
  • 网络Bai national religion
  1. 在以往关于白族宗教的研究中,对佛教信仰和本主信仰的研究关注的最多。

    In the previous study on Bai religion , we paid most attentions to beliefs and Patron of the Buddhist belief .

  2. 大理白族妇女宗教信仰分析

    On the Religious Belief of Bai Women in Dali

  3. 分析要点主要包括信仰特点、宗教仪式和宗教的社会功能等方面,以期揭示当代白族村落宗教的文化特征。

    Analysis of key points including Belief , ritual and religion , social function , to reveal the contemporary religious and cultural characteristics of the Bai Religion .

  4. 本主信仰是白族民间宗教信仰的重要形态,这种形态历史悠久,对白族民众的生活产生了深刻而广泛的影响。

    The Patron faith is the folk religious beliefs of important form , this form has a long history , the Bai people life produced profound and extensive influence .

  5. 白族民间文学生动地揭示了道教对白族民众的深刻影响,也突出地展现了白族民众不为宗教拘囿的世俗文化心态。

    The Taoist features of Bai folk literature reveal the profound influence of Taoism upon Bai people and Bai people 's secular mentality .