
tián jìnɡ bǐ sài
  • athletic meeting
  1. 那是田径比赛结束的前一天。

    It 's the last but one day in the athletics programme

  2. 以历届奥运会田径比赛各项最好成绩为基础,利用灰色理论的GM(1,1)模型方法探讨了奥运会田径项目的发展变化趋势。

    Based on best performance of each event in track and fields in Olympic Games , this paper discusses the developing trend through using the GM ( 1,1 ) of Grey theory .

  3. SarahAttar成为沙特阿拉伯国家史上第一位参加奥运会的女性,星期三当天她头裹头巾参加了伦敦奥运800米田径比赛预赛并最后一个跑完全程。

    Sarah Attar has become the first Saudi woman to compete in Olympic track and field , wearing a headscarf and finishing last in her 800-meter heat Wednesday .

  4. 乔和我打算参加田径比赛。

    Joe and I are going to run in the race .

  5. 2004雅典奥运会田径比赛综述

    Summary of Track and Field Competition in 2004 Athens Olympic Games

  6. 最重要的田径比赛有哪些?

    What are the most important competitions in track and field ?

  7. 第十届全运会田径比赛述评

    Comment on the track and filed game in 10th National Games

  8. 计算机在少儿田径比赛中的应用

    The Application of Computer in the Children Track and Field Game

  9. 论第26届奥运会田径比赛特点

    Features of track and field events in 26th Olympic Games

  10. 她将在田径比赛中担任计时员。

    She is going to be a timekeeper at the track meet .

  11. (两人又全神贯注地观看田径比赛了。)

    ( They concentrate on the track and field competition again . )

  12. 玲,田径比赛中你最喜欢什么项目?

    What 's your favorite event in track and field , Ling ?

  13. 田径比赛大多都是在户外进行的。

    Track and field games are often held in the open air .

  14. 美国赢得了田径比赛大多数项目的胜利。

    The United States won most of the tract and field events .

  15. 田径比赛中的一个掷铁饼项目。

    A track-and-field event in which a discus is thrown .

  16. 田径比赛中检查裁判检查判别的重点与难点

    The Importance and Difficulty of Checking the Judge of Track and Field

  17. 西亚运动会田径比赛全面展开

    Track-and-field competition starts to unfold in the West Asian Games

  18. 他在一次田径比赛中打破了两项全国记录。

    He broke two national records in a track meet .

  19. 这种起跑式出发由田径比赛中的起跑得名。

    The running start takes its name from track start .

  20. 中国大学生田径比赛成绩与名次预测的分析研究

    Analysis on Competition Result and Ranking Prediction of University Athletics Competition in China

  21. 在这个国家受欢迎的项目是拳击,自行车运动和田径比赛。

    The popular sports in the country are boxing , cycling and athletics .

  22. 对提高我国田径比赛观赏性的思考

    The Thinking of Improving the Sight of Chinese Athletics

  23. 田径比赛吸引了很多人。

    Track and Field Games attracted lots of people .

  24. 大型田径比赛综合信息网络管理系统

    The Network Management System of Comprehensive Information of Large Track and Field Sport Competition

  25. 对我国大型田径比赛裁判员素质的研究

    The Research on Referee 's Competence in China 's Large-Scale Track and Field Competition

  26. 田径比赛场地器材的管理

    The Management of Sport Apparatus on Track-and-field Ground

  27. 她在为每年一次的田径比赛做训练。

    She is training for the annual race .

  28. 在田径比赛中,我们队与他们队旗鼓相当。

    Our team tied with theirs in athletics .

  29. 我需要一份田径比赛的时间表。

    I need a schedule for field events .

  30. 海伦,你今天也要去参加田径比赛吗?

    Are you also taking part in the track and field events today , helen ?