
bái yún yán
  • dolomite
白云岩[bái yún yán]
  1. 河流冲积物、石灰岩、白云岩和钙质紫色砂页岩等发育的土壤CEC较高,而砂岩发育的土壤CEC较低,其余4种母质(岩)发育的土壤CEC介于它们之间。

    CEC in the soils developed from fluvial sediment , limestone , dolomite and calcareous purple sandy shale is higher ; CEC in the soils developed from sandstone is lower ; CEC in the soils developed from the rest 4 types of parent material / rock are between them .

  2. 白云岩改性钙镁粉及其应用

    Modified calcium - magnesium powder from dolomite and its application

  3. 安徽南部地区黄龙灰岩下部白云岩的时代

    The age of the basal dolomite of Huanglong Formation , Southern Anhui

  4. 白云岩深埋地下,具有良好的储集空间,可以形成高产油气藏。

    Deeper burial dolomite with good pore space can form prolific reservoir .

  5. 白云岩与盐酸非均相表面反应动力学研究

    A kinetic study of heterogeneous surface reaction between hydrochloric acid and dolomite

  6. 白云岩成因研究现状及进展

    Present situation and progress of research on dolomite genesis

  7. 白云岩钙镁填料的制备及其应用

    Preparation and application of calcium magnesium filler from dolomite

  8. 白云岩是一种常见矿产,我国的储藏量十分丰富。

    Dolomite is a common mineral , its reserves are abundant in our country .

  9. 白云岩成因相关问题及主要形成模式

    Critical Problems for Dolomite Formation and Dolomitization Models

  10. 白云岩成因的研究现状及相关发展趋势

    Study Actuality and Trend on Origin of Dolostone

  11. 白云岩(白云石)化学名称是碳酸钙镁,属非金属矿产。

    Dolostone ( dolomite ) chemical name is calcium magnesium , is a non-metallic mineral .

  12. 寒武系、奥陶系地层主要为灰岩和白云岩,其间赋存有较丰富的岩溶裂隙水。

    There is abundant karst fissure water in the limestone and dolomite of Cambrian and Ordovician .

  13. 白云岩问题与前寒武纪之谜研究进展

    Dolomite Problem and Precambrian Enigma

  14. 该剖面岩以石灰岩为主,含少量的硅岩、泥岩、页岩和白云岩。

    The rock types of this section include limestone , silicalites , mudstone , shale , dolomite .

  15. 莱芜市是矿业城市。煤、铁、石灰岩、白云岩、脉石英等矿产资源与水资源达到了较好的配套程度;

    Coal , iron , limestone , dolostone , vein quartz and water resources reach better complementary ;

  16. 白云岩研究的热点问题及研究发展方向可以归纳为五个方面:全球气候变化与白云石化事件;

    The research hotspots and trends on dolostone can be concluded as : ( 1 ) global climate change and dolomitizationevents ;

  17. 白云岩成因是碳酸盐岩岩石学中最复杂、争论时间最久、最难解决的问题之一。

    However the origin of dolomite is quite complex and difficult to solve in long term in the domain of carbonate petrology .

  18. 白云岩理石(汉白玉)粉产品概况及供货情况简介白云岩粉是我公司的主要产品之一。

    Brief Introduction of the White marble White marble powder is one of our major products made by Yingkou Shenlong Stone Products Co.

  19. 下奥陶统与寒武系相似,碳酸盐台地发育,以灰岩、白云岩为主。

    The lower Ordovician is similar to Cambrian , the carbonate platform developed and the tuff and dolomite rocks are in major .

  20. 台地内泻湖及点滩沉积物为回流一渗透云石化,形成的白云石以泥晶为主,白云岩孔隙不发育,粒间石膏充填强烈。

    Seepage-reflux dolomitization occurred in lagoons and point beachs . Dolomite is microcrystal and pores are less abundant and strongly filled with gypsum .

  21. 而外源水对白云岩的侵蚀速率在10-8mmol/cm2·s数量级,或约200mm/ka。

    Whereas , for dolomite , in the order of 10 - 8 mmol / cm 2 · s , or 200 mm / ka .

  22. 然而原生白云岩的成因一直是困扰沉积学界的难题,被称为白云岩问题。

    However , the genesis of early-formed dolomites has long been an enigma in sedimentology , often referred to as the " Dolomite Problem " .

  23. 储层主要形成于海侵期的海滩相砂岩、生屑滩相碳酸盐岩和高水位期的三角洲相砂岩、白云岩。

    The hydrocarbon reservoir may include beach-facies sandrock and carbonatite of biodetritus beach facies in transgression period , sandrock and dolomite of highstand delta facies .

  24. 在北带,泥盆纪白云岩,是由台盆&浅海陆棚相碎屑沉积物,在埋藏压实的条件下,经白云石化而成。

    In the northern belt of Qinling , the Devonian dolomite was formed by elastic sediments of platform-basin-shelf fecies through dolomization under buried and pressed conditions .

  25. 赋矿地层为上侏罗统雄黄厂段,主要由白云岩、灰岩、泥岩和粉砂岩组成。

    The Xionghuangchang section of the Upper Jurassic series is the principal ore-host strata , composed mainly of dolomite , limestone , mudstone , and siltstone .

  26. 在相同温压、相同比表面积的条件下,灰岩类岩石样品的启动溶蚀速率大于白云岩类岩石样品的启动溶蚀速率。

    In the same conditions of temperature , pressure and specific surface area , the start-up dissolution velocity of limestone sample is more than the dolostone 's one .

  27. 母岩主要有早古生代碳酸盐岩和白云岩、石炭一二叠纪含煤碎屑岩组成,少量太古代结晶变质岩和中、新生代中酸性花岗岩。

    Early Paleozoic rock are mainly carbonate , dolomite , Carboniferous - Permian coal-bearing clastic rock and a small amount of Archean crystalline metamorphic rocks and Mesozoic-Cenozoic granite acid .

  28. 白云岩和石灰岩山区石漠化速度差异原因分析赣东北地区早白垩世火山岩的岩石学及岩石化学特征

    Analyses on the Reason of Rocky Desertification Speed Difference of Dolomite and limestone in Mountain Area Petrological and petrochemical characteristics of Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks in northeast Jiangxi Province

  29. 海湾的海岸上广泛分布的震旦系,冷武系和奥陶系的石灰岩、白云岩等可溶性岩类。

    On the coast , of these bays sinian system , cambrian , series and Ordovician system 's limestone , dolomite and so on soluble crags class widespread distribute .

  30. 白云鄂博稀土-铌-铁矿是世界最大的稀土多金属矿床之一,主要产于中元古界富钠岩石、白云岩和富钾板岩中。

    The giant Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit is the world 's largest REE deposit , which is hosted mainly by Middle Proterozoic Na-rich rocks , dolomitic rock and K-rich slate .