
bái xì bāo zēnɡ duō
  • leukocytosis
  1. 结论:糖尿病史、发热、白细胞增多和CT早期梗死征象是进展性缺血性卒中的独立危险因素。

    Conclusion : The independent risk factors of ischemic progressive stroke are the diabetes history , fever , leukocytosis and signs of early cerebral infarction on CT .

  2. 对两组患者的年龄、性别、血脂水平、血纤维蛋白原水平、血糖水平、发热、白细胞增多、平均动脉压、糖尿病史和CT早期梗死征象进行比较。

    Their ages , sexes , the levels of lipid , fibrinogen and blood glucose , fever , leukocytosis , mean arterial pressure , diabetes history and signs of early cerebral infarction on CT were compared .

  3. ABCDotELISA快速检测食品中单核白细胞增多症李氏杆菌

    The rapid detecting of Listeria monocytogenes in food by abc-dot-elisa

  4. 目的研究精液白细胞增多与精浆锌和酸性磷酸酶(ACP)的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship of semen plasma zinc , acid phosphatase and leucocyte .

  5. 目的:探讨白细胞增多在急性脑血管病(ACVD)发病中的作用。

    Objective : To investigate the role of leucocytosis in pathogenesis of acute cerebral vascular disease ( ACVD ) .

  6. 统计发现,共有88例(34.11%)诊断为SIRS,当作了年龄和ISS变量调整后,低体温和白细胞增多最能预示感染(P<0.01)。

    88 ( 34.11 % ) patients were diagnosed as SIRS . When adjusted for age and ISS , hypothermia and leukocytosis were the most significant predictors of infection ( P < 0.01 ) .

  7. 急性心肌梗死伴白细胞增多患者的临床特点及意义

    Clinical characteristics of acute myocardial infarction with leukocytosis and their significances

  8. 心肌梗死患者白细胞增多临床意义的探讨

    Clinical significance of white blood cell elevation in patients with myocardial infarction

  9. 维A酸致白细胞增多症的观察和护理

    Observing and nursing of patients with all-trans acid-induced leukocytosis

  10. 脓疱型牛皮癣发病急剧,有发热,全身不适等症状,白细胞增多。

    Pustular psoriasis rapid onset , with fever , general malaise and other symptoms , leukocytosis .

  11. 实验表明多型核白细胞增多。

    Laboratory tests show polymorphonuclear leukocytosis .

  12. 结论:精液白细胞增多可能影响精子的形态和顶体的完整。

    Conclusion Excessively high WBC concentration in semen could affect morphology of sperm and acrosomal intactness .

  13. 主要临床表现为发热,白细胞增多,局部疼痛、触痛,或伴肿胀。

    Main presentations of EGB were fever and leukocytosis , local pain , tenderness , and swelling .

  14. 急性发热性中性白细胞增多性皮病

    Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis

  15. 全血细胞计数异常包括嗜异染的白细胞增多和贫血,淋巴细胞和单核细胞计数稍后增高。

    Abnormalities initially detected on CBC included heterophilic leukocytosis and anemia ; lymphocytosis and monocytosis were detected later .

  16. 其特点是骨髓内的髓细胞异常增生,且分化不完全,导致造血功能异常(如粒细胞减少、血小板减少,或贫血),并伴有白细胞增多。

    The incompletely differentiated myelocytes can cause hematopoietic disorders , for example , decrease of granulocytes and blood platelets .

  17. 脑脊液常规生化检查异常90例,其中86例白细胞增多,16例蛋白定量增高。

    Routine biochemical test found 90 abnormal cases , of which 86 had leukocytosis and 16 had increased protein content .

  18. 血常规检查可见白细胞增多、血小板下降,并有尿蛋白阳性、血尿、尿内出现膜状物等肾功能损害表现。

    Blood examination showed leukocytosis , thrombocytopenia , and positive urinary protein , hematuria , urine inside membrane-like manifestations such as renal dysfunction .

  19. 临床症状和体征如上腹痛、后背痛、呕吐、发热、心悸、白细胞增多等均缺乏特异性。

    Clinical signs and symptoms , such as upper abdominal pain , back pain , vomiting , fever , tachycardia , and leukocytosis , are relatively nonspecific .

  20. 模型组与电针组家兔耳缘静脉注射大肠杆菌培养液复制白细胞增多模型,每天从耳缘静脉采血,测量外周血白细胞计数,造模后每天对电针组进行电针治疗。

    We duplicate the animal model of leukocytosis by bacterium coli injection through ear vein . The peripheral leukocyte count was measured for all animals every day .

  21. 曾有人报告,嗜酸性白细胞增多综合征患者,皮肤加压30秒,2~4分钟后立即发生压力性荨麻疹,可同时合并皮肤划痕症。

    There have been reports eosinophilia syndrome , skin pressure and30 seconds , 2 to4 minutes after the immediate pressure urticaria , skin scratch at the same time the merger disease .

  22. 慢性中毒:长期接触本品可致角膜混浊,继发性贫血,白细胞增多,神经衰弱综合症,工人发生皮肤干燥,皲裂,皮炎。

    Chronic poisoning : long-term exposure product can be caused by corneal opacities , secondary anemia , leukocytosis , neurasthenia syndrome , the workers place the skin dry , chapped , dermatitis .

  23. 心火亢盛灼肺侮脾型多见白细胞增多,尿蛋白增高,血尿,心动过速,左房增大,心包积液,胸透胸片可见两肺纹理阴影增高;

    For most of hyperactivity of cardiac fire burn lung insult spleen type : the sum of WBC increase , urine protein increased and positive RBC , tachycardia , left atrium enlarge , hydropericardium , roentgenoscopy : lung markings grows thick ;

  24. 精液异常主要是精子活力降低,其余依次为体积减少、精子存活率降低、白细胞计数增多、精子密度降低及pH值降低。

    The semen vigor decreasing is accounted for the first of semen abnormalities , followed in turn by bulk decreasing , sperm survival rate debasing , leukocyte counting growing , sperm density falling and the PH 's value decreasing .

  25. 他们还观察到不成熟的嗜中性的白细胞数目增多。

    They also observed an increase in the number of immature neutrophils .

  26. 造血组织的恶性癌症;特征是白细胞异常增多。

    Malignant neoplasm of blood-forming tissues ; characterized by abnormal proliferation of leukocytes ; one of the four major types of cancer .

  27. 白细胞数量增多的患者更容易患上急性心肌梗塞、急性冠状动脉等疾病。

    Patients with elevated white blood cell counts have been shown to be in a higher risk of developing acute myocardial infarction and acute coronary and vascular events .

  28. 脑缺血再灌注后,正常血糖组脑缺血坏死区周边微血管内皮细胞ICAM-1、TNF-α表达及白细胞浸润计数增多,并于24小时达高峰。

    ICAM-1 and TNF - α expression and leukocyte infiltration raised obviously and peaked at 24h after the cerebral ischemic-reperfusion .

  29. 结果(1)脑缺血再灌注后,脑缺血坏死区周边ICAM-1的表达及白细胞的浸润增多,并于24h达高峰;

    Results ( 1 ) There was a significant increase in the expression of ICAM-1 and leukocyte infiltration in the ischemic brain tissue , that peaked just at the 24h of reperfusion .

  30. 相反,摆脱了沮丧和恐慌,常常会使得体内白细胞间素增多,而这种物质在免疫系统中至关重要,它有助于激活克癌免疫细胞。

    Conversely , liberation from depression and panic is frequently accompanied by a an increase in the body 's interleukins , vital substances in the immune system that help activate cancer-killing immune cells .