
  • 网络Biome
  1. 在植物功能型和生物群区的设计方面对新疆特殊的气候、植被等都进行了比较全面的考虑。

    The comprehensive consideration has been used in the design of plant function types and of biome about to the special climate and the vegetation and so on in Xinjiang .

  2. 每个孢粉样品被归并到相似得分最高的生物群区,这里还同时遵循子集优先规则,即得分相同的情况下,包含植物功能型数目最少的生物群区便是这个孢粉样品的生物群区类型。

    The pollen sample is assigned to the biome to which it has the highest affinity , subject to a tie-breaking rule that the last biome should include the fewest types PFTs when got the same affinity .

  3. 区域尺度的中国植物功能型与生物群区

    Plant Functional Types and Biomes of China at a Regional Scale

  4. 系统地开展了表土花粉模拟生物群区的研究,并取得了良好的结果;基于中国东北样带东部森林区8个植被样方和表土花粉资料,定量分析了每种植物与表土花粉类型的关系。

    The patterns of biomes have simulated systemically by the results of surface pollen analysis . The eastern forest stands of Northeast China Transect ( NECT ) were chosen to study the quantitative relationships between vegetation and pollen in surface samples .