
yán chí
  • salt pond
盐池 [yán chí]
  • [salt pond ] 生产食盐的咸水湖

盐池[yán chí]
  1. 通常而言,写作内容和写作环境没有必然联系,比如在三天的越野火车旅行中创作的《白鲸》;在新英格兰海滨小屋里创作的《魔法山》,小屋的门上没有锁,房间里没有电话或电视,除了在盐池上划船,几乎没有什么可做的。

    Often the pairings of books and settings have been purely accidental : " Moby Dick " on a three-day cross-country train trip ; " The Magic Mountain " in a New England beachside cottage with no locks on the doors , no telephones or televisions in the rooms , and little to do beyond row on the salt pond .

  2. 天津滨海新区盐池路段软土路基施工

    Soft Soil Subgrade Constructions at Salt Pond Area of Binhai New Area

  3. RS和GIS支持下的盐池县生态景观格局动态变化研究

    The landscape pattern dynamic changes of Yanchi County in Ningxia

  4. 宁夏盐池半荒漠风沙区PRED专家系统总体设计

    The design on PRED expert system in Yanchi semi-desert area in Ningxia

  5. 宁夏盐池半荒漠风沙区PRED综合研究信息数据库的建立及其管理系统设计

    A study on PRED database and its management system in Yanchi semi-desert area in Ningxia

  6. 盐池半荒漠区草畜资源协调发展PRED工程综合效益评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of PRED Project for Balanced Pasture - Livestock Development in Yanchi Semi - Desert Region

  7. 为了解农牧交错区植被覆盖度变化,以宁夏盐池县为例,基于NDVI和植被覆盖度遥感定量模型,提取了植被覆盖等级图。

    In order to understand the change of vegetation fraction in agro-pastoral transition area , Yanchi county , Ningxia was taken as an example .

  8. 利用BSA法,对耐(敏)盐品种池和一个组合F2的耐(敏)盐池进行了鉴定,获得一个共显性标记。

    By using BSA method , two codominant PCR markers were identified through the tolerant ( susceptible ) salt cultivars bulks and the tolerant ( susceptible ) salt bulks of a F 2 population .

  9. 利用TM遥感资料,结合8大类土地详查资料,基本查清了位于宁夏中部干旱带具有代表性的沙尘暴高发区盐池县20世纪90年代年际变迁量化特征。

    The year to year quantificational change characteristics in Yanchi county of the drought zone of the middle Ningxia where occurred sandstorm frequently in the 1990s were revealed on the whole by using TM remote sensing and land survey data .

  10. 文章首先介绍了虚拟现实并阐述了虚拟现实对盐业职工培训的意义,接着介绍了虚拟现实建模语言VRML,最后以盐业职工培训过程中的盐池为例说明虚拟现实在实施过程。

    Firstly the article introduce virtual reality and its significance to the employee training in salt industry , then explains what VRML is and finally shows how to carry VR into execution in salt pond as a part of employees ' training .

  11. 以粗厚山羊草(Aegilopscrassa)细胞质小麦为材料,采用组织培养、水培、模拟盐池等方法,研究细胞质对小麦耐盐性的遗传效应。

    Using Aegilops crassa cytoplasm wheat as test material , salt tolerance of alloplasmic wheat was identified by tissue culture , nutrient solution culture and artificial saline pond , from calli , seeding stage , recovering stage and mature period .

  12. 采用样方法和样线法进行植被和土壤调查,在2005年到2009年之间,每年的6-8月进行调查,采用TWINSPAN双向指示种分类法和植物多样性计算了解盐池县的植被现状及其恢复情况。

    Investigate vegetation and soil by sampling method and Line transects from June to August between 2005 and 2009 , and come to understand status and recovery of vegetation in Yanchi county by using TWINSPAN two-way indicator species classification and Plant diversity calculation .

  13. 运用“311-A”试验设计,探讨宁夏盐池县城西滩扬黄灌区玉米氮、磷、钾肥料的最佳配比。

    The " 311-A " regression design was adopted to study the optimum ratio of N , P and K fertilizers on maize field of Yellow River Pumping Irrigation District in Cheng Xitan , Yanchi Ningxia .

  14. 盐池县大面积营造灌木林的经济效益评价

    The economic benefit evaluation on large area shrub in Yanchi County

  15. 试论农村实现小康的目标和途径&盐池县四墩子村调查与分析

    On the objectives & approach to get well-off in rural area

  16. 盐池半荒漠风沙区草场演替及定向改造

    Grasslands succession and improvement in Yanchi semi - desert area

  17. 山西省盐池硅藻一新种

    A new diatom species of salt lake from Shanxi Province

  18. 盐池地区地下水赋存规律与水化学特征研究

    Study on accumulated law and hydrochemical character of groundwater in Yanchi County

  19. 干旱地区径流农业系统和保水方法的试验研究&以宁夏盐池县为例

    Study on Runoff Farming System and Water Conservation in Dry Land Areas

  20. 宁夏盐池县近50年气候变化特征分析

    Climate change analysis in Yanchi County of Ningxia since recent 50 years

  21. 甘肃盐池湾自然保护区有蹄类动物资源变化

    Change of Ungulate Species Resource in Gansu Yanchiwan Natural Reserve

  22. 盐池中部沙地生物多样性调查与保护对策

    Investigation and Protection of Biodiversity in the Sandy Land in Middle Yanchi

  23. 古代河东盐池防洪体系

    The Flood-preventing System of Salt Lake of Hedong in Ancient

  24. 宁夏盐池沙地水分动态研究初探

    Study on the Sandy Land Water Dynamics in Yanchi County of Ningxia

  25. 盐池县草地沙化演替过程中土壤理化特性的变化

    Changes of Soil Properties During Sandy Desertification for Grassland in Yanchi County

  26. 宁夏盐池县土地格局变化分析

    Analysis on Changes of Land Use Pattern of Yanchi County in Ningxia

  27. 它就是盐池县的哈巴湖旅游区。

    It is Yanchi County Haba Lake tourist area .

  28. 新疆草地生态置换及其在宁夏盐池县的借鉴

    Grassland ecological replacement in Xinjiang and its reference for Yanchi county of Ningxia

  29. 宁夏盐池沙地土壤水分条件与植被分布格局

    The Relationship between the Soil Water Condition and Vegetation Distribution Pattern in Yanchi

  30. 运城盐池产盐历史悠久。

    Yuncheng has a long history of salt making .