accomplished in this paper . This is measure circuit with scale less and internal resistance constantly is 0.01 Ω in 0 - 20A measuring range .

  22. 确认了静电分离器的屏蔽改进效果,并且找到了BES附近另一个干扰噪声源-束流管道上安装DCCT(直流电流传感器)位置附近的陶瓷结构的不连续性而泄漏的电磁波。

    The effective result on ESP shield is confirmed and another interference source near BES is found , which is the leak electromagnetic signal comes from the DCCT ( Direct current sensor ) due to the uncontinuity on its ceramic structure .

  23. 标准脉冲电流产生器采用理想电流开关将标准直流电流转换成标准脉冲电流,提供1mA~1A的可变电流范围,电流准确度为±(0.25%+2μA)。

    It is used to calibrate current probe , amplifier of current probe and other current measurement instruments . The standard pulse current generator uses a perfect current switch to transfer the standard direct current into the standard pulse current .

  24. 再者介绍了全可控能量回馈器(ActiveControllableEnergyFeedbackDevice,简称ACEFD)的工作原理、电压自适应和交直流电流闭环控制策略、仿真和实验结果。

    The principle of Active Controllable Energy Feedback Device ( ACEFD ) is analyzed , the voltage adaptive control and AC and DC closeloop control strategy are introduced , and then simulative and experimental results are conducted here .

  25. 实用高精度数控直流电流/电压源

    Design of Applied High-Precision Numerical Controlled DC Current / Voltage Source

  26. 在高频和高温环境下具有良好的直流电流特性。

    Good DC current characteristics in high frequency and high temperature .

  27. 一种新型磁放大器式直流电流比较仪

    A New Type of DC Current Comparator with a Magnetic Amplifier

  28. 万用表直流电流测量电路的调整

    Adjustment of Measuring the Circuit that the Universal Meter Direct Current Flows

  29. 100A/0-1A直流电流比较仪的设计和应用

    Design and Application of 100A / 0.1A Direct Current Comparator

  30. 直流电流比较仪比例误差的测量方法及理论分析

    Measurement Method and Theoretical Analysis for Ratio-error of DC Comparator