- electric field

[electric field] 有电荷接近或周围磁场强度有变化的区域,这个区域对引入的电荷施加机械力。任意一点的电场方向就是置于该点的一个小正电荷的受力方向
This forms the basis for our mathematical expression for the electric field .
Determination of Net Electric Field in Dielectric Barrier Discharge in N_2 by Relative Spectrum Line Intensity
The electric and magnetic fields have been amalgamated into electromagnetic field tensor .
Electric field distribution in charge imbalance super junction
Selective Apoptosis of the K562 Cells Induced by High Intensity Pulsed Electric Fields
The Influence of Electric Field Distribution in Drift Tube to IMS Resolution
It was expected this nanowire will have widely applications in nano-electronics .
The electric field integral equation ( EFIE ) is solved using MOM to obtain the equivalent current on the cylinder .
The paper studies the characteristics and regular rules of multi-energy fields synergistic photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange .
Study on inverse problem of electric field for high voltage SF_6 arc quenching chamber
Numerical Simulation of Electric Field and Electron Trajectory in FED with Spacers Application of Matlab in the Courses of the Electric and Information Profession
Effect of Fe Content on Low Temperature Combustion Synthesis of Fe-Ti-C System Based on Action of Electric Field
Then , the effect of treatment condition , chemical modification method and the voltage of electric fields on ionic exchange membrane separation efficiency of dioxide carbon are studied .
He structure and properties of ethyl cellulose liquid crystal , and low molecular liquid crystal composite membranes were studied and the gas permeability was measured .
Kinetics of 8 ' phase precipitation and influence of electric field applying during solution process are studied by differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) technique .
SF_6 is widely used in high-voltage circuit breakers because of its excellent insulating performance in uniform electric field .
It was studied that the influence of monomers proportions , PVP and cross-linker contents on the mechanical property and electronic responsivity .
Some useful simulation results of electric field profile in power MOST 's with lateral structures by making use of the program are also given .
Effects of supersonic beam and pellet injection on edge electric field and plasma rotation in HL-1M Tokamak
The transverse electric and magnetic fields compose of the dual . With the Hamilton variational principle , the symplectic semi-analytical equations are derived and preserve their symplectic structures .
Some numerical results about the relations between the ground state energy and the Coulomb binding parameter , the parabolicity parameter , and electric field strength are obtained .
The fabrications of glass microfluidic chips by using photolithograph , wet etching and thermal bonding methods and PMMA microfluidic chip by hot embossing and direct bonding methods were studied .
The linear relation between the reverse breakdown voltage and un-doping active region ′ s thickness of PIN light emitting diode ( LED ) was analyzed by using the ideal PIN structure ′ s electric field distribution model .
Delayed propagation of indentation cracks in a batio_3 ceramic under sustained field
Electric Stress Calculation and Design Optimisation of SF_6 Current Transformer According to the characteristic and the precision demand , it improved the electric calculation method of surface charge .
Electric field in bounded-wave simulator excited by different rising time EMP is calculated using the method of moment ( MoM ) and fast multipole method ( FMM ) .
The chemical etched surfaces of PPLN reveal the relative characters of electric poling behavior .
When the method is applied to one and three orders SiC stress-grading coating , the measured values agree well with the calculated ones on the various spots , indicating the accuracy and reliability of this method .
Relative activity change of PE had good correlation with electric field intensity and pulse numbers , and the values of R ~ 2 were 0.988 and 0.953 , respectively .
At the same time , we took improved HH model as study object and after theoretical analyse and simulation we analyze its phenomenon ;