
  • 网络Casino Royale;Royal Casino
  1. 此前该系列影片中票房成绩最好的是2006年上映的《皇家赌场》(CasinoRoyale),其全球累计票房达到5.992亿美元。

    The franchise 's previous best was $ 599.2 million , set by ' Casino Royale ' in 2006 .

  2. 即使把耳机调到最大音量观看《皇家赌场》(casinoroyale),我也无法摆脱周围鼾声如雷的大块头。

    Even watching Casino Royale with the headphones at full volume , I cannot escape the sleeping , snoring giants around me .

  3. 浴室覆盖着大理石砖,其设计灵感源于2006年那部詹姆斯·邦德影片《皇家赌场》(CasinoRoyale)里一个淋浴的镜头;此外还有一套可在每间房间里播放音乐的音响系统。

    the bathroom is clad in marble tiles inspired by a shower scene in the 2006 James Bond movie " Casino Royale , " and a sound system delivers music into every room .

  4. 从2006年《007:皇家赌场》(CasinoRoyale)上映以来,48岁的文德尔一直是詹姆斯·邦德(JamesBond)的德语配音演员,现在他和这个角色紧密相连,一些不认识的人也经常让他重复邦德一些更为出名的口头禅。

    Since the 2006 release of " Casino Royale , " Mr. Wunder , 48 , has been the German-speaking voice of James Bond , and he is now so closely associated with the role that strangers often ask him to repeat some of Bond 's better-known catchphrases .

  5. 如何在海滩上、纸牌赌桌上以及卧室里看起来衣着时尚,是《皇家赌场》的服装指导、天才设计师琳迪·海明(LindyHemming)所费心考虑的。

    How to look chic on the beach , at the baccarat table and in the bedroom – such is the sartorial tutorial of Casino Royale , courtesy of Lindy Hemming , its gifted costume designer .

  6. 从1953年第一部邦德惊悚小说《皇家赌场》(CasinoRoyale)穿开始,直至今年即将上映的《007:大破幽灵危机》(Spectre)电影,邦德一直都是那样现代,用的都是最先进的玩意儿。

    From the day that the first Bond thriller , " Casino Royale , " was published in 1953 , all the way through to this year 's forthcoming " Spectre " movie , Bond has always been thoroughly modern , with all the latest toys .

  7. 他的举动就创作顾问1967年版本的电影皇家赌场。

    He acted as creative consultant in the1967 version of the film Casino Royale .

  8. 詹姆斯·邦德是《007》系列小说、电影的主角。小说原作者伊恩·弗雷明1953年以自己的间谍经验创作了詹姆斯·邦德系列第一作:《007大战皇家赌场》。

    James Bond is a fictional character created by the novelist Ian Fleming in 1953 .

  9. 《皇家赌场》非常精彩,与之前的邦德电影相比更基于现实,是一部黑暗、快节奏的惊悚片;

    Casino Royale was a great movie , a dark , quick-paced thriller rooted in a more real world than previous Bond movies ;

  10. 伯特•巴卡洛克于四年前写下一首《爱的注视》,达斯汀•史普林菲尔德在詹姆斯•邦德主演的电影《皇家赌场》中演唱了这首歌。

    Burt Bacharach penned the music four decades ago and Dusty Springfield sang about it in the James Bond film " Casino Royale " .

  11. 虽然邦德依旧喜欢烈酒,但他每日抽70支烟的习惯在1953年的小说《皇家赌场》中却不见了。

    Although bond still likes a tipple , there is no sign of the 70-a-day cigarette habit he sports in the 1953 novel " Casino Royale " .

  12. 但艺术世界来源后来发表声明,称非官方证实的买主其实是伊莲·怀恩&拉斯维加斯皇家赌场的联合创始人。

    But art world sources later said that the buyer who has not been officially identified was Elaine Wynn , the co-founder of a Las Vegas casino empire .

  13. 我们经常会看到这种广告,因为它们都是很显眼的标志,这就像邦德在皇家赌场里面摆弄其各种索尼装备一样,塞勒说。

    You can often tell this because they 're obviously flashing the logo , like when Bond waves all his Sony gear about in Casino Royale , says Sayre .

  14. 这部继2006年《皇家赌场》重振反复出现于荧幕中的詹姆斯•邦德英雄气概的续篇或许够格进入邦德全集目录,不过还是有些许遗憾。

    This follow-up to the reboot of ever-returning hero James Bond in2006 's Casino Royale was a passable enough entry into the Bond canon , but hardly a smash .

  15. 这部电影将由尼尔珀维斯和罗伯特韦德担任编剧,此前两人也曾为《007:大战皇家赌场》、《007:大破量子危机》、《007:大破天幕杀机》和《007:幽灵党》编写剧本。

    It will be written by Neal Purvis and Robert Wade , the duo who handled the scripts for Casino Royale , Quantum of Solace , Skyfall and Spectre .

  16. 她穿着黑色天鹅绒,非常朴素,但却有一种华丽的光彩,世界上只有半打女装设计师能够创造出这样的效果。弗莱明这样评价薇斯帕在《皇家赌场》中的晚装。

    Her dress was of black velvet , simple yet with the touch of splendour that only half a dozen couturiers in the world can achieve , wrote Fleming of Vesper 's evening gown in Casino Royale .

  17. 这位英国演员错过了在《007:大战皇家赌场》中出演詹姆斯·邦德、在《超人归来》中出演超人以及在“暮光之城”系列电影中出演年轻的吸血鬼主角爱德华·库伦等机会。

    The British actor has notably missed out on the chance to play James Bond in Casino Royale , Superman in Superman Returns , and the lead role of Edward Cullen , the young vampire in the Twilight movies .

  18. 近年曾出演《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》、《汉尼拔》和《007:大战皇家赌场》的丹麦演员米科尔森将在这个《哈利波特》前传系列中饰演核心人物黑巫师。

    Danish actor Mikkelsen , who has recently appeared in " Rogue One : A Star Wars Story , " " Hannibal , " and " Casino Royale , " will play the dark wizard at the center of the action in the " Harry Potter " prequels .