
  1. 城市生活垃圾物流中的收集系统研究

    On the Collecting System of Life Trash Logistics in Urban Areas

  2. 重庆市主城区生活废弃物物流体系建设研究

    Research on Domestic Waste Logistics System of Chongqing City

  3. 城市生活垃圾物流系统研究

    Study on Municipal Domestic Waste Material Circulation System

  4. 在改进的机制基础上,提出我国城市生活废弃物物流市场化运作的思路。

    On the basis of the improved mechanism is proposed logistics market of municipal waste operation of thought .

  5. 最后,开发一套城市生活垃圾物流管理优化系统。

    And a better result has been gotten from the algorithm . Finally , a municipal solid waste management and optimization system has been developed .

  6. 最后,提出了重庆主城区生活废弃物物流市场化运作的对策和建议,以供重庆市环卫主管相关部门参考。

    Finally , proposed Chongqing City waste logistics market operation of the related countermeasures and suggestions for relevant departments in charge of Chongqing environmental sanitation reference .

  7. 对重庆市主城区生活废弃物物流体系建设的研究,还可以帮助和完善城市物流的发展,促进城区经济发展。

    The research of the main urban area of Chongqing domestic waste logistics system , can also help and improve the development of urban logistics , promoting urban economic development .

  8. 选址问题主要研究如何选定一个或者多个设施的地理位置使得所考虑的目标达到最优的问题,它在生产生活、物流、军事等领域中都有非常广泛的应用。

    Location problem mainly researches how to select one or more facilities to optimize the objective considered , it comprehensively applies in many fields , such as production 、 daily life 、 logistics 、 military and so on .

  9. 本文比较全面的研究了中小城市生活垃圾物流转运系统的优化问题,在中小城市生活垃圾收集和转运工作的运营和远期规划方面具有一定的参考价值。

    This dissertation provide a comprehensive research on optimal problem of the domestic waste transport logistics system in small and medium-sized cities , and has certain reference value in operation and long-term planning of domestic waste collection and transfer in small and medium-sized cities .

  10. 最后,提出构建生活废弃物物流体系的主要支撑体系,它在很大程度上决定了主城区生活废弃物物流运作效果的好坏,二者又共同构成了重庆市主城区的生活废弃物物流体系。

    Finally , proposed that construct the major support system of domestic waste logistics system , It largely determines good and bad effects the main urban area of domestic waste logistics , and both together constitute the main urban area of Chongqing domestic waste logistics system .

  11. 试论城市生命体中生活固体废弃物物流系统的完善

    On the Perfecting of Life Solid Castoff Logistics System in Cities

  12. 城市生活垃圾收运物流系统规划的编制

    Drawing up of Domestic Waste Collection and Transport Logistics Developing Programme

  13. 模糊环境下的城市生活垃圾逆向物流网络设计

    The Reverse Logistics Network Design of Rubbish In Fuzzy Environment

  14. 基于生命周期的城市生活固体废弃物物流流程分析

    Research on City Life Solid Wastes Logistics Process Based on Life Cycle Assessment

  15. 基于流程优化的城市生活固体废弃物物流系统的生态评价研究

    The Study of Ecological Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Logistics System Based on Process Optimization

  16. 因此,本文重点研究了城市生活固体废弃物物流源头减量的问题。

    Therefore , the author focuses on the source reduction problem of Logistics of Municipal Solid Waste .

  17. 作为全社会生产和生活基础的物流,其在国民经济中的作用和地位受到人们前所未有的关注。

    Logistics is the basis of all social production and live , whose function and effect in national economy are paid attention to unprecedented .

  18. 在城市生活固体废弃物物流多级减量中,本文认为源头减量是最关键的,也是目前研究和应用中被忽视的领域。

    In the multi-stage reduction of Logistics of Municipal Solid Waste , the author argues that source reduction is the most critical and neglected by current researchers and practitioners .

  19. 本文提出了城市生命体概念,指出城市生命体是个复杂的物质系统,并从新的角度来论述如何完善城市生活固体废弃物物流系统。

    This paper puts forward the idea of city being , points out that city being is complicated system and discusses in what ways we should take to perfect the life solid castoff logistics system in cities in a new point of view .

  20. 最后结合海淀区生活垃圾回收物流系统的实际情况,采用所建立的绩效评价指标体系进行绩效评价,根据得出的结果对海淀区垃圾回收物流系统提出建议和改进措施。

    Finally , based on the actual situation of the waste recovery logistics system in Haidian District , this paper does performance evaluation using above performance evaluation index system and making proposals on the waste recovery logistics system in Haidian District according to the results .

  21. 在分析四个流程体系的基础上,引出了城市生活固体废弃物物流多级减量的问题,即:物品入城源头减量、分类收集过程减量、分类处理末端减量。

    In the analysis of four processes , the author proposes the problem of multi-stage reduction of Municipal Solid Waste Logistics , namely : Source Reduction ( Goods into the city ), Process Reduction ( Separate collection ), End Reduction ( Classification at the end ) .

  22. 城市生活垃圾筛上物流化床气化特性实验研究

    Experimental Research on Gasification Characteristics of Filtrated MSW in Fluidized Beds

  23. 电子商务技术的飞速发展已经深深影响了人们的生活,其中对物流进行全程管控的研究是电子商务平台发展的热点方向之一。

    People 's life has been deeply affected by the fast development of E-business technology , in which the research on logistic control and management is one of the hottest topics .

  24. 我国城市生活垃圾管理收费政策探析城市生活垃圾物流中的收集系统研究

    Analysis of Charging Waste Fee of MSW Management in China On the Collecting System of Life Trash Logistics in Urban Areas