
huán jìnɡ yīn sù
  • environmental factors
  1. 有大量疾病是由不明环境因素造成的。

    A surprising number of ailments are caused by unsuspected environmental factors

  2. 让我惊奇的是,目前还没有模型能量化环境因素对人类肺部健康的影响,因为这之间的关系看起来很重要。

    And it surprises me that no model currently exists that quantifies the effect of environmental factors on human lung health , because that relationship seems so important .

  3. 他们的成功是各种环境因素偶然联系在一起的幸运产物。

    Their success is the result of a fortuitous combination of circumstances .

  4. 该党宣誓要把环境因素纳入它所有的政策当中。

    The party vowed to incorporate environmental considerations into all its policies .

  5. 它可以保护免受风、太阳等环境因素的危害。

    It protects against environmental hazards such as wind and sun

  6. 越野赛通常在任何天气状况下都会进行,这意味着参与者还不得不考虑可能影响比赛成绩的环境因素:风雨、冰雪、冰雹和热浪。

    Typically , cross country races take place in all weather conditions , which means you also have to worry about environmental conditions that can affect your race performance : rain and wind , snow and ice , hail and heat waves .

  7. 影响我国服务业FDI的环境因素灰色关联分析

    GRA of Environmental Factors of FDI in Chinese Service Trades

  8. 环境因素对大豆化学品质及产量影响研究IV常规肥料对大豆化学品质及产量的影响

    The Influence of Fertilizer on the Yield and Quality of Soybean

  9. 土壤温度和土壤湿度是影响NO和N2O排放的重要环境因素;

    Soil moisture and soil temperature were important environmental factor which influenced N2O and NO emissions ;

  10. 环境因素对转Bt基因棉Bt杀虫蛋白表达量的影响

    Effect of environment elements on Bt-protein content in transgenic Bt cotton

  11. 环境因素对α-Fe2O3可燃性气体传感器性能的影响

    Influence of Environmental Factors to Gas Sensor Features

  12. 环境因素对小麦苗期SOD、MDA及可溶性蛋白的影响

    Effect of different environmental factors on SOD activity , MDA and soluble protein contents of wheat leaves

  13. 本文通过对递归算法的特性和C语言环境因素的分析,并通过实际测试和计算,对用C语言实现递归算法的重要条件因素进行了分析。

    This paper analyzes the characteristics of recursion algorithm and the correlative factors of C language . It also analyzes , by testing and calculating , the main factor qualifications of realizing recursion algorithm with C language .

  14. 实验表明:CA对模拟核素Cs+的吸附性能受环境因素影响较大,在室温条件下,CA的吸附平衡时间为10天左右。

    The experiment indicated that environmental factor severe effected adsorption capacity of CA on simulated nuclide Cs + and adsorption equilibrium time of CA was about ten days under normal temperature .

  15. 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的发生受遗传及环境因素的共同影响。

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) represents one of the most frequently occurring diffuse lung disease and influences both genetic and environmental factors .

  16. 以环境因素对传统经济指标进行调整,并非只是计算绿色GDP,可持续收入、真实储蓄和真实投资等都属于这样的调整总量。

    Secondly , when we adjust the traditional economic indicators , we do not calculate " green GDP " only , but also sustainable income , real savings and real investments .

  17. 在6种环境因素中,除了土壤pH值以外,土壤温度、含水量、活性有机质、水解氮、有效磷对土壤微生物、微生物呼吸速率、小型动物和生化作用存在着不同程度的影响。

    In 6 environmental factors , the soil temperature , water content , hydrolytic nitrogen , effective phosphorus and active organic matter , except pH , affected soil microorganism , mini-animals , microbial respiration rate and biochemical effects in different degree .

  18. 与现代医学比较,中医学侧重于诊察RA的症状描述与环境因素,并与RA中的细胞因子、神经内分泌因素具有一定关联。

    Compared with that of WM , TCM diagnosis on RA paid more attention to environmental factors and symptomatic descriptions , which showed definite association with the cytokines and neuro-endocrine factors in RA .

