
  • 网络Yogi;hatha yogi
  1. 从会计到瑜伽师:彻底改变职业生涯

    From Accountant to Yogi : making a Radical Career Change

  2. 那几年,思瓦米吉成为阴阳瑜伽师(Hatha),精通草本医学与烹饪,同时也是建筑师、园艺家、音乐家、剑士(我喜欢这点)。

    Over those years , Swamiji became a Hatha Yogi , an expert in ayurvedic medicine and cooking , an architect , a gardener , a musician and a swordfighter ( this I love ) .

  3. 大家有没有看到一些来到你们国家的瑜伽师。

    Have you seen yogis coming to your country ?

  4. 她过去当过舞蹈演员、冲浪运动员、游泳运动员和瑜伽师,这些都对她的工作很有帮助。

    It helps that she is an ex-dancer , surfer , swimmer and yogi .

  5. 近现代,新一代瑜伽师将瑜伽进行了发展,瑜伽体系在结合了深呼吸和冥想的同时,注重体位的锻炼,这可以帮助人们身体保持年轻健康。

    The new generation of Yogis however , developed a system where different exercises , in conjunction with deep breathing and meditation , would help keep the body young .

  6. 他的妻子是一名瑜伽师,他的父亲、前加拿大总理皮埃尔·特鲁多在1970年曝光的一张照片上还做过一模一样的孔雀式。

    His wife is a yoga instructor and his father , former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau , performed the same Peacock pose in a photo that surfaced in 1970 .

  7. 一旦松开了业对心的束缚,通晓神经流活动的瑜伽师便能进入另一个日呢的身体。

    When the bond of the mind caused by karma have been loosened , the yogi can enter into the body of another by knowledge of the operation of its nerve-currents .

  8. 当受到无形的高级存在者的诱惑时,瑜伽师既不要受诱惑,也不要手奉承,因为他可能由此再次陷入无明。

    When tempted by the invisible beings in high places , let the yogi feel neither allured nor flattered ; for he is in danger of being caught once more by ignorance .

  9. 专念于身体于以太的关系,或冥想棉花的轻盈,瑜伽师可以在空中飞行。

    By making samyama on the relation between the body and the ether , or by acquiring through meditation the lightness of cotton fibre , the yogi can fly through the air .

  10. 通过支配肺部以及上半身的神经流,瑜伽师可以在水面、沼泽、荆棘或类似物体上行走,也可以随意死去。

    By controlling the nerve-currents that govern the lungs and the upper part of the body , the yogi can walk on water and swamps , or on thorns and similar objects , and he can die at will .

  11. 这个瑜伽室位于马里兰州的科基斯维尔。在科基斯维尔瑜伽室,瑜伽师将温度调高,并将湿度保持在30%至40%以内。这对要完成26个姿势和两次呼吸练习的高温瑜伽练习者而言是最理想的锻炼条件。

    In the Cockeysville yoga studio , instructors crank up the temperature and keep the humidity level in the 30 percent to 40 percent range , which is ideal for Bikram yoga , a series of 26 postures and two breathing exercises .