
  • 网络ECS
  1. 基于HLA的电子对抗系统仿真平台设计

    Design of the Simulation Platform Based on HLA for Electronic Warfare System

  2. 文章介绍了利用UML建立电子对抗系统指挥控制模型的方法和过程,并给出了部分分析实例。

    The method and process which using UML to model command and control of EWS ( electronic warfare system ) are introduced in this paper , and some examples ar.

  3. 基于云模型的机载电子对抗系统效能评估方法

    Effectiveness Evaluation of Airborne EW System Based On Cloud Model

  4. 自卫电子对抗系统对战斗机作战效能的影响分析

    Analysis of the self-defense ECM system to fighter airplane 's operational effectiveness

  5. 某型飞机综合电子对抗系统的模拟实现

    Simulation of the Electronic Countermeasure System for a Certain Plane

  6. 舰载电子对抗系统作战效能评估研究

    Researches On Operational Effectiveness Evaluation of Shipborne Electronic Warfare System

  7. 电子对抗系统中的一种实用控制电路

    A Kind of Practical Control Circuit in Electronic Countermeasure System

  8. 电子对抗系统效能仿真支撑环境研究

    Study on Support Environment of EW System Effectiveness Simulation

  9. 在电子对抗系统中,无源定位具有十分重要的作用。

    ABSTRACT The passive location systems play an important role in electronic countermine .

  10. 无人机在舰载电子对抗系统中的应用

    Application of the Pilotless Aircraft in Naval EW System

  11. 舰艇电子对抗系统的仿真研究

    Research on Simulation System for Ship Electronic Countermeasures

  12. 电子对抗系统中雷达情报综合技术研究

    Radar Association Algorithm in the Electronic Counter System

  13. 电子对抗系统控制软件的人机交互界面设计

    User Interface Design in EW Software

  14. 红外告警显控功能在机载电子对抗系统中的实现

    The Implementation of the Display / Control Function of IR Warning in the airborne ECM System

  15. 电子对抗系统效能分析

    Electronic Warfare System Effectiveness Analysis

  16. 本文提出了舰载电子对抗系统作战效能综合数学模型。

    This paper proposes a comprehensive mathematical model about operational effectiveness evaluation of shipborne electronic warfare system .

  17. 文章主要针对引导式电子对抗系统,利用层次分析法计算系统效能。

    The effectiveness of instructed EW system is calculated by using analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) in this paper .

  18. 雷达情报综合是电子对抗系统数据处理中的重要环节,它可以有效地消除虚假和重复雷达。

    Radar association is a key issue of the electronic counter system now because it can reduce the false and repeat the radar .

  19. 系统4条中继线可与电子对抗系统站间通信网的上级指挥中心连接,也可入公用电话交换网。

    Relay line of the system were linked to superior command center of communication network between stations , and linked to public phones witching network .

  20. 被动雷达是电子对抗系统中重要的组成部分,已成为各国未来武器系统中重要的发展方向之一。

    As important part of electromagnetic countermeasure system , the development and application of passive radar is one of primary development directions in the future weapon systems of various nations .

  21. 面对日益复杂的雷达信号环境,新一代电子对抗系统还必须具有提取和分析雷达信号细微特征的能力。

    In the face of more and more complex radar signal environment , ECM systems of new generation must have the ability to analyse and pick up radar signals ' intra-pulse fine features .

  22. 用电子对抗系统仿真器代替真实的设备参与飞机航电系统综合试验,是为了获得更好的动态效果,减少测试的复杂性,降低实际费用。

    In order to obtain a better dynamic effect and reduce test complexity and cost , a simulated electronic warfare system , instead of real equipment , is used in integration tests of an avionics system .

  23. 相位码雷达信号具有辐射功率低,脉内有复杂的相位调制和处理增益高的特点,使电子对抗系统难以对它截获、分析和干扰。

    The phase-coded radar signals feature a low radiation power , sophisticated intrapulse modulation and high processing gain , which makes it difficult for eletronic countermeasure ( ECM ) systems to intercept , analyze and jam radar signals .

  24. 电子对抗系统建模仿真大都涉及多种武器平台的联合作战与电子信息对抗,战场环境复杂,数学模型规模庞大,输入输出数据繁多。

    Moreover , the modeling of the electronic confrontation sysem is mostly related to a variety of weapon platforms regarding electronic information confrontation , the increasingly complex battlefield , large-scale mathematical models , and numerous input and output data .

  25. 电子对抗系统效能分析是确定电子对抗系统可靠性指标和分析电子对抗系统作战能力的重要手段,文章建立了电子对抗系统效能分析数学模型,提出了进行装备效能分析的一般方法。

    Electronic warfare ( EW ) system effectiveness analysis is an important method for decision on electronic warfare system reliability characteristic and analysis on EW system operation ability . A math model is established for EW system effectiveness analysis . A general means for equipments effectiveness analysis is pointed out .

  26. 采用HLA体系结构对电子对抗仿真系统框架进行了设计。

    An ECM simulation system framework is designed based on HLA .

  27. 基于HLA的电子对抗仿真系统成员设计研究

    ECM simulation system federate design based on HLA

  28. 电子对抗仿真系统中多媒体技术的应用

    The Application of Multimedia Technology in Electronic Countermeasures Simulation System

  29. 雷达电子对抗仿真系统控制管理研究

    Control and Management Study of Radar Electronic Opposing Simulation System

  30. 数据库在雷达电子对抗仿真系统中的应用

    Applications of Database in ECM & ECCM Simulation Systems