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zhòu bì
  • fold;plica;lines;wrinkles
皱襞[zhòu bì]
  1. 皱襞切口修剪加CO2激光汽化大汗腺治疗腋臭

    Subcutaneous pruning by fold incision and CO_2 laser vaporization removed apocrine gland in axillary osmidrosis

  2. 心包内肺静脉及Marshall皱襞的观察

    Observations on the intrapericardial pulmonary veins and the fold of Marshall

  3. 胃窦部环形皱襞-胃HP感染的重要影像学表现

    Transverse folds in antrum-an important imaging sign of HP infection in gastric antrum

  4. 随着饲料酵母添加量的增加,肠道皱襞高度逐渐下降,而肠道菌群的数量没有显著的变化(P0.05)。

    As the addition of feed yeast increased , intestinal folds were gradually decreased , while the numbers of intestinal flora were not changed significantly .

  5. 目的:总结皱襞切口修剪加CO2激光汽化大汗腺治疗腋臭的疗效。

    Objective To summarize the clinical curative effect of subcutaneous pruning by fold incision and CO2 laser vaporization removed apocrine gland in treatment of axillary osmidrosis .

  6. 毛囊角化病虽然是一种遗传性疾病,但其疣状增生以及皱襞部位的乳头瘤样增生却类似HPV感染的表现。

    Although follicular keratosis is a genetic disorder , it could have papilloma-tous proliferation and vegetation , resembling the infection of HP Vs.

  7. 结果:①造影对膀胱粘膜皱襞,膀胱壁及病灶的显示满意率分别为82%,100%,98%。而CT扫描分别为0100%,94%。

    Results : 1.The plica mucosa , urocystic wall and lesion displayed in pneumobarium double contrast and CT image were 82 % , 100 % , 98 % and 0,100 % , 94 % respectively .

  8. 胃黏膜病理:具有黏膜色苍白,胃壁弹性较差,皱襞平坦,黏液较少,黏膜有出血点等特征;血清NO、ET水平升高。

    Gastric mucosal pathology : pale with mucosa , gastric folds flat , less flexible , less mucus , mucosal bleeding features such as serum NO , ET levels .

  9. 结果喉返神经麻痹后,CT检查可出现一系列相应表现:杓会厌皱襞、杓状软骨及环杓关节前内侧移位,同侧梨状窝扩张、松弛27例(84.4%);

    Results CT findings of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis included : oblique of aryepiglottic fold , dislocation of arytenoids cartilage and cricoarytenoid joint , dilation and relaxation of piriform sinus for 27 cases ( 84.4 % );

  10. 结果:滑膜皱襞总发生率为56.78%,分组比较中老年组滑膜皱襞综合征发生率高于中青年组(P0.05)。

    Results : The total rate appeared 56 . 78 % in synovial plica . By grouping the incidence of middle-old age people was higher than middle-youth age group ( P0 . 05 ) .

  11. 方法:对55例腋臭患者实施皱襞切口剪除皮下大汗腺,同时用CO2激光汽化凝固位于真皮深层的大汗腺。

    Methods 55 patients with axillary osmidrosis were treated , firstly apocrine glands were excised by subcutaneous pruning , and then other apocrine glands in the deep of dermis were demolished by CO2 laser vaporization .

  12. 结论:病理性滑膜皱襞可产生MMP-1、TIMP-1,而且两者分布不平衡,可能是导致软骨破坏的生物学因素之一。

    Conclusion : The pathologic synovial plicae can produce MMP-1 and TIMP-1.Both of unbal - ance distributions perhaps are the biological pathogenesis of cartilage destruction .

  13. 髌内侧滑膜皱襞综合征是导致不明原因PFPS的重要原因。

    Medial plica syndrome is an important reason for PFPS .

  14. 最后,Yu利用Grant推荐的技术建立了生物生长模型,这项技术可以使她根据皱襞的类型、精细程度、发达程度等迅速对年龄做出鉴定。

    Finally , Yu modeled biological growth using a technique recommended by Grant that allowed her to identify the age at which each type of fold , coarse or fine , developed , and how quickly .

