
  • 网络etiological treatment;etilogical treatment;causal treatment
  1. 抢救措施:采用肾上腺素、糖皮质类固醇激素及病因治疗等综合治疗后,45例患者全部治愈。

    Salvage measure : 45 patients were treated with adrenalin , dexamethasone and etiological treatment and cured .

  2. 结论:小气道病变尽早针对病因治疗,部分患者可以恢复正常,对避免以小气道重塑为主的不可逆病变有重要意义。

    Conclusion : Some patients with small airway disease can recover by etiological treatment and early treatment plays an important role in avoidance of small airway remodeling .

  3. 除了针对病因治疗外,糖皮质激素及血小板制剂是治疗严重PT的有效手段。

    Besides therapy directing at the etiology , glucocorticoid and platelet transfusion are effective treatment for severe thrombocytopenia during delivery .

  4. 介绍吉兰-巴雷综合征(GBS)病因治疗的循证医学证据,主要包括血浆置换、静脉注射免疫球蛋白、糖皮质激素。

    To introduce etiologic therapy in evidence-based medicine ( EBM ) practice for Guillain-Barr syndrome ( GBS ), mainly including plasma exchange , intravenous immunoglobulin and glucocorticoid .

  5. 结论在HOPP的患者中,并非全有典型的临床表现,应注意其非典型表现和治疗特点,及时补钾治疗和病因治疗。

    Conclusion Not all the patients with HOPP are typical clinical situation . We must carefully find out its atypical clinical situation and therapy method for early supplying potassium salt and etiological factor therapy .

  6. 心源性晕厥患儿病因治疗与预后

    Prognosis and Etiological Treatment of Cardiogenic Syncope in Children

  7. 目的探讨儿童心源性晕厥病因治疗与预后的关系。

    Objective To explore the prognosis and etiological treatment of cardiogenic syncope in children .

  8. 肺灌洗排尘病因治疗的资料分析和实验研究

    Data analysis and experimental study on pathogenic therapy or lung lavage for dust removal

  9. 慢性溃疡的病因治疗与创面管理

    Pathogenetic treatment and wound managemant of chronic ulcer

  10. 病因治疗与辨证论治相结合治疗习惯性流产62例临床观察

    Clinical observation of 62 cases of habitual abortion using pathogenesis treatment together with dialectical multiple medical cure

  11. 若能明确胆红素增高的原因,则应针对病因治疗。

    If can make clear bilirubin to add tall account , should be aimed at pathogeny cure .

  12. 在手术治疗中,作者强调了对原发病的病因治疗和全身的支持疗法。

    As for surgery , the authors suggest that etiological treatment of primary disease and supportive management should be stressed .

  13. 汲取不同类型的模型优点,并同人类原型予以比较,对解读近视本质和病因治疗有深远意义。

    How to take in the advantage from different models and compare to human antitype are most important to myopia .

  14. 病因治疗及脱水、抗凝、溶栓等治疗效果好。

    Dehydration , anticoagulation , thrombolysis and etiologic treatment were utilized in the patients of CVT , the results were satisfied .

  15. 结论在针对病因治疗的基础上,糖皮质激素及血小板制剂是治疗严重妊娠合并血小板减少的有效手段。

    Conclusion Glucocorticoid and platelet transfusion are effective methods for severe thrombocytopenia in pregnancy , in addition to the treatment for the primary disease .

  16. 困此,伤后迅速温浸复温,及时的去纤、溶栓病因治疗是提高疗效的关键环节。

    It is suggested that the rapid rewarming , defibrination and lysothrombus after frostbite are play an important role in the increasing effect of treatment on severe frostbite .

  17. 结果7例患者经上述治疗均立即止血,配合病因治疗并静脉应用止血药物观察均未再咯血,总有效率100%。

    [ Results ] All the patients stopped bleeding immediately after the treatments , no further bleeding were observed by causes treatments and thrombin , with effective rate of 100 % .

  18. 因此本实验对重度烧伤患者早、中期合理补充微量元素提供了一定的理论依据,对烧伤病理学、病因治疗学上提供了一定的线索。

    Our result provides a theoretical clue for the replenishment of trace elements for severely burned patients in early and middle stage and offer a clue to pathology and etiological treatment of burn .

  19. 除病因治疗外,所有原发性性腺功能低减和没有生育力要求的继发性性腺功能低减病人都应采用雄激素替代治疗。

    Besides the etiological treatment , androgen replacement therapy should be adopted in all patients of primary hypogonadism and patients of secondary hypogonadism who do not have the need of having a child .

  20. 结论:通过该病例的分析与治疗,小腿部的皮肤结节可因甲状腺机能减退造成的粘液性水肿所致,通过病因治疗可以治愈。

    Conclusions : Depending on the analysis and treatment of this case , the nodules on shanks might originate from myxedema caused by hypothyroidism and can be cured by eliminating the origin of a disease .

  21. 其它治疗措施如抗感染、病因治疗、脏器功能支持、维持内环境稳定、营养支持、对症治疗等两组相同。

    Other measures , such as anti-infection treatment , the etilogical treatment , organ function support , maintain its internal environment stable , nutritional support , symptomatic treatment , and other measures were all the same .

  22. 方法1990年8月~2002年8月,对43例患者分别行病因治疗、皮片移植、皮瓣修复、换药治疗等综合方法。

    Methods From Aug 1990 to Aug 2002 , forty-three refractory cases with chronic ulcer of lower leg were treated . All of them had received the treatment of pathogenesis , free skin grafting , skin flap grafting and change dressing in our department .

  23. 若中西医结合治疗失眠则使双方相得益彰,既能够快速改善失眠症状,又能够因人而异,注重病因治疗,达到标本同治。

    If combination of Chinese and Western medicine therapeutics on insomnia can make the two sides complement each other . Not only can rapidly improve the symptoms of insomnia , but also can vary from person to person . Pay attention to etiological and pathogenesis .

  24. 全部病例根据病情予以休息、限制水钠摄入、吸氧及控制感染等诱发因素,针对基本病因治疗如控制血压、改善心肌供血等。

    All cases to be closed according to the disease , limiting sodium intake of water , oxygen and control of infection , predisposing factors , such as for the basic cause of treatment to control blood pressure , improve myocardial blood supply and so on .

  25. 88.2%家长愿意学习脆性X综合征的有关知识,如病因、治疗等。

    88.2 % parents were willing to learn the related information , such as its cause , treatment / rehabilitative methods .

  26. 本文对NEC病因及治疗进行探讨。

    The causes and treatment of neonatal NEC were discussed .

  27. 结论对COPD患者实施护理干预可提高患者对COPD疾病的病因、治疗、诱发因素等的了解;是改善患者气短症状、神经精神症状、血气、肺功能等的有效措施。

    Conclusion Nursing interventions to COPD patients could improve symptoms of COPD such as short of breath , mental condition , blood gas and pulmonary function .

  28. 方法:结合老年人肾脏的生理特点及引起ARF的病因、治疗及预后,对33例老年ARF患者进行总结分析。

    Methods : According to the renal physiological characteristics of the older , 33 cases of ARF in older were analyzed .

  29. 研究结果可为OCD病因及治疗的临床研究提供一定借鉴。

    The research results could provide necessary guidances for clinical research of pathology and therapeutics of OCD .

  30. 目前,dsRNA,特别是siRNA已被广泛而成功地应用于诸如基因功能研究以及疾病病因与治疗研究等多个领域[13-16]。

    DsRNA and siRNA have already been widely and successfully utilized for study of gene function and disease therapy research .