
  • 网络zoroastrianism;Zoroastrian;Zoroaster
  1. 还有更多的印度教和佛教的深奥思想影响琐罗亚斯德教,比如化身,因果报应和星形的位面。

    These have added Hindu and Buddhist esoteric ideas to Zoroastrianism , such as reincarnation , karma , and astral planes .

  2. 他们在领域范围内提倡宗教自由,而且他们自己的宗教——琐罗亚斯德教(Zoroastrianism)一直禁止奴隶制。

    They offered freedom of religion for all cultures within their domain , while their own religion , Zoroastrianism , forbid the practice of slavery .

  3. 但在琐罗亚斯德教的信仰里面,阿胡玛兹达是抽象和超然的。

    But in the Zoroastrian faith , Ahura Mazda is abstract and transcendent .

  4. 琐罗亚斯德教认为火是灵魂的净化器。

    Zoroastrians considered fire a purifier of souls .

  5. 这些法拉瓦哈图案的解释没有一个是建立在任何现存的琐罗亚斯德教手稿的基础上。

    None of these interpretations of the Faravahar design are found in any extant Zoroastrian scripture .

  6. 他面对着来自琐罗亚斯德教祭司越来越多的敌意,最后被处决为异端。

    He met with increasing hostility from the Zoroastrian priests and was finally executed for heresy .

  7. 波斯的法拉瓦哈已经被琐罗亚斯德教的教徒使用,作为他们的象征。

    The Faravahar of Persepolis is the one that has been adopted by Zoroastrians as their symbol .

  8. 但其文化来源相异,分别源于希腊古典文化、伊朗琐罗亚斯德教和印度佛教。

    They are come from classic culture of Greece , Zoroastrianism of Iran and Buddhism of India respectively .

  9. 几个世纪的陷匿之后,琐罗亚斯德教的古代信仰拥有一个新的可见度,一个新的象征标准上升了。

    After centuries of obscurity , the ancient faith of Zoroastrianism had a new visibility , and a symbolic standard to raise .

  10. 琐罗亚斯德教后期是关于从死亡中复活的教导,这种教导在《迦特》也找到一些根据。

    Later forms of Zoroastrianism teach a resurrection of the dead , a teaching for which some basis may be found in the Gathas .

  11. 很多传说和琐罗亚斯德教的传统都说他是在避难所祷告的时候被一位国王的外敌杀害的。

    Many legends , and Zoroastrian tradition , say that he was killed , while praying in the sanctuary , by a foreign enemy of the king .

  12. 其原因,一方面由于摩尼教借鉴了基督教、琐罗亚斯德教、佛教,希腊、中国文化中的某些因素;

    As for the causes , on the one hand , because Manicheism borrowed some factors from christianity , zoroastrianism , buddhism , Greek and Chinese civilizations ;

  13. 萨珊波斯琐罗亚斯德教艺术在南北朝至隋唐艺术各个美术门类的影响曾经非常广泛,尤其在中国西部地区。

    Zoroastrianism art of Sassanian Persia had had very wide influence on the different arts in Nanbei Chao and Sui and Tang dynasty , the western part of China in particular .
