
qín jiàn
  • key;keyboard
琴键 [qín jiàn]
  • [key] 诸如钢琴、手风琴等乐器上的黑白两色按键

琴键[qín jiàn]
  1. 琴键如在钢琴上用手指弹奏的部分。

    A key played with the finger , as on a piano .

  2. 老师敲打着琴键开始唱歌。

    The teacher hit the key and began to sing .

  3. 塔尼娅的双手在琴键上翻飞。

    Tanya 's hands rippled over the keyboard .

  4. 史蒂夫走向钢琴,坐在长凳上,双手颤抖,手指轻轻地放在琴键上。

    Steve moved to the piano and sat at the bench , hands trembling as he gently placed his fingers on the keys .

  5. 飞跃在琴键上的一双手——CNN专访华裔钢琴家郎朗

    Unconventional Maestro CNN Interview with the Remarkable Chinese Pianist Lang Lang

  6. 研究用按码开关和琴键开关从外部设置可编程控制器(PC)时间参数的三种方法,并比较它们的优缺点和应用范围。

    For setting up externally the time parameter of programmable controller , the author gives a comparative study to three methods by applying numbered switch and keyswitch ; and to the merits and demerits of there methods .

  7. 幸运的是,这些琴键不只是中国。

    Fortunately for Australia , the keys are not only Chinese .

  8. 手指能歌唱,琴键通心灵&钢琴表演与教学中不可忽视的因素

    Fingers Can Sing , Piano Keys are Linked with the Heart

  9. 钢琴的琴键一弹琴弦就振动出声。

    The strings of a piano vibrate when the keys are struck .

  10. 手指在琴键上的触键位置对钢琴弹奏的影响

    The Impact of the Touching Position on the Keyboard on Piano Playing

  11. 小小音符真是了不起,能让琴键作画笔。

    Little notes are wonderful ; they turn keys into painting brush .

  12. 钢琴的琴键受击时,琴弦就会震动。

    The strings of a piano vibrates when the keys are struck .

  13. 他的手指轻快地在琴键上移动。

    His fingers ran over the keys of the piano .

  14. 她轻轻地触动了琴键,开始唱歌。

    She touched the keys softly and began to sing .

  15. 我的手指轻抚着熟悉的黑白琴键。

    My fingers gently caressed the familiar black-and-white piano keys .

  16. 陌生人突然停住了,双手搭在琴键上。

    Suddenly the new comer stopped with her hands on her key .

  17. 足尖在琴键上舞蹈这是多么美妙的时刻

    So fantasy when there is a dance on the piano

  18. 他的指甲象白色的琴键一样。

    His nails resemble the ivory keys of the spinet .

  19. 她的手指连续地敲击琴键。

    Her fingers rattled on the keys of the piano .

  20. 就像那些琴键正等待着那些音符。

    It was like the keys had been waiting for those notes .

  21. 我还回味在手指在琴键上的每一秒。

    I also memorable in Qinjian in the fingers on each second .

  22. 奔跑机器人琴键上的舞蹈

    RUNNING ROBOT Dance on the Key of Musical Instrumen

  23. 我是否羡妒那轻灵跳跃的琴键。

    Do I envy those jacks that nimble leap .

  24. 钢琴有黑白两种琴键。

    A piano has black keys and white keys .

  25. 在这有限的琴键上创作的音乐是无限的。

    And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite .

  26. 那男孩轻敲钢琴的琴键。

    The boy touched the keys of the piano .

  27. 琴键,这里作钥匙解。

    Because all the keys are inside it .

  28. 从琴键开始,又结束。

    The keys begin , the keys end .

  29. 你往下压琴键,就能奏出一个音符。

    When you depress a key of an organ , a note is sounded .

  30. 而且那天的琴键也非常的不合作。

    But the keyboards of the day ~ ~ were not up to it .