
  • 网络production network;cross-border production networks
  1. 然而,完整的DMZ(以及内部DMZ中的Web服务器)越来越常见了,它们保护生产网络免受来自非生产内部网的攻击。

    However , we increasingly see full DMZs ( with a Web server in the internal DMZ ) protecting the production network from the non-production intranet .

  2. FreeRADIUS目前被部署在很多大型生产网络系统中。

    FreeRADIUS is currently being deployed in many large-scale production network systems .

  3. 在典型的DMZ配置中,有一个外部防火墙、一个内容尽可能少的DMZ网络,以及一个保护生产网络的内部防火墙。

    In a typical DMZ configuration , there is an outer firewall , the DMZ network containing as little as possible , and an inner firewall protecting the production network .

  4. 大部分服装企业以OEM途径和低层供应商身份参与到全球生产网络,使得我国服装企业受制于人,不利于我国服装产业的发展壮大,因此我国服装产业转型升级势在必行。

    Most apparel enterprises take part in the global production networks according to OEM mechanism and low supplier identity , which is not conducive to the development of Chinese apparel industry , so the apparel industry should upgrade immediately .

  5. 阻燃聚丙烯复合材料是以PN体系为阻燃剂,用于生产网络地板,其特点是密度低、流动性好、力学性能均衡、收缩率低和阻燃性高等,符合当前环保要求。

    Flame retardant PP composite with P-N system as flame retardant for net floors characterizes low density , good flowability , balance of mechanical properties , low shrinkage rate and high flame retardant , and it accords with the trend of environmental protection .

  6. 这样做是为了试图说明,虽然我们倾向于只让wsadmin在生产网络内(受保护的区域内)运行,但您可以非常容易地通过防火墙运行wsadmin。

    This is attempting to show that while we prefer that wsadmin be run from only within the production network ( within the protected area ), you can run wsadmin through a firewall fairly easily .

  7. 可以使用防火墙将您的生产网络与内部网络分开。

    Separate your production networks from your internal network using firewalls .

  8. 自来水生产网络化监控系统研究与设计

    The Design of Control System of Water Supply Based on Network

  9. 我们研究拥有两个并联异型机器的一个生产网络。

    We consider a production network with two parallel heterogeneous machines .

  10. 全球生产网络中企业创新战略选择研究

    Study on Firms ' Innovation Strategy Selection in Global Production Network

  11. 模块化生产网络是重大的产业组织创新。

    The modular production network is a important industry innovation .

  12. 模块化生产网络是一个相对开放的体系。

    The modular production network is an open system comparatively .

  13. 直接投资、外包与跨国生产网络的空间组织

    FDI , Outsourcing and Spatial Organization of Transnational Production Networks

  14. 全球电脑及外设生产网络的发展格局与特点剖析

    The structure and characteristics of global PC peripheral production network

  15. 生产网络由日本跨国公司主导。

    The production network is controlled by Japanese MNCs .

  16. 中国加工贸易升级对策研究&基于全球生产网络视角

    Strategies for Upgrading China 's Processing Trade : From global production network perspective

  17. 全球生产网络下我国加工贸易升级研究

    Study on Upgrading of China 's Processing Trade Based on Global Production Networks

  18. 经济全球化下地方生产网络模式演变分析&以中国为例

    Spatial evolution of local production network under economic globalization

  19. 模块生产网络价值创新的整合架构研究

    Integration Infrastructure of Modulation Production Networks Value Innovation

  20. 分布式生产网络的订单控管

    Control of Orders Based on Distributed Production Networks

  21. 首先,分析全球服装生产网络背景下我国服装出口贸易的现状。

    Firstly , we will analyze the current situation of Chinese apparel export industry .

  22. 北京电视台新闻节目生产网络系统

    News Program Production Network System at Beijing Television

  23. 西方地方生产网络相关研究综述

    The Literature Review on Western Local Production Networks

  24. 日本汽车企业东亚生产网络及对我国启示

    Production Network of Japanese Auto Companies in East Asia and Its Enlightenment on China

  25. 企业业务是华为最小的业务部门,主要为企业客户生产网络设备。

    The enterprise segment , Huawei 's smallest , produces network gear for customers .

  26. 东亚区域生产网络的运行,刻画出整个东亚地区崭新的经济面貌。

    The running of regional production networks describes the new appearances of East Asia .

  27. 模块化生产网络&全球化背景下的产业组织与分工模式

    Modular Production Network : a New Industrial Organization and Division Model in Globalization Era

  28. 首先,中国已巩固了其亚洲生产网络最终组装场所的地位。

    First , China has consolidated the final assembly stage of Asian production networks .

  29. 它还可能扰乱生产网络。

    It could also disrupt production networks .

  30. 生产网络流最小费用问题

    Minimum Cost Problem of Manufacturing Network Flows