
  1. 百年沧桑话地戏

    Talk About the Earth Play of A Hundred Years

  2. 他们生动地记载了大连经历过的百年沧桑。

    They vividly record Dalian 's 100-year history .

  3. 这是一条记录天津百年沧桑的街道,它的名字就是一部历史。

    This street records the vicissitudes of Tianjin in the past century , which can be seen from its name .

  4. 百年沧桑世纪华章&20世纪中国图书馆事业回顾与展望

    Vicissitudes of a Century Century Brilliant Work & Reviews and Prospects of the Undertaking of Chinese Library of the 20th Century

  5. 大连东关街走过百年沧桑,这里曾经历过战争洗礼,朝代更替,也曾沦落为殖民地。

    Dongguan Street in the city of Dalian had survived wars , colonization , and changing regimes throughout the 20th century .

  6. 天津街是一条记载着大连百年沧桑的商业老街,一部天津街的历史就是一部大连的历史。

    Tianjin Century Street is a business street which has witnessed the ups and downs of Dalian for about hundreds of years .

  7. 经过百年沧桑,这座最早的啤酒公司发展成为享誉世界的“青岛啤酒”的生产企业青岛啤酒股份有限公司。

    Ltd is the first brewery plant established with European techniques in China in1903 , has now become a world famous producer of " Tsingtao Beer " after over a century 's development .

  8. 中国博物馆历经百年沧桑,尤其近几十年博物馆事业更得到迅猛发展,全国各地的各类博物馆已有几千余座,县级博物馆更是占据了其中的大部分。

    After a century of vicissitudes , especially in recent decades , museum of China has got a rapid development . All kinds of museums across the country have been more than a few blocks .

  9. 风雨百年路沧桑&中国近现代法学的反思

    Rethinking on Chinese Modern Law Science

  10. 回首百年滇越沧桑,既充满了民族压迫、民族剥削的血泪,也蕴含着许多令人沉思的历史教训。

    Looking back to the centenary vicissitudes of Yunnan and Vietnam , they were filled with blood and tears of national oppression and exploitation , and also contained with many thoughtful lessons of history .