
  • 网络animal husbandry and veterinary medicine
  1. 转基因技术在畜牧兽医中的发展前景

    The developmental Prospects of Transgenic Techniques in Animal husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

  2. 畜牧兽医专业实践教学体系改革的探讨

    The Approach to the Reform of the Practice Teaching System of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine Specialty

  3. SCI收录的我国农林牧渔论文篇数各学科从多到少依次为农学、林学、畜牧兽医学、水产;

    Every discipline of thesis number of farming , forestry , husbandry and fishing of China that SCI includes is successively agronomy , forestry , animal husbandry veterinary science , aquatic products from more to less ;

  4. 作者于1983年开始将以葡萄糖&钠泵学说为理论的口服补液盐(ORS)技术引入我国畜牧兽医领域,经过几年的临床研究;

    In 1983 , the authors began to study the oral rehydration solution ( ORS ) which is based on the theory of glucose-sodium pump to control diarrhea and dehydration of calves , pigs , chickens and dogs , and the rate of effectivity was 86-98.7 % .

  5. 另外本文还对农业各类文献的利用进行统计分析,发现中文图书利用率最高的是农业综合类图书(S),达到了25%,西文为畜牧兽医(S8),达到22%。

    For the books cataloging in Agricultural sciences , the DURs of the Chinese books in comprehensive agriculture and the foreign books in animal husbandry and veterinary sciences were the highest ( up to 25 % and 22 % respectively ) .

  6. 学分制对畜牧兽医专业学生培养的影响

    The effect of credit system to student education of veterinary medicine

  7. 黑龙江畜牧兽医中国医学真菌学的发展


  8. 方法:药效学试验方法。黑龙江畜牧兽医

    Methods : Pharmacodynamic experiment methods . HEILONGJIANG ANIMAL SCIENCE AND VETERINARY MEDICINE

  9. 面向畜牧兽医学科的高校图书馆文献资源建设

    University Library Bibliographic Resources Construction Oriented to Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Disciplines

  10. 我国畜牧兽医科技工作者利用文献的探讨

    Study on the application of documents in animal husbandry and veterinary science research

  11. 以精品战略打造我国畜牧兽医科学的品牌期刊&《中国兽医学报》办刊理念的尝试与思考

    Experience of creating brand journals : Based on Chinese journal of veterinary science

  12. 畜牧兽医器械中的制冷与低温

    Refrigeration and cryogenics in animal husbandry and veterinary apparatus

  13. 畜牧兽医本科专业双师型师资队伍建设方案研究

    Study of Teacher-Technician Type Staff Training Program in Husbandry and Veterinary Undergraduate Specialty

  14. 《中图法·医学专业分类表》类目体系研究我国畜牧兽医类专业期刊分类的建议

    Class system of Special Classification for Medicine Classification on Chinese Animal and Veterinary Periodicals

  15. 高职畜牧兽医专业社会实践模式研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Higher Vocational Social Practice Mode of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

  16. 四要加强基层畜牧兽医技术推广体系的建设;

    Forth , to strengthen the technical extension system of livestock and veterinary in grassroots ;

  17. 因特网上畜牧兽医信息资源

    Livestock and Veterinary Information Resources on Internet

  18. 《青海畜牧兽医杂志》(1992&1998)参考文献评析

    Evaluation and Analysis on Reference Document for the Journal of Qinghai Animal and Veterinary Sciences

  19. 西南民族学院畜牧兽医硕士研究生论文及引文统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Postgraduate Students ' Theses and Quotations about Animal Science in Southwest Nationalities College

  20. 畜牧兽医科学研究所

    Institute of zootechnics and veterinary science

  21. 网络化平台对畜牧兽医行业科技核心期刊的影响

    The Effect of Network Platform to Scientific and Technical Core Periodicals of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Industry

  22. 黑龙江畜牧兽医中国针灸学史略

    Heilongjiang Animal Science and veterinary medicine a brief introduction to the history of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion

  23. 粮农组织具有强大的畜牧兽医技术力量以及迅速和简单的程序来部署人员、疫苗和设备。

    FAO possesses substantial veterinary expertise and fast and simple procedures to deploy staff , vaccines and equipment .

  24. 介绍了畜牧兽医器械的概念,及制冷与低温在畜牧兽医器械中的应用,展望了未来两者的结合前景。

    Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Apparatus has been introduced , and also refrigeration and cryogenics used in it .

  25. 《畜牧兽医杂志》期刊编辑排版格式(细则)

    Formats of Editing and Typesetting for 《 Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine 》 ( Detailed instructions )

  26. 1982年,我从湖北省襄阳地区中等专业农业技术学校畜牧兽医专业毕业。

    I graduated from the Hubei-based Xiangyang secondary speicalized agricultural technology school with a major in livestock veterinary in1982 .

  27. 产学合作教学模式使畜牧兽医专业办学步入良性循环

    Teaching Model of Collaboration between Industry and School Makes Running of Department of Husbandry and Veterinary in a Beneficial Cycle

  28. 对提高高职畜牧兽医专业教师综合素质问题的思考

    Reflections on Improving Vocational and Technical Institutions of Higher Professional Teachers in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Issues of the Overall Quality

  29. 经济类学术期刊论文和经济类大众读物中模糊限制机制的对比研究我国畜牧兽医类专业期刊分类的建议

    Hedging in Scholarly Journal Articles and Popular Magazine Articles on Business and Economics : A Comparative Study ; Classification on Chinese Animal and Veterinary Periodicals

  30. 《四川畜牧兽医学院学报》办刊评价及近五年载文、作者统计分析

    The Assessment to the Journal of Sichuan Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine and Statistical Analysis on the Authors in the Latest Five Years