
  1. 对建设皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区的思考

    Thinking about Demonstration Area to Undertake Industrial Transfer at the City Belt along the Yangtze River in Anhui

  2. 目前,安徽省正大力推进皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区建设,舒城县作为59个县(市、区)的其中之一,有着自己独特地发展目标和任务。

    As one of the 59 counties ( cities , districts ), Shucheng has its own unique development goals and tasks .

  3. 皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区规划为安徽沿江城市迎来了全新的发展机遇。

    Little City with a demonstration area planning for the transfer of industries coastal city ushered in the new development opportunities .

  4. 2010年1月21日,国务院正式批复《皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区规划》。

    On January 21,2010 , the State council officially replied " Urban Zone Undertaking Industrial Transferring Demonstration Area Program along Yangtze River in Anhui " .

  5. 两旁的8块电子屏幕则宣传着皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区建设和自主创新的最新成果。

    The8 LED advertising signs display the latest innovations and achievements made in the industrial shift demonstration area of the city cluster along Anhui-Yangtse River .

  6. 之所以选择太湖县一方面是因为太湖县恰好位于皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区的范围之内,比较典型,具有代表性。

    Lake County was chosen because of Lake County just in the Little City with the transfer of industries within the demonstration area , a typical and representative .

  7. 随着安徽省皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区上升到国家战略,安徽省面临着承接东部沿海产业转移,大力发展加工贸易的重大机遇。

    With the Little City with a transfer of industries demonstration zone , Anhui Province rose to national strategy , the province faces a major opportunity to undertake the eastern coastal industrial transfer , vigorously develop the processing trade .

  8. 在建设皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区的历史机遇面前,高新区管委会进一步解放思想,突出重点,勇于创新,狠抓落实,力争更好更快的发展。

    In the construction industries to relocate to Little City with a historic opportunity before the demonstration area , Hi-tech Zone to further emancipate the mind , focus , innovation , implement the plan , and strive to better and faster development .