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jiān chá ɡuān
  • Inspector;censor;supervisor
  1. 有一个白人监察官在监视着我。

    A white censor was standing over me .

  2. 监察官对卧室里发生的事情小心翼翼地避而不谈。柔情的歌声传到她的卧室,使她感到安慰,把她征服了。

    Over the events taking place in the bedroom the censor drew a discreet viel . Those soft strains ascended to her chamber ; they soothed , they subdued her .

  3. 副监察官SatbirGupta说有五人在袭击中丧生,另外九人受伤,他说其中三人伤势严重。

    Five people were killed and nine others were wounded , said Deputy Inspector General of Police Satbir Gupta , adding that three of the injured were in serious conditions .

  4. 一个联合国卫星委员会和非致命性武器监察官。

    A UN Satellite committee and non-lethal weapons inspectors .

  5. 因为监察官监管县预算。

    Because the supervisors oversee the county budget .

  6. 一些监察官舰船已正确掉落战利品。

    Some overseer structures that are supposed to drop loot will now do so .

  7. 他说监察官往往是非常之穷,所以很容易受贿赂;

    He says that the ephors are often very poor , and therefore easy to bribe ;

  8. 魏晋南北朝特务型监察官的监察活动研究

    The Study on the Activity Which the Spy 's Control Officers Did in the Wei-jin-north-south Dynasty

  9. 选举监察官(负责选区内选举事宜并宣布选举结果者)。

    Returning officer ( official who conducts an election in a constituency and announces the result )

  10. 二十四史《循吏》、《酷吏》列传与中国古代监察官的选任

    Biographies of Fine and Cruel Officials in the Twenty-Fo ur Histories and the Selection of Supervisory Officials in Ancient China

  11. 三国时期,出现了初级形态的特务,不过那时是以监察官的面貌出现。

    In the period of Three Kingdoms , it has the primary form of the spy , at that time , it appears to the ombudsman .

  12. 为实现对消费者的更高水平保护,欧盟特设立集团诉讼、小额投诉法庭制度、消费监察官制度、支持起诉制度。

    In order to protect consumers better than before , EU purposely established Group Lawsuit Policy , Small-claims Court Policy , Consumption Supervisor Policy and Indictment-supporting Policy .

  13. 由皇帝和中央监察机关定期或者临时派遣监察官巡视地方,一直都是封建统治阶级维护强化其统治地位的有效监察手段。

    Regular or temporary Ombudsman dispatched by the emperor and the central monitoring authority to inspect the local officials has always been an effective measure of the feudal ruling class to consolidate its dominance .