
  • 网络Life is an attitude
  1. 她发给我们一份题为《生活是一种态度》的讲义,和我们畅谈责任感、坚忍不拔、真诚、正直、信任、理解、奉献和杰出成就。

    She gave us a handout called " life is an attitude " and walked us through accountability , tenacity , truth , integrity , trust , understanding , dedication , and excellence .

  2. 有人告诉我说,典型的小资月薪在5000-20000元人民币之间,但是,过小资的生活是一种生活态度,而不是挣多少钱的本事。

    One person told me that the typical Xiaozi salary is anywhere from 5000-20000 RMB a month , but that living the Xiaozi life is more about attitude than earning power .

  3. 我更愿意说,生活更多的是一种态度!“生如夏花”这是我的生活态度!

    I would like to say , life is more than an attitude !

  4. 对于精致生活格调的追求是一种态度,就像有的人为了达到事业的颠峰勇往直前,有的人为了向往中的恬淡生活可以放弃名利。

    While some people won 't stop moving forward until they reach the pinnacle of their career , others tend to give up fame and profit for a simple and peaceful lifestyle .