
  1. 东汉思潮与王符思想

    Trends of Thought in East Han Dynasty and WANG Fu 's Ideas

  2. 王符充分认识到了人性问题的复杂性。

    Wang Fu was fully aware of the complexity of human nature .

  3. 王符的无神论思想探略

    To Probe into the Atheism Theory of Wang Fu

  4. 王符《潜夫论》教育思想述评

    Comments on the Educational Thoughts in Wang Fu 's A Hermit 's Statements

  5. 论王符的道德精神

    Discussing the Moral Spirit of Wang Fu

  6. 这一转变的开始,是由王充、王符公然鄙视儒家道德治国的权威性为标志的。

    The turning was marked by Wang Chong and Wang Fugong in neglecting the Confucian authority .

  7. 王符的嫉妒论

    Wang Fu 's Theory of Envy

  8. 王符道气思想的性质是唯心主义的,是他进行社会批判的哲学依据。

    The idealistic The thought of " Dao " and " Qi " is his tool to criticize the society .

  9. 《潜夫论》的版本分歧与王符的道气思想

    On the Difference of the Edition of A Treatise on the Latent and Wang Fu 's Thought on Dao and Qi

  10. 虽然先秦诸子之学逐渐衰退,但涌现出了桓谭、王符等一批新思想家。

    Although Pre-Qin scholars gradually decline , but the emergence of Huan Tan , Wang Fu , a batch of new thinker .

  11. 鉴于此,本文试图从新的视角&道德精神来揭示王符研究的一种深层次的文化价值。

    Therefore , this article attempts to reveal the deep cultural values of studying Wang Fu from a novel angle & moral spirit .

  12. 王符道气观的哲学史价值,在于“道根气使”思想中所蕴含的由宇宙生成论向本体论转化的契机。

    The significance of Wang Fu 's thought about Dao and Qi on philosophic history is the transformational meaning from Genesis to Ontology .

  13. 王符从人民的利益出发,强调、提醒并希望统治者能以民为本,把富民当作富国的前提,关心、爱护人民。

    Wang Fu stressed the interests of people , warned the governors to administrate the country of the people , and for the people .

  14. 在王符思想的研究中,学者们对王符道气思想的认识存在较大分歧。

    In the research of his ideas , the scholars hold greatly different opinions on his idea of " Dao " and " Qi " .

  15. 王符是东汉中后期著名的政论家、思想家,是东汉社会批判思潮的重要代表。

    Wang Fu was the famous ideologist and political critics in the mid-or-later the Eastern Han Dynasty , was the important representative of social critical thoughts .

  16. 人去遗文在丹心育门生&纪念我国图书馆学教育家王重民先生王符民本思想的再发现及其价值重估

    In the Memory of Professor Wang Zhongmin , One of the Famous Educationists in Library Science ; Wang Fu 's People-Based Thinking and Its Revaluation Value

  17. 所以,本文希望从历史学的角度去研究王符的道德精神,以助于对王符有更深入、更全面的了解。

    Therefore , this article attempt to study the moral spirit of Wang Fu from the view of history and give a more systematic and comprehensive understanding .

  18. 王符并没有能够摆脱纬书的影响,在阐述一些上古历史人物问题时大量引用了纬书的内容。

    Wang Fu did not get rid of the impact of weishu , and quoted extensively the contents of weishu when elaborating on some ancient historical figures .

  19. 东汉王符在他的政论著作《潜夫论》中,对当时的政治、经济、军事、文化等各方面作了真实的反映。

    A Treatise on the Latent Man , written by Wang Fu in Eastern Han Dynasty , truly reflected the politics , economy , Military and culture at that time .

  20. 在中国哲学发展的历程中,王符的道气思想是宋明新儒家理论的前奏,并且具有从生成论向本体论的过渡转型意义。

    In the development of philosophy , the idea of " dao " is the prelude of the new Confucius theory and bears the transitional meaning from primary philosophy to ontology .

  21. 王符是东汉社会批判思潮的思想先驱,在中古史上开创了独特的“潜夫议政”传统。

    Wang Fu was an ideological pioneer of the social critical thoughts of the Eastern Han Dynasty , and he created a unique " criticism to the government from the hermit " tradition in mediaeval history .

  22. 近年来,对于王充和王符以及他们的著作《论衡》与《潜夫论》的研究日渐增加,一批有创见的研究成果相继问世。

    In recent years , Wang Chong and Wang Fu , as well as for their book , " Lun Heng " and " Hermit " theory of increasing and a number of innovative research results have been .

  23. 王符《潜夫论》中的嫉妒论,是继王充之后最为完整的嫉妒论,它们是人类思想史上专题研究嫉妒问题的开山之作。

    Wang Fu 's theory of envy in his work On Qian Fu is the most comprehensive theory of envy after Wang Chong . They were the foundation studies specially on the question of envy in the history of human thought .