
  • 网络stereographic projection
  1. 一个球极投影不等式的解析证明

    The Analytic Proof of the Inequality for Stereographic Projection

  2. 球极投影变换在统计中的应用

    Application of Stereographic Projection Transformation in Statistics

  3. 基于球极投影保持PH性质这一特性,通过球极投影把球面数据投影到平面上,构造一条平面PH曲线。

    Based on the stereographic projection that preserves Pythagorean-Hodographs , a spherical rational PH curve is constructed to solve this problem .

  4. 为了拓展球极投影变换在数理统计中的应用,采用球极投影变换导出Box-Muller二维变换抽样公式。

    The purpose of this study is to use stereographic projection transformation to derive Box-Muller bivariate transformation sampling formula .

  5. 球极投影中关于透视的两个推论及其应用

    Two corollaries of perspective in stereographic projection and their applications

  6. 球极投影的若干性质

    Properties of perspective in stereo graphic projection

  7. 对球极投影理论的几点补充以及球极投影在机械工程中的应用

    Several Supplements for the Theory of projection from Spherical pole and Use it to Application in Mechanical Engineering

  8. 从而在工程技术界广泛使用球极投影图的应用中,完全可以据此推论来精确地绘制空间直线和平面的球极投影图以及分析解决各种工程实际问题。

    Therefore in broad application of stereographic projection to engineering practice the stereographic projection of straight line and plane can be accurately drawn and various problems analyzed by use of the two corollaries .

  9. 本文提出了以投影圆球之赤道平面为投影平面的一种球极投影,首次引入了射影几何理论中关于平面场透视变换的双旋法则,并得到了两个关于球极投影的推论。

    In this paper the auther puts forward the stereographic projection in which the projection plane is the equatorial plane of projection-sphere , recommends the rules about perspective mapping of plane field in projective geometry and reveals two corollaries in stereographic projection .