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bān zhǎng
  • monitor;squad leader;class monitor;classmonitor;bawd
班长 [bān zhǎng]
  • (1) [classmonitor]∶学校班级中的负责学生

  • (2) [squad leader]∶ 负责一个班的士兵,通常是军士级

  • (3) [bawd]∶妓院老板

班长[bān zhǎng]
  1. 他被选中当班长,心里美滋滋的。

    He was very pleased to be elected class monitor .

  2. 今天,我和班长以及几个同学在一起玩游戏。

    I played games with the class monitor and several classmates today .

  3. 他是班长兼社长。

    He was a prefect and house captain .

  4. 他是班长,有很多社会工作。

    As a monitor , he has many duties outside his study .

  5. 老师正在跟班长谈话。

    The teacher is talking to the monitor .

  6. 他当选为班长。

    He was elected monitor .

  7. 全班都反对班长的建议。

    The whole class goes solid against the monitor 's suggestion .

  8. 他达到了他的目标,被选为班长。

    He hit the mark when he became president of the class .

  9. 他将成为他们的好班长。

    He will make a good monitor for them .

  10. 乔竞选班长并一举成功。

    Joe ran for monitor and won hands down .

  11. 班长的发言和几位同学的插话都很有意思。

    The monitor 's speech and the occasional remarks of some classmates were all very interesting .

  12. 他们一方面很想去医院看望班长,一方面又怕影响他休息。

    On the one hand , they wanted very much to visit their squad leader in hospital ; on the other hand , they didn 't want to disturb his rest .

  13. 如果你决定竞选班长。

    And if you decide to run for class president ,

  14. 两个月前我们的班级选举开始时,我决定竞选班长。

    Two months ago , when our class election started , I decided to run for class president .

  15. 她曾经选我们班长为最乐于助人的学生,并送给他一套文具作为礼物。

    She once chose our monitor as the most helpful student , and gave him a set of stationery as a gift .

  16. 我们的班长(monitor)史蒂夫是我最好的(best)朋友。

    Steve , our monitor3 , is my best friend .

  17. 班长命令战士们原地踏步。

    The squad leader ordered the men to mark time .

  18. 新兵不久便被教育班长训练得象样了。

    The recruits were soon licked into shape by the drill sergeants .

  19. 那谁是这个stone班长?

    Who 's this Captain Stone anyway ?

  20. 他们选举Tom做班长。

    They made Tom monitor .

  21. 除了高中的时候当选班长、后来当选美国步枪协会(nationalrifleassociation)理事之外,诺奎斯特没有担任过任何选举产生的职务。

    Other than being voted class president at high school and to the board of the National Rifle Association , Mr Norquist has never held elected office .

  22. 自1867年成立以来,在伊利诺伊大学Urbana-Champaign分校赢得了作为一个世界的研究,教学和班长的声誉

    Since its founding in1867 , the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has earned a reputation as a world-class leader in research , teaching and

  23. 之后,本文对项目进行需求分析,提出并实现了一种基于软交换技术和H.323协议的,可同时处理话务和应用业务的座席设计方案,其中包括普通座席和班长座席的详细阐述。

    After demand analysis , a plan based on soft switch and H.323 protocol which can process telephone traffic and business simultaneously was given . The implementation included ordinary agent and monitor agent . At the same time , the improvement of the agent was mentioned .

  24. 我们的班长是个心地纯洁的人。

    Our monitor is a person who is pure in heart .

  25. 班长已经把试卷发完了。

    The papers have already been given out by our monitor .

  26. 我们的班长将在星期一的会上发言。

    Our monitor will speak at the meeting on Monday morning .

  27. 班长简明扼要地讲述了事情的经过。

    The monitor gave a concise account of what had happen .

  28. 班长,你有什么向班级汇报的吗?

    Have you got anything to report to the class monitor ?

  29. 班长在战斗最前线。

    The squad leader is in the forefront of the fighting .

  30. 经过广泛的讨论,他被选为班长。

    After much debate he was chosen monitor of the class .