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  • 网络Schenck;Schenk;Juliane Schenk;Schenck Process;Shenker
  1. 介绍了申克公司的IPA称量仪的结构、测量原理、控制方式,以及影响测量精度的因素。

    The structure , meter principle , control type and the factors that have effect on the meter precision of IPA weightometer of Schenck Company were introduced .

  2. 美国明尼苏达大学医学院(UniversityofMinnesotaMedicalSchool)的精神病学家、睡眠专家卡洛斯·H·申克(CarlosH.Schenck)博士说,某些梦发生在所谓的“混合睡眠”,也就是俗话说的半睡半醒状态下。

    Some dream episodes occur during what is known as " mixed-state sleep " - when the boundaries between wakefulness and sleep become fragmented , said Dr. Carlos H. Schenck , a psychiatrist and sleep expert at the University of Minnesota Medical School .

  3. 申克孢子丝菌的随机扩增DNA指纹分型

    Typing of Sporothrix schenckii by Random Amplification of DNA Fingerprinting

  4. 结果:30株菌株镜下可见2种形态结构;30株申克孢子丝菌的DNA指纹带型不同;

    Results : 30 strains had two different forms in EMS with different patterns in DNA fingerprinting .

  5. 应用巢式PCR检测实验小鼠组织中申克孢子丝菌

    Detection of Sporothrix schenckii in experimentally infected mice tissues by a nested PCR assay

  6. HPLC法检测申克孢子丝菌的辅酶Q系统

    Ubiquinone System Analysis of Sporothrix Schenckii by HPLC Assay

  7. 目的探讨一种真菌化学分类的新方法,了解申克孢子丝菌不同临床株的辅酶Q系统。

    Objective To establish a new chemotaxonomic method of fungi , to analyse ubiquinone system of different clinical isolates of Sporothrix schenckii .

  8. 目的利用探针与DNA印迹法对申克孢子丝菌进行种内分型,探讨其基因型特征与菌种来源及临床表现的关系。

    Objectives To identify genotypes of 31 Sporothrix schenckii ( S.schenckii ) strains by Southern blotting and to explore the relationship between genotypes and geographic distributions and clinical manifestations .

  9. 方法对22株申克孢子丝菌和12种12株暗色真菌临床分离株的核糖体DNA(rDNA)内转录间隔区(ITS)进行聚合酶链反应扩增。

    Methods Species-specific primers were used to amplify the internal transcribed spacer region 2 of rDNA of 22 clinical isolates of Sporothrix schenckii and 12 strains of dematiaceous fungi .

  10. 某烧结厂CENTUM-CS与申克皮带秤间的通讯

    Communication between CENTUM-CS and weigh belt in a sintering plant

  11. 碘化钾体外抗申克孢子丝菌能力的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Potassium Iodide Against Sporothrix Schenckii in Vitro

  12. 内蒙古乌兰浩特地区申克孢子丝菌及暗色真菌的生态学研究

    Study on ecology of sporotrichum schenckii and dematiaceous fungi in Ulan Hot

  13. Shenck(申克)汽车底盘测功机惯性系统的开发设计

    Development and Design of Inertia System of Vehicle Chassis Dynamometer

  14. 论申克理论对古典音乐演奏的影响

    On the Influence of Schenck 's Theory upon the Classical Music Performance

  15. 宁夏地区申克氏孢子丝菌病的研究

    Study on Sporotrichosis Caused by Sporothrix in Ningxia Region

  16. 目的:研究和首报宁夏地区申克氏孢子丝菌所致孢子丝菌病。

    Objective : To study the Sporotrichosis caused by Sporothrix in Ningxia region .

  17. 感染申克孢子丝菌小鼠血清NO含量变化的实验研究

    The Experimental Study in Changes of Serum NO Content in Mouse with Sporothrix Schenckii

  18. 护士:你好。我是肯特小姐,申克医生的护士。

    Nurse : Hello . I 'm Miss Kent , Dr. Shenk 's nurse .

  19. 申克烧结配料技术的引进与消化

    Introduction and digestion of Schenck Proportioning Technique

  20. 低温冷冻对申克氏孢子丝菌的影响

    Effect of Cryogenic Freeze on Sporothrix Schenckii

  21. 简释申克的即兴创作概念&肖邦《波洛涅兹幻想曲》个案分析

    Elucidating the Notion of Improvisation of Schenck

  22. 申克孢子丝菌分子生物学鉴定、分型及其与孢子丝菌病临床型别关系研究

    Molecular Identification and Genotyping of Sporothrix Schenckii and Its Relationship with Clinical Manifestations of Sporotrichosis

  23. 孢子丝菌病是一种由申克孢子丝菌引起的人犬共患的真菌性疾病。

    Sporotrichosis is a fungal disease caused by Sporothrix schenckii that affects both dogs and humans .

  24. 德国申克公司的汽车测试技术

    Schenck 's Auto Testing Technique

  25. 目的:研究申克孢子丝菌和暗色真菌的分布情况及其生态学。

    Objective To investigate the distribution and ecology of Sporothrix schenckii and dematiacious fungi in Jilin District of Jilin Province .

  26. 近年来,本病的发病率有上升的趋势,艾滋病患者感染申克孢子丝菌的报道也明显增多,这对本病的早期诊断提出了更高的要求。

    Recently , the incidence of sporotrichosis is increasing and it needs a more effective method of early diagnosis of the disease .

  27. 真菌培养52例中47例(90%)证实为申克孢子丝菌。

    The pathological tissues of 52 cases were cultured , and 47 cases ( 90 % ) were confirmed to be Sporothrix schenkii .

  28. 目的:探讨不同临床表现型和不同颜色菌落的申克孢子丝菌细胞的脂肪酸组成成分之间的相关性。

    Objective : To determine the relationship between different clinic patterns and different color isolates of Sporothrix shenkii and cellular fatty acid compositions .

  29. 本文介绍了澳大利亚申克公司快速定量装车系统的结构、设备配置和工作原理以及在现场的应用情况。

    This text introduces the structure , equipment deployment , working principle and application practice on site of quickly ration loading system in Shenke company of Australia .

  30. 直到1919年,霍尔姆斯大法官在审理申克案时创设的明显和现存的危险标准,才使得第一修正案真正浮出水面。

    The First Amendment was not used until the year 1919 , when Justice Holmes first created a " clear and present danger " standard in the Scheck case .