
  • 网络cabling;cable laying;cable layout;cable pulling
  1. 火电厂电缆敷设方式的选择

    Selection of Cabling Ways In Thermal Power Plant

  2. 已制定施工进度,以确保站台工程、轨道安装、系统安装及电缆敷设适当协调,互不干扰。

    The construction schedule has been established to ensure that the work on the platforms , the track installation , and the installation of systems and cabling are properly coordinated and do not interfere with each other .

  3. 基于Profibus网络的电力电缆敷设协同控制系统

    Coordinating control system for laying power cables based on Profibus network

  4. 35kV交联电缆敷设试验与试验终端的应用

    After-installation test of 35 kV XLPE cables and the application of test termination

  5. 从DCS对环境的要求、接地的要求、电缆敷设的要求等方面,阐述了DCS的安装要求,对DCS调试中存在的主要问题进行了分析,并提出了一些针对性的改进措施。

    The installation specifications on distribution control system are introduced from the requirements of DCS on environment , ground connection , cable laying and other aspects . According to the problems existed in debugging process analysis is carried out ; in addition , corresponding improvement measures are proposed .

  6. 简要分析了110kV交联电缆敷设施工过程中电缆进水的原因,介绍了进行干燥处理的过程,提出了从电缆选型到敷设施工的合理化建议。

    The cause of water seepage in a 110 kV XLPE cable during laying is briefly analyzed . The drying process is described and suggestions from type selection to laying of cables given .

  7. 就上述设备的供电电源电压选择、照明形式的选择、照明控制、电缆敷设等几方面作了比较,得出长距离铁路线照明宜采用10kV中压配电及可倾倒式道路灯的结论。

    Here is a conclusion , that 10 kV mid-tension power distribution with inclinable road lamp are desired choice for far-reaching railway , drawn from comparing the said devices as to power voltage , illumination pattern , illumination control , cabling .

  8. 海底交联聚乙烯电力电缆敷设故障的分析

    Analysis of fault caused by installation of submarine XLPE power cables

  9. 海底电缆敷设后的试验和注意要点

    The Test and Key Point for Attention after Submarine Cable Laying

  10. 飞机发动机的监控技术及其发展趋势飞机电缆敷设

    The Developing Tend of Aeroengine Control Cable Arrangement in an Aircraft

  11. 电缆敷设船海底电缆敷设船这艘船在风暴中损失了大部分帆篷缆索。

    The ship lost most of her rigging in the storm .

  12. 飞机机轮刹车装置维修飞机电缆敷设

    Maintenance of Wheel and Brake Cable Arrangement in an Aircraft

  13. 实用新型系列电缆敷设机具的设计与使用

    Design and Application of Practical and Novel Series Cable Layer

  14. 远距离跨海大桥高压电缆敷设工程

    Cable Laying Project of Long Distance Bridge Cutting Across Sea

  15. 盐碱地区电缆敷设方式的探讨

    Discussion on Laying Methods of Electrical Cable in Saline-alkaline Land

  16. 贵阳市南部中心区中低压电缆敷设方式简述

    The laying methid of MV and LV cable in south of Guiyang

  17. 电站电缆敷设模拟系统软件介绍

    Introduction about Software of Simulation System for Cable Layout in Power Plant

  18. 增加在空间的因素,槽为电缆敷设。

    Increase in the space factor of chutes for the cable laying .

  19. 飞机导航设备自动测试系统飞机电缆敷设

    The Automatic Testing System for Airplane Navigation Equipment Cable Arrangement in an Aircraft

  20. 电缆敷设路径示意图见lh101-21el-dr-01。

    See lh101-21el-dr-01for schematic diagram of cable laying path .

  21. 农用直埋电缆敷设与接续方法

    The Laying and Splicing Method of Rural Direct-Buried Cable

  22. 基于协同学习的蚁群电缆敷设系统

    Ant Colony Cable Laying System Based On Cooperative Learning

  23. 胜利油田海底电缆敷设工程安全对策浅谈

    Brief Discussion about Safety Measures of Submarine Cable Laying in Shengli Oil Field

  24. 飞机地面保障设备的发展趋势飞机电缆敷设

    The Development Direction of Airplane Ground Support Equipment Cable Arrangement in an Aircraft

  25. 电厂电缆敷设设计与工程管理系统的研究

    Computer Aided Design & Management for Cable Laying Project

  26. 这些规律性成果对埋地电缆敷设工程设计具有指导意义。

    This results can guide design of buried cables .

  27. 电缆敷设安装的最小弯曲半径应符合规范规定。

    The minimal anchor radius for the cable should comply with the specifications .

  28. 电缆敷设系统的核心是计算电缆路径的算法。

    The core of cable laying system is the calculation of cable route algorithm .

  29. 伊朗阿拉克电厂的电缆敷设

    Cable Laying in Arac Power Plant , Iran

  30. 微型计算机在电缆敷设设计中的应用

    Application of Microcomputer in Design of Cable Layout