
  • 网络resistance wire;electric resistance wire;electric resistant wire;Kanthal
  1. 连续斜电阻丝测量飞板速度时弯曲波影响的理论分析

    A theoretical analysis for the influence of bending wave on the flyer velocity determination measured by slanted resistance wire technique

  2. 由于电流通过变阻器的全部电阻丝,故A、B之间任意两点都有电势差。

    As the current through the varistor all the resistance wire , so A , B are any two points between the electrical potential difference .

  3. 外壳选用PTFE材料,内部使用外包PFA的电阻丝,含安全接地保护。

    It is made of PTFE shell , its resistance wire is capsuled with PFA and grounding wire for safety .

  4. 实验中,用斜电阻丝方法测量动态焊接参数:碰撞速度Vp、碰撞点速度Vc、碰撞角β;

    In the experiments , the dynamic welding parameters , such as the impact velocity V_p , the collision point velocity V_c , and the dynamic angle of collision β, are measured with slanting wire method ;

  5. 滑动头D可沿金属杆滑动,与电阻丝接触良好,改变其位置就可以改变AC(或BC)电阻。

    Sliding head D can slide along the metal bars , with good contact resistance wire , changing its location can change the AC ( or BC ) resistance .

  6. 微合金灰铸铁电阻丝的研制

    Study on the Resistance Wire of Microalloyed Gray Cast Iron

  7. 在电阻丝上测量薄透镜的焦距

    Measurement of the focal length of a thin lens by resistance thread

  8. 电阻丝蒸镀Si/Al膜特性及分析

    Characterization of the Resistance Wire Evaporated Si / Al Film

  9. 实验用电阻丝炉设计与制作

    Designing and making of the resistance wire furnace used in the experiment

  10. 另外,作者改进了再生系统中电阻丝布置和分区方法,并进行了试验研究。

    Furthermore the authors improved the arrangement of resistors and carried out tests .

  11. 如电阻丝烧断,应更换磁场变阻器。

    If the resistance wire is burnt out , change another field rheostat .

  12. 电阻丝应变计半自动制造机的研制

    A semi-automatic machine for manufacturing resistance strain gages

  13. 电阻丝螺旋加热体的计算机辅助设计

    Computer Aided Design of Spiral Wire Heating Elements

  14. 寒冷地区混凝土内部埋入电阻丝升温养护施工技术

    Construction technique of concrete curing by resistant wire pre-embeded in concrete in frigid cold area

  15. 这个加热器需要一组新电阻丝。

    This heater needs a new element .

  16. 电阻丝长度问题,是采取将所需长度的金属丝做成栅状结构的办法解决的。

    The conductor-length problem was solved by forming the required length of wire into a grid pattern .

  17. 采用自动控制电功率的电阻丝外加热来模拟实际工程中燃烧产物对炉膛的加热气化。

    Resistance wire heating with automatic control is used to simulate the actual products of gasification combustion furnace heating .

  18. 设计了电缆环形电阻丝线圈的结构形式。提出了模具设计、制造和使用过程中的注意问题。

    At last , some considerations about the design , preparation and use of the die were put forward .

  19. 超声波焊接是发达国家色带生产企业普遍采用的色带焊接方法,而国内企业均采用落后的电阻丝焊。

    Ultrasonic welding for ribbon is widely used in developed countries , electric resistance welding is still used in China .

  20. 应用数理统计方法确定应变电阻丝片灵敏系数的平均值及误差范围

    On the estimation of mean value and the setting of tolerance interval of the sensitivity coefficients of a lot of strain gages

  21. 本文提供了一种用电学原理在一根电阻丝上测量薄透镜焦距的实验方法。

    This paper proposes an experimental method to measure the focal length of a thin lens by using a resistance thread according to electricity principle .

  22. 玻璃绳具有较高的耐热性和绝缘性。适用于电器、仪表等绕组或电阻丝芯子。

    With its features of heat-resistance and insulation , it is a suitable material for insulating coils of electrical appliance and instruments and cores of resistors .

  23. 爆炸胀接是利用火药或者电阻丝(箔)的瞬间爆炸产生的超高压来完成胀接的,由于爆炸过程十分复杂,目前利用静力学和动力学难以对其进行分析。

    The explosion expanding is a tube to tube-sheet joint method that used powder or electric resistance silk ( foil ), which can produce ultra high pressure via explosion .

  24. 在断电状态下,测得电热器的电阻丝完好,熔断器也正常,判断是温控器失灵。

    In the state of the power , the resistance of the electric heaters , fuse silk in good condition is normal also , judgement is the thermostat failure .

  25. 本文对连续斜电阻丝测飞板速度时弯曲波的影响作了理论分析。

    A theoretical analysis about the effect of bending wave on the slanted resistance wire , which are used in measuring the flyer velocity , is proposed in this paper .

  26. 目前制灯行业的加热装置中所采用的气体火焰加热和电阻丝直接加热,都存在着烘箱温度不易控制达到所需工艺温度和上下温差悬殊等弊病。

    The heating apparatus currently used , heated either by flame or resistance wire , have the disadvantages of being difficult to reach the temperature required and big temperature differences between top and bottom .

  27. 在此基础上,进行了熔铝实验,得出电阻丝与坩埚外壁的距离对取料室铝液温度波动及电能的损耗影响最大,其次是铝锭的重量,取料的速度及铝锭的预热温度。

    Based on this results , aluminum melting experiments were proceeded next , which showed that distance between heating wire and crucible , ingot weight , pouring frequency and ingot pre-heat temperature affect the fluctuation in sequence .

  28. 利用微型电阻丝加热装置产生高温,采用镍铬热电偶探测样品的温度,在273~1113K温度范围,对橄榄石晶体进行了原位高温拉曼光谱研究。

    In-situ Raman spectra of olivine have been studied at temperatures 273 K to 1 113 K and at ambient pressure using resistance-wire heating . Temperature of the sample was measured by an alumel - chromel thermocouple .

  29. 从加热炉的供电设计及选择和加热炉温度电气控制系统的设计及方案选择两个方面阐述了顶部电阻丝加热金属热浸镀炉有关电气方面的设计及选择方法。

    Based on the speciality of the hot-dip furnace , from the design and methodic selection of the furnace 'S electric supplying and temperature-control system , to describe the electric appliance design and methodic selection of the hot-dip furnace heated by the top electric resistance wire .

  30. 这种智能材料结构基于电阻应变丝为传感元件,形状记忆合金为动作元件。

    In this structure , electrical resistance wires are used as sensors and shape memory alloys are used as actuators .