  15. 结论颈、腹股沟等部位弥漫性潮红斑,口周放射状皱襞,皮肤触痛对SSSS有诊断意义。

    Conclusion Diffused erythema in neck and / or perineum , radiated rhagas around mouth , skin pain were helpful to diagnose SSSS .

  16. 结果:实验组结肠、盲肠及十二指肠的长度、直径、湿重、腺窝深度、皱襞(绒毛)高度及黏膜厚度明显增加,差别有极显著统计学意义(P0.01)。

    Results : The length , diameter , wet weight , crypt depth , mucosal thickness and villous / kerckring height of the duodenum , the colon and the cecum in the experimental group were more significantly increased than those in the control group ( P0.01 ) .

  17. 目的探讨儿童髋关节滑膜唇皱襞嵌顿症(LPEH)超声表现特征。

    Objective To evaluate the sonographic characteristics of the labral plicae entrapment syndrome of hip ( LPEH ) in children .

  18. 方法:关节镜检查确诊为病理性滑膜皱襞和正常滑膜皱襞,分别进行免疫组化染色,观察基质金属蛋白酶-1(MMP-1)和组织金属蛋白酶抑制因子-1(TIMP-1)的表达及分布。

    Methods : The immunohistochemical method were used to observe expressions and distributions of matrix metalloprotein - ase-1 ( MMP-1 ) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 ( TIMP-1 ) in the pathologic synovial plicae and normal synovial plicae of knee under arthroscopy .

  19. 结果本组患者手术时间20~30min,平均25min。术中无明显出血、手术感染及直肠瘘的发生,术后阴道内无瘢痕,阴道后壁形成数条不规则皱襞。

    Results The mean operative time were 25 minutes ( 20 ~ 30 ? minutes ) without intraoperative obviously bleeding , postoperative infection , rectal fistula , and scars forming in the vagina .

  20. 该手术方式达到根治要求,同时保留了齿线上1~2cm直肠,加上人工成形的半月皱襞,从而保全了肛门括约功能、感觉反射及粪便储存功能。

    The technique has achieved radical resection and kept 1 ~ 2cm above the dentate line and formed artificial half - moon colon plica . It has kept anal sphicter function sensory reflex and store the bowel function . The anastomosis was completed without suturing .

  21. 当替代50%时,SGR、肠重和前肠后肠皱襞高度显著降低(P<0.05),饲料系数、中肠后肠溶菌酶含量和抗体水平显著升高(P<0.05);

    SGR , intestine weight , height of proximal and distal intestinal folds significantly decreased at 50 % substitution ( P < 0.05 ), while feed coefficient , lysozyme content and antibody level of mid and distal intestine increased at the same time ( P < 0.05 ) .

  22. 军训伤致膝关节滑膜皱襞综合征

    Synovial Plicae Syndrome of the Knee due to Military Training Injury

  23. 膝关节滑膜皱襞综合征发生机理探讨

    Explore of Pathogenesis on Synovial Plica Syndrome of Knee Joint

  24. 美系獭兔与皱襞型獭兔染色体核型研究

    Studies on Chromosome Karyotype of American Rex and Plicate Rex

  25. 腰椎椎间关节滑膜皱襞的解剖学研究及成人儿童的比较

    Anatomical observation and clinical significance of synovial folds of lumbar zygapophyseal joints

  26. 腋皱襞小切口双蒂皮片法治疗腋臭

    Treatment of Hircismus with Whole Skin in Armpit Crimple with Small Incision

  27. 结果:镰状皱襞沿视神经的长度为0。

    Results : The length of falciform fold along optic nerve was0 .

  28. 膝关节髌内侧滑膜皱襞的关节镜下分型及意义

    Classification and significance under the arthroscope of patella medial synovial plica of knee

  29. 纤毛细胞主要分布在黏膜皱襞的顶部。

    Ciliated cells are mainly distributed in the mucosal folds at the top .

  30. 5例会厌皱襞血管瘤患者局部注射平阳霉素的护理

    Nursing for 5 Patients with Epiglottis Plica Hemangioma Locally Injected with Bleomycin A5