  19. 通过RFMEMS电容式开关实例,表明设计低真空封装的RFMEMS电容式开关时应考虑外部环境因素。

    The influence is also illustrated with an RF MEMS capacitive switch example , which shows that outside environment factors have to be taken into account when designing RF MEMS capacitive switches working in low vacuum .

  20. 可见IBA与MS液混用快速沾浸法可以降低成本、省工及操作迅速,因而可减少温度和湿度等环境因素的影响。

    Using IBA mixed with solution Ma for rapid soaking might reduce prime cost , save labour and operate quickly , Thin method also decreases the impact of environmental factors such as temperature and humidity .

  21. 然后系统地分析了公司的内部环境因素,揭示出自身的优势和劣势;采用SWOT矩阵,建立常州交通监理公司的可选战略;

    This paper promulgates its strengths and weakness by analyzing the internal environmental factors and establishes the company 's selective strategy by adopting SWOT matrix based on which Changzhou Transportation Administration Company confirms its mission and strategic objective .

  22. αsynuclein可能起到联系基因和环境因素在PD中的发病机制的作用,而多巴胺导致的氧化应激则可能是神经变性的共同途径。

    α - synuclein may contribute to the relationship between genetic and environmental factors in pathogenesis of Parkinson disease . And oxidative stress generated by dopamine may be the common pathway of the neurodegenerative .

  23. 全面识别组织的环境因素,准确评价重要环境因素是建立与保持ISO14001环境管理体系的基础。

    The comprehensive identification and accurate evaluation of organizations important environmental aspects are the basis of establishing and maintaining ISO14001 environmental management system ( EMS ) .

  24. 研究背景多发性硬化(MultipleSclerosis,MS)是一种中枢神经系统自身免疫性疾病,其病因尚未完全清楚,遗传和环境因素均能影响对该病的易感性。

    Background Multiple sclerosis ( MS ) is a central nervous system autoimmune disease , but the cause of the disease is not yet complete clarified . Both genetic and environmental factors may influence susceptibility to the disease , the function of the heredity has already been affirmed .

  25. 结果表明,巢内CO2体积分数和湿度环境因素改变,引起群内15&20日龄工蜂保幼激素含量提高和血淋巴中K+/Na+降低,从而使蜂群表现出调控蜜蜂性比行为。

    The results showed that the changes of temperature and concentration of CO2 in colony could heighten juvenile hormone and depress of K + / Na + in 15 ~ 20 day ages worker honeybee , thereby the colony had behavior to control honeybee sex ratio .

  26. 逐步多元直线回归分析表明,2型糖尿病患者子女胰岛素抵抗以及相关变量等环境因素和4G等位基因这一遗传因素共同影响纤溶酶原激活物抑制物1活性。

    The multiple stepwise linear regression analysis indicates that the insulin resistance , the environmental factors of related variables and the genetic factor of 4G allele together affect the activity of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in the children of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus .

  27. 原发性高血压是受遗传因素和环境因素共同影响的复杂性疾病,由于ENaC的维持钠的自身平衡和血压的重要作用,因此ENaC基因作为原发性高血压的候选基因而备受关注。

    Essential hypertension is a kind of complex disease cooperated by genetic factors and environmental factors , ENaC genes are given more attention as candidate gene of essential hypertension because of its important role in maintenance of sodium homeostasis and blood pressure .

  28. 影响商业银行组织架构的外部环境因素具有开放和动态的性质,并充满着不确定性。

    Outer-environment affecting commercial bank organization design is open and variable .

  29. 基于环境因素的企业项目投资决策方法研究

    Research on Enterprises Projects Investment Decision Method Based on Environmental Factors

  30. 影响婴幼儿智能发育的环境因素

    Effects of Environmental Factors on Intellectual Development in Infants and Toddlers