
tián zhuāng
  • country estate
田庄 [tián zhuāng]
  • [country estate] 旧时指农村中拥有的大批田地和庄园

田庄[tián zhuāng]
  1. 这位美国设计师在卢瓦尔河谷买了一个多层法国田庄,把它装饰得十分完美,只是主人有点势利。

    The American designer acquired a storied French country estate in the Loire Valley and decorated it to the nines , leaving out only the snobbery .

  2. 通过二者在阶级构成、经济生产、社会关系等方面的比较,可得出结论:此时之敦煌寺院为不完全之田庄。

    By comparing them in different ways such as the constitution of classes , economy production and social relations , we know that Dunhuang monastery is the incomplete country estate .

  3. 凯茜在画眉田庄一呆就呆了五个星期,直到圣诞节。这时,她的脚踝已完全痊愈,她的举止也文雅多了。

    Cathy stayed at Thrushcross Grange five weeks , till Christmas .

  4. 罗伯塔觉得再也过不惯田庄生活。

    Roberta felt that she could no longer endure farm life .

  5. 田庄大约产生于西汉前期,它是社会生产力发展的结果。

    It is the result of the development of social productivity .

  6. 他感到很有趣,赋闲在他自己的美国田庄上。

    He was amused , resting here on his American estate .

  7. 呼啸山庄是不是一个跟画眉田庄一样好玩的地方?

    Is Wuthering Heights as pleasant a place as Thrushcross Grange ?

  8. 会选的选儿郎,不会选的选田庄。

    Who chooses well chooses sons-in-law ; who chooses badly chooses land .

  9. “那么,他们是要到田庄去啦?”我说。

    They are going to the Grange , then , 'I said .

  10. 田庄上的困难一天一天地增加起来了。

    Difficulties on the farm sprang up every day .

  11. “画眉田庄的林惇先生,”她回答。

    Mr Linton of Thrushcross Grange , 'she replied .

  12. 浅析田庄矿地质构造对矿井采掘活动的影响

    A Shallow Analysis of the Interference of Geological Structure On the Coal Mining Activities

  13. 说到鸟,赫索格的那几亩田庄,似乎已经成了鸟的乐园。

    As for birds , herzog 's acres seemed to have become a sanctuary .

  14. 这是作为去田庄、山庄和村子的指路碑用的。

    It serves as guide-post to the Grange , the Heights , and village .

  15. 田庄水库是沂源县城区的主要后备水源地。

    Tianzhuang reservoir is the main alternate site of water resource of Yiyuan city .

  16. 画眉田庄的所有东西都收拾起来了。

    All 's shut up at Thrushcross Grange .

  17. 画眉田庄是我自己的,先生。他打断了我的话,闪避着。

    ` Thrushcross Grange is my own , sir , ' he interrupted , wincing .

  18. 我带着凯瑟琳小姐一起到了画眉田庄。

    That 's good news . I got Miss Catherine and myself to Thrushcross Grange ;

  19. 几天后,林顿死去,希斯克利夫又成了画眉田庄的主人。

    A few days later , Clinton died Study of Heathcliff became thrush farmstead owners .

  20. 你们在田庄过得好吗?

    How are you at the Grange ?

  21. 那么我就不来了;他去田庄好啦。

    I 'll not come here , then ; he shall come to the Grange . '

  22. 因此,他的田庄非常兴旺。三年之内,他便赶过了他的邻居;

    Hence it came about that his farm and all that belonged to him prospered exceedingly .

  23. “我能爬墙,”她笑着说,“田庄不是监牢,艾伦,你也不是我的看守。

    The Grange is not a prison , Ellen , and you are not my jailer .

  24. 拥有大范围田地的地主可称为庄园地主,庄园就是田庄。

    A landlord possessing a large-scale field was a manor landlord , while the manor county estate .

  25. 我猜你会把你听见的、看见的全报告给田庄那个废物;

    I guess you 'll report what you hear and see to the cipher at the Grange ;

  26. 我们应该看到了:田庄的篱笆现在离我们已经很远啦。

    We should be at them : the Grange park fence is a great way off now .

  27. 你不愿意要我,救我了吗?不让我去田庄了吗?

    Won 't you have me , and save me ? not let me come to the Grange ?

  28. 每逢艾伦和我两人在一起时,提到我的田庄,他总是带着一种嘲笑的语气。

    Alan never referred to my estate without a touch of a sneer , when we were alone .

  29. 和从前一样,大家愉快地在田庄里度着光阴,直到凯蒂小姐长到十六岁。

    Time wore on at the Grange in its former pleasant way , till Miss Cathy reached sixteen .

  30. 他去田庄时,就从来没说过他在我们这儿过的美妙的生活么?

    Does he niver say nowt of his fine living amang us , when he goas tuh t'Grange ?