
  • 网络modern fisheries
  1. 渔业作为农业重要组成部分,加快现代渔业建设任重道远。

    Fishery , as an important part of agriculture , has a long way to go to accelerate the construction of modern fisheries .

  2. 通过S-C-P模型,对现代渔业产业进行了行业分析,为公司的环境分析奠定了基础。

    A foundation of environmental analysis is established with the analysis of the modern fishing industry through the SCP model .

  3. 剩余产量模型是预测最大可持续产量(MSY)的经典方法,也是现代渔业资源评估和管理的主要理论模型之一。

    Surplus production models are the classic methods to predict MSY , and are among the main theories and models in modern fish stock assessment and management .

  4. 树立现代渔业意识引领增长方式转变

    Build up new concept to guide fishery development in modern patterns

  5. 加强渔业政策法规研究推进现代渔业建设

    Enhancing fishery policy studies and promoting the development of modern fishery

  6. 现代渔业在新农村建设中的地位与作用

    Status and Role of Modern Fishery Playing in the New Rural Construction

  7. 渔业基本建设为现代渔业科技发展提供了重要物质保障。

    Fishery infrastructural development has provided an important material guarantee for fishery S & T development .

  8. 兴城市现代渔业园区井盐水资源分质水量评价

    Assessment of water quantity with different qualities to well salty water resources in Modern Fishery Garden of Xingcheng City

  9. 渔业科技是现代渔业建设的根本动力,大力支撑和引领了产业发展。

    S & T is the fundamental driving force of modern fishery , vigorously supporting and leading the development of the industry .

  10. 目前,我国的渔业通信整体比较落后,不能满足现代渔业生产、管理及安全救助的需要。

    But in our country fishery communication is relatively backward , is unable to meet the needs of modern fishery production , management and safety rescure .

  11. 文章总结了中国渔业的发展现状、地位和作用,分析了现代渔业的定义、特点、发展空间和发展趋势。

    This article summarized development present situation , status and functions of Chinese fishery industry , analyzed the modern fishery definition , characteristics , opportunities and development trends .

  12. 都市型现代渔业是上海都市农业的重要组成部分,是上海生态可持续发展的基础,其发展对上海食品和水源安全乃至城市安全都具有重要影响。

    The strategic location of the development of Tianjin 's agriculture is to develop a modern coastal urban agriculture and achieve agricultural modernization ahead of other parts of China .