
  • 网络ecosystem process
  1. 土壤质量高低对植被恢复具有重要作用,它不仅影响植物群落的发生、发育和演替的速度,而且也对生态系统过程、生产力和结构等具有重要影响。

    The soil quality plays an important role in plant restoration . It not only affects the occurrence and develops of vegetation community and the vegetation succession speed , but also has an important influence to the ecosystem process , the productivity and the structure .

  2. 掌握土壤因子及土壤呼吸的空间变化,对了解荒漠生态系统过程、土壤微生物与有机质的相互作用及全球气候变化的研究都具有重要的意义。

    The objective of this study was to investigate spatial change of soil characteristics and soil respiration in scrubland , the changes were critical to understand the ecosystem process of desert , interaction between soil microbial and soil characteristics , study of global climate change .

  3. 土壤是碳和氮的重要贮存库,土壤碳氮转化是陆地上最为重要的生态系统过程之一。土壤有机碳(SOC)是陆地生态系统碳循环的重要组成成分。

    Soil was the main reservoir of carbon and nitrogen , soil organic carbon ( SOC ) is a large component of the global carbon cycle .

  4. 外来植物入侵对土壤生物多样性和生态系统过程的影响

    Impacts of exotic plant invasions on soil biodiversity and ecosystem processes

  5. 火对森林主要生态系统过程的影响(英文)

    Effects of fire on major forest ecosystem processes : An overview .

  6. 蝗虫多样性对草原生态系统过程的影响;

    The effect of locust diversity on the processes of grassland ecosystems ;

  7. 生物多样性与针叶林生态系统过程的关系

    Relationships Between Biodiversity and Processes of Coniferous Forest Ecosystem

  8. 近年来,人们逐渐认识到植物基因型多样性能够控制群落结构和生态系统过程。

    Recently , people found that plant genotypic diversity could pedict community structure and govern processes of an ecosystem .

  9. 人为干扰能导致氮素矿化和硝化速率等生态系统过程的变化,我们的研究结果为此提供了证据支持。

    We provided evidence that anthropogenic disturbances could result in changes of ecosystems processes such as N mineralization and nitrification rates .

  10. 越来越多的证据表明,土壤动物和微生物间的相互作用对土壤生态系统过程和植物生长起着重要的调节作用。

    A growing number of evidences show that the soil fauna interact with microorganisms and play important roles in regulating soil ecosystem processes and plant growth .

  11. 由于养分的重要性和贫乏性,营养回收就变成整个生态系统过程中最重要的一步。

    Because of the importance of nutrients and their scarcity , nutrient recycling is one of the most significant eco-system processes that will cover in this course .

  12. 但迄今为止,季节性冻融对该区土壤动物群落结构和功能影响的研究尚未见报道,更缺乏从4个关键时期来研究亚高山森林生态系统过程的研究报道。

    So far , researches on the structure and fuction of soil fauna community in the alpine / subalpine forests of western Sichuan as affected by seasonal freeze-thaw have not been well documented , far less to ecological processes of the four key periods in this region .

  13. 鹤山退化生态系统恢复过程中土壤微生物的特性

    Soil Microbial Characteristics in Rehabilitation Process of Degraded Ecosystems in Heshan

  14. 退化生态系统恢复过程木本植物密度的变化

    A Change of Woody Plant Density in Restoration Process of Degraded Ecosystem

  15. 陆地生态系统动力过程模拟集成研究

    Research of integration simulation for dynamic process of land and ecological system

  16. 退化森林生态系统恢复过程的碳同位素示踪

    Carbon isotope tracers for the restoration of degenerated forest ecosystem

  17. 樟树林生态系统水文学过程中多环芳烃的迁移与转化机理

    Transfer and transformation of PAHs in the hydrological process of camphor forest ecosystem

  18. 生物多样性强烈地影响生态系统的过程。

    Ecosystem processes are strongly affected by biodiversity .

  19. 生态系统演替过程的数学模型

    The mathematical model of ecosystem succession

  20. 自然界的和谐规律是生态系统运动过程中更加普遍意义上的规律。

    The harmony law of nature is one of much more universal significance in moving process of ecosystem .

  21. 常绿阔叶林退化生态系统恢复过程物种多样性的发展趋势与速率

    Restorative Tend and Rate of the Species Diversity of Recovering Process in Degraded Ecosystem of Evergreen Broad leaved Forest

  22. 从某种意义上讲,重视植物多样性是一个创建自然生态系统的过程。

    In a sense , the great importance of plant diversity is a process to create a natural ecosystem .

  23. 分析表明,人类的出现是生态系统演化过程中的历史必然产物;

    Further analysis shows that the appearance of mankind is the necessary historic product in the evolutionary process of ecosystem ;

  24. 主要模拟植物种类在整个生态系统发展过程中的变化,以及植被类型的转变和相关的生物地球化学循环过程的改变,从而反映生物群落对气候变化的响应。

    The ecosystem productivity model , biogeochemical cycling and succession models are applied to the community responses to global climate changes .

  25. 研究不同类型森林凋落物的分解速率以及养分释放动态,有助于丰富人们对森林生态系统功能过程的认识。

    Studies on litter decomposition and nutrient release dynamics for the different forest types can help understanding the functional process of forest ecosystems .

  26. 通过对受污染水域生物修复原理的阐述,指出了微生物修复技术在污染物削减和水生生态系统恢复过程中的必要性和优越性。

    The paper points out the necessity and superiority of bioremediation technology in pollutants reduction and hydro - ecosystem recovery by expatiating on the principles .

  27. 在此基础上,归纳出喀斯特生态系统退化过程中植被和土壤的基本演替模式。

    On the basis of analysis , this paper establishes the basic succession model of soil and vegetation in the course of Karst ecosystem degeneration .

  28. 通过文献研究法,探讨了旅游企业集聚生态系统形成过程,并以耗散结构结构理论解释了其演变进程。

    Through studying of literature , discussing the process of tourism business ecosystem formation and explain the process of its evolution with structure of dissipative structure theory .

  29. 采用定位试验研究方法对长沙市郊枫香人工林生态系统水文过程及养分动态进行了研究。

    Using the method of positioned testing , this paper made a study of the effects of rainfall reallocation on the nutrient dynamic of Liquidambar formosana plantation in Changsha suburbs .

  30. 与此同时,毁林开荒、垦殖草地、过度放牧、滥采滥挖等不合理的人类活动,在破坏沙区生态系统平衡过程中起到加速作用。

    At the same time , unreasonable human activities such as deforestation , grassland reclamation , overgrazing , excessive digging play accelerating role in the process of ecosystem balance destruction .