
  • 网络power convertor
  1. 软开关技术及其在大电力变流器中的应用

    Soft Switching Technique and Its Application in Large Power Current Transformer

  2. 电力变流器深控时对变流变压器设计参数的影响

    Analysis on the Effects of Transformer Design Parameters at Deeply Controlled Power Converter

  3. GB/T13422-1992半导体电力变流器电气试验方法

    Power semiconductor converters-Electrical test methods

  4. 电力变流器和其他非线性负荷向电力系统“注入”谐波电流,引起一系列问题。

    The power converters and other nonlinear loads " inject " the harmonic current into the power systems and cause a series of problems .

  5. 大量电力变流器和非线性负荷产生的谐波可以引起电力系统低功率因数、低效率运行,还可以引起电压电流失真以及输配电网中电能损耗的增加。

    As a result , harmonics were generated from the power converters or non-linear loads that caused the power system operate with low power factor , low efficiency , voltage and current distortions , and increased losses in transmission and distribution lines .

  6. 为基于SVPWM的电力电子变流器的研究打下了基础,并且对电力电子技术的教学也起到辅助作用。

    The results are elementary effort for SVPWM based on the power electronic converter , and also are of benefit to PE course teaching .

  7. 载波移相调制技术(CPS-SPWM)是一种适用于大功率电力开关变流器的优秀调制策略,能够在较低的器件开关频率下实现高等效开关频率的效果。

    Carrier Phase Shift SPWM ( CPS-SPWM ) is an excellent modulation strategy that suitable for high power switch devices , it can realize the equivalent high switch frequency while working at low switch frequency .

  8. 电力电子变流器中涡流损耗的一种算法

    A Algorithm for the Eddy Current Loss in the Power Electronic Converter

  9. 电力电子变流器是两者之间唯一可行的接口。

    Power electrical converter is the only feasible interface .

  10. 交流传动电力机车变流器与车载电气设备相互影响的研究

    Study on Interaction between Converters and On-Board Electrical Equipments for AC Drive Locomotive

  11. 供变速风机使用的电力电子变流器

    Power Electronic Converters for Variable Speed Wind Turbines

  12. 随着非线性负荷容量不断增大,特别是大量电力电子变流器的广泛使用,使得电网电能污染日益严重。

    With the rapid increase of non-linear load capacity specially widely-used power electronic devices , power pollution becomes more and more serious .

  13. 为解决交直系统的低功率因数问题,本文提出了功率因数为1的新型交直直电力机车变流器的新思想。

    The conception of a new type power converter is introduced to solve the the problem of low power factor in AC-DC systems .

  14. 同时,该平台由于其通用性,也能够用于绝大多数电力电子变流器的产品开发和科学研究。

    Due to the generality , this platform can also be implemented to the researches and products development for most types of power electronic converters .

  15. 文章主要介绍了在变速风力发电系统中使用的几种不同电力电子变流器的拓扑结构和它们在其它系统中的应用及目前的发展情况。

    This paper presents several different power converter topologies in variable speed wind generation systems . Finally , this paper presents other applications for the technology and developments .

  16. 电力电子变流器是超导储能线圈与电网间的桥梁,是超导储能系统的核心部件之一。

    Power electronics converter or so called power conditioning system ( PCS ) is the bridge between the superconducting coil and the power network , it 's a key parts of the SMES .

  17. 由于冲击性负荷自身的非线性以及电力电子变流器在其控制系统中的应用,将导致配电网功率因数的降低,同时向电网注入大量谐波。

    Due to nonlinear nature of the impact loads plus application of the power electronic converters in the control systems , heavy harmonics will be injected into distribution systems together with reducing power factor .

  18. 交流双馈变速恒频风力发电系统由于其电力电子变流器容量小、具有良好的输入输出特性、控制系统简单等优点受到越来越多的关注。

    The AC doubly-fed VSCF wind power systems because of its power electronic converters capacity is small , has the good input / output characteristics and simple control system , so it becomes the focus of attention .

  19. 随着大量电力电子变流器及各种非线性负荷在电力系统中的广泛应用,各国电力工作者已经对它们所带来的各种电能质量相关问题高度重视。

    While a large number of converters based on power electronics techniques and other nonlinear loads are widely used in power systems , the electric workers of many countries have already paid close attention to various kinds of the relevant power quality problems that these equipments bring .

  20. 如今,大量电力电子变流器以及其它非线性负荷(如电弧炉等)得到了广泛应用,不幸的是,在提高生产力的时候它们在电力系统中导致了严重的电能质量恶化。

    In these years , a lot of converters based on power electronics techniques and other nonlinear loads ( for example , arc furnaces ) have been widely used to promote production , but unfortunately , they have been resulting hi deterioration of power quality ( PQ ) .

  21. SOM神经网络在电力机车主变流器故障诊断中的应用

    Application of SOM Neural Network on Fault Diagnosis of Main Converter on Electric Locomotive

  22. 对电力机车主变流器的输出电压波形采用能量分布特征提取方法和优化BP算法,提出了基于小波变换和BP神经网络的主变流器故障智能诊断系统。

    Method of extraction of energy distribution characteristics and optimized BP algorithm is used for the output voltage waveform of main converter for electric locomotive . It is put forward the intelligent fault diagnosis system for main converter based on small wave transformation and BP neural network .

  23. 本文介绍了8K型电力机车辅助变流器的特点、主电路元件参数及控制。

    It is introduced here the characteristics , the parameters of the power circuit devices and the control method of the auxiliary converter of 8K electric locomotive .

  24. 基于遗传神经网络的电力机车主变流器故障诊断

    Fault Diagnosis of Locomotive Converter based on Genetic Neural Network

  25. 电力机车主变流器故障智能诊断系统

    Intelligent fault diagnosis system for main converter of electric locomotive

  26. 微机控制电力机车主变流器均压均流试验台研制

    The Development of Microcomputer controlled Voltage and current sharing Test Equipment of Main converter of Electric Locomotive

  27. 总之,本文提出的诊断方法具有实时性强、准确性高的特点,对电力机车主变流器故障诊断具有积极的理论指导意义。

    In short , the diagnosis method proposed in this paper was real-time , high accuracy and was a positive theory guidance for the fault diagnosis of Electric locomotive converter .

  28. 城市轨道交通电动车组电力电子器件与变流器发展趋势

    Development of Power Electronic Devices and Converters in Urban Rail Vehicle

  29. 整流器作为电力机车电源侧变流器,是整个交流牵引传动系统的重要组成部分。

    As the convertor of the electric locomotive in ac side , rectifier is one of the most important components for the whole traction and drive system .

  30. 本文将混合型有源电力滤波器应用于变流器直流侧,实现电解电容的硅解。

    This paper apply shunt active-passive hybrid filter replacing the electrolytic capacitor to the dc-link of the inverter to realize the silicon solution of the electrolytic capacitor .