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  • Aries;The Ram;WHITE SHEEP
  1. 在汉堡占星学系统中如果使用90dial盘,白羊点简称AP,也就是所有本位星座的0度点。

    In the Uranian system , the Aries Point , or AP , also links to zero degrees of all the cardinal signs ( as seen on a90 degree dial ) .

  2. 亲爱的白羊,对于你来说你的时代来了。

    You are coming into your own , dear Aries !

  3. 轮作改变了氨挥发速率的变化规律,现蕾期比连作高2.1倍,开花期比连作低18.0%。白羊草与隐子草在抽穗期的CPD高于开花期,但低于拔节期。

    Compared to the ammonia loss of the continuous cropping plot during its budding stage , that of the rotation plot in the same growth period is 2.1 times higher , while during the blooming stage , the ammonia loss of the latter is 18.0 % less than the former .

  4. 白羊丈夫们&你们认真对你们的家庭关系负责任了吗?

    Attached Rams – are you taking your domestic responsibilities seriously ?

  5. 精力充沛的白羊要忙于各种日常活动。

    The energetic Ram needs to be engaged in constant activity .

  6. 白羊和水瓶不一定都有很强的占有欲与嫉妒心。

    Nor is either of you possessive or prone to jealousy .

  7. 亲爱的白羊们,这个月的行星有点像小捣蛋鬼。

    The planets are being little gremlins this month , dear Aries .

  8. 天秤-白羊:相互排斥的一对,容易造成精神紧张。

    Polarity attraction . Tension , however , at a mental level .

  9. 为什么白羊吃的比黑羊多?

    Why do white sheep eat more than black ones ?

  10. 白羊:蓟、野玫瑰、金雀花、旱金莲花、忍冬

    Aries : Thistle , wild rose , gorse , nasturtium , woodbine

  11. 白羊因为它的体能和勇猛的特质而被选择。

    Aries is the one chosen because of its physical strength and prowess .

  12. 你的占有欲会束缚白羊热爱自由的天性。

    Your possessiveness will cramp the Aries free-loving nature .

  13. 一天,黑羊在桥上遇见了白羊。

    One day the black goat meet the white goat on a bridge .

  14. 白羊也难以接受巨蟹的唠叨和消极。

    You will have difficulty listening to the Crab 's nagging and negativity .

  15. 新疆额敏县也木勒白羊(暂名)羔羊的屠宰测定

    Slaughter Determination on Xinjiang Emil White Sheep Lambs

  16. 白羊草;叶绿素荧光;土壤养分;旱后复水;

    Bothriochloa ischaemum ; Chlorophyll fluorescence ; Soil nutrient ; Rehydration after drought stress ;

  17. 接下来,尽管很不情愿,我们还是把你重新交给白羊星座预报。

    And now , reluctantly , we hand you back to the Aries prediction .

  18. 白羊座:白羊们要记住,世界不是围着你转。

    Aries : Remember that the world doesn 't revolve around you , Aries .

  19. 这也就可以解释为什么有些白羊看起来不像白羊。

    This explains why some Arians do not appear Arian . And , of course .

  20. 跟着马后面来的是白羊穆里尔和驴子本杰明。

    After the horses came Muriel , the white goat , and Benjamin the donkey .

  21. 白羊本周,你需要时间仔细考虑你的新年计划。

    This week , you need time to rethink your strategy for the New Year .

  22. 白羊:大胆前卫、体现独特个性的香水最适合你了。

    ARIES It is the impressive , bold , individual perfumes that suit you best .

  23. 我不明白羊吃小灌木这件事为什么如此重要。

    I did not understand why it was so important that sheep should eat little bushes .

  24. 益寿湖有白羊河水供应,水量充足,水质新鲜,成为戏水乐园。

    Bothriochloa Yishou Lake water supply , adequate water , fresh water and become water park .

  25. 白羊:坚强,充满活力,直率,勇敢,并寻求冒险和挑战。

    Aries : forceful , energetic , direct , courageous , and seeks adventure and challenge .

  26. 我是白羊宫时段出生的。

    I was born under aries .

  27. 牛儿可不像白羊和双子座人那样,你最不能忍受的就是急急忙忙了。

    Unlike your Aries and Gemini neighbors , you , Taurus , can 't stand rushing .

  28. 京晶:不过11月左右白羊们应该乐于承担更多责任和权利。

    Yeah , but Aries should be willing to take on more responsibility and authority in November .

  29. 山下白羊河水,水质清澈、水量稳定,流入库区。

    Yamashita Bothriochloa water , water clarity , water stability , the inflow in the reservoir area .

  30. 随后天秤会想找个不那么令人费劲的对象,而白羊要找的则是更有魅力的一位。

    Later Libra will look for someone less demanding , and Aries will bind someone more adoring .