
  • 网络halocline
  1. 北冰洋盐跃层研究进展

    Advances in studies on the Arctic halocline

  2. 热带气旋过境后,温跃层与盐跃层的位置变深,层结强度减弱。

    The depth of thermocline and halocline descended after the tropical cyclone-and their stratifications got weaker than before .

  3. 由于两季节层化程度的不同,营养盐跃层深度也不同,春季在30m以深,夏季为30m以浅。

    The stratification depth in two seasons is different that which is below 30m in spring and above 30m in summer .

  4. 结果表明:溶解态无机氮、磷的浓度在锋面和盐跃层出现明显的跃变;

    The concentrations of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen , phosphorus change abruptly at the plume front and halocline .

  5. 在海冰边缘区,冰下海洋的温度和盐度也有了独特的结构,特别是在15-40米深的海洋表层有次表层暖水和较弱的盐跃层的独特结构。

    Especially , there have some special structures , which are subsurface warm water and weak vertical gradient in ocean salinity .

  6. 20世纪90年代,在北冰洋观测到一系列异常变化,包括盐跃层退缩、大西洋层增暖和北极海冰减少。

    Since 1990s , a series of anomalous variations had been found , such as the retreating of CHL , the warming of the Atlantic layer and the decreasing of the Arctic sea ice .

  7. 通过建立垂向的一维对流-扩散模型,估算了温盐跃层以下水体(即黄海冷水团内部)由底部向上的垂直涡动扩散系数以及相应的营养盐输送通量。

    Similarly , based on a vertical one-dimentional advection-diffusion model ( neglecting advection ), the vertical eddy diffusion coefficients below the thermocline ( within the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass , YSCWM ) are estimated .

  8. 1987年7月粤东陆架区温、盐、密度跃层的分布特征

    Distribution characteristics of temperature , salinity and density in the continental shelf off East Guangdong during July 1987

  9. 长江口及济州岛邻近海域温、盐、密度的跃层现象调查区内叶绿素a变化范围是0.2~18.7mg/m~3。在垂直分布上,叶绿素a同跃层密切相关,呈现出三种分布类型。

    SPRING LAYER PHENOMENA OF TEMPERATURE , SALINITY AND DENSITY IN THE AREAS ADJACENT TO THE CHANGJIANG RIVER ESTUARY AND CHEJUDO ISLAND The vertical distribution of chl-a was closely related to the spring layer and had 3 types .