- 名methylcyclohexane

The experiment indicated that in the range of 350-550 ℃ ZnO possessed the catalytic activity for direct dehydrogenation of cyclohexane and methylcyclohexane to benzene and xylene .
The additional activity could be ascribed to the unsaturated tungsten sites , where the activated hydrogen spilt over from the neighboring metallic sites could hydrogenate the adsorbed benzene and toluene with the formation of cyclohexane and methylcyclohexane , respectively .
From the aspect of dynamic energy balance , this paper studied the multiphase dehydrogenation of methylcyclohexane ( MCH ) catalyzed by Raney-Ni in small glass equipment .
Among the fingerprint parameters of light hydrocarbon , indexes of MCH and CA are developed and selected as optimum parameters for parent material type and maturity , respectively , by studying the characteristics of hydrocarbons absorbed by source rocks and light hydrocarbons in natural gas .
The experimental results demonstrate that compared with the original crude oil sample , the mean molecular weight of the upgraded sample decreases , the content of sulfur changes from 0.45 % to 0.23 % , the content of resin and asphaltene reduces 15.83 % and 15.33 % , respectively .
Hydrogen storage technology based on toluene and methylcyclohexane reversible reaction
Equilibrium Conditions Measurement and Prediction of Methylcyclohexane Gas Hydrate
Preparation of methylcyclohexanol and methylcyclohexanone from aerobic oxidation of methylcyclohexane catalyzed by metalloporphyrins
Measurement and correlation of vapor liquid equilibrium data for benzene cyclohexane methyl cyclohexane DMF systems
A Study on Vagour Liquid Equilibrium of Methyl Cyclohexane ( 1 ) Toluene ( 2 ) Binary System at Subatmospheric Pressures
Liquid-liquid Equilibria for the Systems of Polystyrene in Cyclohexane and Methylcyclohexane ⅰ . Experimental Determination of Cloud Point Curve and Spinodals
Under constant temperature ( 30 ℃), the vapour liquid equilibrium data of binary system was measured for n heptane toluene and methyl cyclohexane Toluene .
Having compared all separating ways , the authors made a proposal to refine n-heptane and reclaim methylcyclohexane from 120 solvent oil by using composite extraction separation .
The effect of liquid hydrocarbon ( cyclopentane and methylcyclohexane ) on methane hydrate formation conditions is studied experimentally . The experimental results show that the formation pressure of methane hydrate is depressed greatly and the hydrate structure is changed with the presence of liquid hydrocarbon .
With the new interaction parameters , the equilibrium of the systems water + caprolactam + 1-heptanol , water + caprolactam + 1-heptanol + heptane and water + caprolactam + 1-heptanol + methyl cyclohexane were predicted . All the prediction results fitted the experimental data very well .
Studies of free radical reaction . The reaction of Grignard reagents with 2-bromo-2,3-dimethylbutane and with 1-chloro-1-methylcyclohexane in the presence of cobaltous halide