
  • 网络evolution of ecosystems
  1. 就像生物学:一个一群微生物混杂地交换基因和特性的生态系统,进化加速了

    It 's like biology : an ecosystem where microbes are promiscuously swapping genes and traits , evolution speeds up .

  2. 网络组织向商业生态系统的进化

    Development from Network Organization to Business Ecosystems

  3. 他们说这些基因实际上影响整个生态系统的进化。

    They say these genes , in fact , influence the evolution of an entire ecosystem .

  4. 第二,特许连锁企业的进化是特许共生系统与外部生态系统协同进化的结果。

    Second , the evolution of franchising chain enterprises is the result of the co-evolution of franchising chain system and external environmental system .

  5. 结论认为,体育人才是促进体育生态系统不断进化和跃升的主要因素,体育人口是决定系统能量流的主体;

    The result shows that sport talent is the main factor promoting the continuous evolution and progress of sport ecologic system . Sport population is the main body deciding systemic energy flow .

  6. 通过对物流生态系统协同进化机制的探索,不仅可以指导物流企业发展的方向,同时能够使得整个物流系统创造出最大的价值,更好地适应现代变化多端的市场环境。

    By doing such effort in researching the mechanism of the logistics ecosystem , we can not only guide the direction which enterprises develop , but also make the biggest value in the whole system to adapt to the changeable market environment .

  7. 协同进化理论是生态学与复杂性科学的交融,应用这一理论来研究品牌生态系统协同进化的现象、特征、本质及规律,将会给品牌管理者带来更多有益启示。

    The synergetic evolution theory , mingled by ecology and complex system science , is applied to study the phenomena , characteristics , nature and rules of the synergetic evolution of brand ecological system , which will bring more illumination on the manager of the brands .

  8. 第四章论述了品牌生态系统的协同进化概念、机理及模式。

    As follows , the conception , mechanism and mode of synergetic evolution of the brand ecological system are stated .

  9. 生态系统是经过长期进化臻于完美的系统,品牌生态系统应借鉴生态系统。

    The ecosystem has evolved to the perfect system through a long time , and the brand ecosystem should follow ecosystem .

  10. 然后从产业生态系统的三级进化理论出发,指出现代产业系统的类型。

    Then I start from the three-tier evolution theory of industrial ecological system , and indicate the types of modern industrial system .

  11. 植物细胞与生物技术、植物生理生化、植物分子生态、植物系统与进化。

    The institute focuses on plant cell and biotechnology , plant physiology and biochemistry , plant molecular ecology , plant systematics and evolution .

  12. 本文通过构建知识生态系统,将生态系统的进化、竞争、共生等动力学机制引入组织的知识管理。

    This paper builds Knowledge Ecosystem and uses the dynamics mechanism to carry the knowledge management .

  13. 将应用领域待求解的问题映射为生态系统,以生态系统的进化来达到问题求解的目的。

    The application domain problem is mapped into the evolving ecosystem and solved when the coevolutionary process ends .

  14. 第二部分为本文的文献综述,总结了关于商业生态系统理论的相关研究的文献;回顾了商业生态系统的构建与进化过程研究。

    Chapter 2 is literature review , summarized the researches on business ecosystem , and reviewed the researches on the evolutionary stage of business ecosystem .

  15. 生态全息论的提出对于确立新的生态整体观,建立新的生态工程,研究生态系统的发展和进化,对于预测、控制等都具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。

    Eco-holographics has very important significance both in theory and in practice for predicting , controling and establishing new ecological holistic view point as a whole , new eco-engineering , studying development and evolution of ecosystem , etc.

  16. 文章进一步指出,资源的稀缺和学科生态位的重叠导致竞争,而学科间理论、方法等的相互移植则导致互补,从而揭示了学科生态系统协同进化的机理。

    Then , mechanisms of coevolution of disciplinary ecosystem are revealed that lack of resource and the overlap of disciplinary niche lead to the competition , while transplant of theories and methods between the disciplines lead to complementarity .