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  1. 那时他们有了自己的女儿钱瑗。

    At that time , they had their daughter Qian Yuan .

  2. 胡瑗是我国古代著名的教育家,他顺应社会发展需要,在继承儒家教育传统的基础上,创造性地提出苏湖教法。

    Hu Yuan is a well-known educationalist in ancient China .

  3. 胡瑗的教育改革实验及其文化效应

    Hu Yuan 's Experimentation in Educational Reform and Its Subsequent Cultural Effect

  4. 胡瑗的教育伦理思想

    On Hu Yuan 's Thoughts of Educational Ethics

  5. 指出,一方面,胡瑗表现了疑经惑传之精神。

    On the one hand , Hu Yuan shows the spirit of suspecting Classics .

  6. 胡瑗与湖州州学

    Hu Yuan and Huzhou Prefecture School

  7. 胡瑗的教育思想十分丰富,值得我们作系统而深入的研究。

    Ha Yuaa 's educational thinking is very rich , we should make a systematic and in-depth study .

  8. 绪论介绍了胡瑗的生平、生活的时代背景、其主要著作和现代对胡瑗的研究,说明了研究胡瑗教育心理思想对当代教育的意义。

    Introduction describes the life of Hu Yuan , life historical background , his main works and the modern study of Hu Yuan .

  9. 胡瑗提倡“明体达用”的教育目的,创设“分斋教学”和主副修制度,强调“因材施教”的教育原则,并且注重教学方法的运用和教育管理。

    He creates his Suhu methodology on basis of the traditional Confucianism , advocating pragmatic educational objectives , separate class teaching system , and the aptitude teaching principle .

  10. 故胡瑗不仅在象数易学的继承和发展上有所成就,在义理易学的开拓与发展上也功不可没。

    Hu Yuan , as it not only had achievement in the inheritance and development of image-numberology , to had effort in the pioneering and development of Yi of meaning-pattern is also denied .

  11. 可以说,苏湖教法是胡瑗先生对中国教育理论和教育实践乃至世界教育理论和实践的特别贡献。

    We can say , the Teaching of Su-Hu was that Mr. Hu Yuan had made particular contributions to the Chinese educational theory and educational practice , even to the world educational theory and educational practice .