
  1. 他的上衣肩上白白的净是头皮。

    The shoulders of his jacket were white with dandruff .

  2. 其中有种可食用的品种就长得小小白白的。

    The edible part of one variety is small and white .

  3. 光光的,白白的,把袋子都抛个一地。

    Then naked and white , all their bags left behind .

  4. 如果这个人是清清白白的。

    If this guy was pure as the driven snow .

  5. 飞机在大上看起来像一小团白白的东西。

    The plane looked like a tiny white blob in the sky .

  6. 那些文件都是清清白白的,韦恩。

    There is nothing incriminating on those files , wayne .

  7. 一点也没有弄虚作假,一切都是清清白白的。

    There is no deception ; everything is quite honest and clear .

  8. 但是他猛地一躲,白白的肥皂沫全都溅到了地板上了。

    But he ducked and the white foam spattered on to the floor .

  9. 我对学校的第一记忆是一股鸟粪味,地上白白的一片。

    My first memory of school is an guano smell , a white ground .

  10. 那个白白的女孩是从哪来的?

    Where does that white chick come from ?

  11. 他的母亲走在他的面前,一只手提着一个镶着,她那另一只松弛摆动的胳膊在阳光下显得白白的。

    Her other arm , swinging loose , was very white in the sun .

  12. 你们白白的得来,也要白白的舍去。

    Freely you have received , freely give .

  13. 这个永恒的救恩,基督徒是不会再失去了的,因为乃是白白的、免费的礼物!

    A Christian can never lose eternal salvation , it is a free gift !

  14. 但因神的恩典,借着在基督耶稣里的救赎,就白白的得称义。

    Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus .

  15. 这是来自于神的一个白白的恩典。

    It is a gift from God .

  16. 如果我们拿不到密函,那么桔梗就白白的死去了。

    If we don 't get the secret letter , kikyo 's death will be for nothing .

  17. 孩子不能白生,身体不可以白白的牺牲。

    Unable Bai Sheng of child , body can not be white laying down self 's life .

  18. 我辛苦赚到的钱,那不就是白白的跑到你们自己的口袋里去了!

    I worked hard to earn money , it is white does not go your own pocket gone !

  19. 如今却蒙神的恩典,因基督耶稣的救赎,就白白的称义。

    Mongolia now has the grace of God , for salvation of Jesus Christ , said Bai Baidi justice .

  20. 吃完晚饭,我们到社区周围散步,为了欣赏今天这圆圆的白白的月亮。

    After dinner , we went out and walked around the community to admire today 's round bright moon .

  21. “如今我又吃不着奶了,白白的养着祖宗作什么!”

    " I don 't need a wet-nurse any more , why should I keep an ancestress like this ?"

  22. 但是恩典赐给我们每一个人、却是按照基督白白的恩之分量。

    But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ .

  23. 满院子的花依次地出现&刚开始,花粉粉的,白白的。

    The yard is gradually covered by different flowers , with color in pink and white in the very beginning .

  24. 我们应谨记,所有恩宠都是白白的恩赐,是为了光荣天主而赐给我们的。

    We should remember that all graces are a pure gift and are given for the purpose of glorifying God .

  25. 他的白白的手臂上分布着明显的脉络,那双大手已经脏得再也洗不干净了。

    His white arm was roped with prominent veins , his finely made hands too stained ever to come clean .

  26. 她好像圈在屋里的一个蜜蜂,白白的看着外边的阳光而飞不出去。

    She was like a bee trapped in a room , seeing the sunlight outside but unable to fly out .

  27. 白白的糯米和绿绿的粽叶在妈咪的巧手中变成一串串芳香的粽子。

    White rice and green leaf in politics in the mummy of a dab hand into the fragrant rice dumplings .

  28. 划了两个钟头,湖面上依然没有第二只船,一切都是水,灰灰的,白白的。

    After two hours , there was still no other boat to be seen , only the grey and white water .

  29. 阿尔伯特是一个胖乎乎的小男孩,白白的脸颊圆乎乎肉嘟嘟的,黑色的头发常常乱成一团。

    Albert was a chubby little boy with pale , round cheeks and thick , black hair that was usually messy .

  30. 对于开发者呢,他们会感到他们的时间和天才被白白的浪费了,因为他们花时间建造了这个应用软件却没有人用。

    The developers feel their time and talents are wasted because they spent time building an application that is never used .