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  • pig's feet
猪蹄[zhū tí]
  1. 我怕你的猪蹄。

    I am afraid of your pig 's feet .

  2. 我指着红烧猪蹄,得意洋洋,自我陶醉。

    I proudly pointed at the pig 's feet braised in soy sauce , revelling in my own achievement .

  3. 每日服用以白毛乌骨鸡、猪蹄为主要原料的口服液,日服3次,每次1支,每支10mL,连续15d。

    Volunteers in dose group orally took the liquor for successive 15 days , 3 times daily and 10 mL for each .

  4. 建立大鼠阑尾脓肿模型,通过检测超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量及观察白细胞的吞噬功能,比较猪蹄甲和穿山甲消痈作用的异同。

    In the model rat appendicitis abscess , the eliminating carbuncle effect of the sus scrofa domestic brisson and the manis pentadactyla linnaeus was compared by determining the activity of SOD , the level of MDA and the phagocytosis of leukocytes .

  5. 结果:猪蹄甲、穿山甲均有消痈作用,猪蹄甲高剂量组和穿山甲组作用最强,2者比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Results : The sus scrofa domestic brisson group with different doses all had the eliminating carbuncle effect . The sus scrofa domestic brisson high-dose group and the manis pentadactyla linnaeus group had the strongest effects , and there was no significant difference between the two groups ( P0.05 ) .

  6. 波尔多葡萄酒生产商最近发布了一本食谱,将各种波尔多葡萄酒与中国传统菜肴搭配,包括一些看似不可能的组合,例如猪蹄配圣特美隆(Saint-Emilion)、鸭舌配玛高庄(Margaux)。

    Bordeaux winemakers recently published a recipe book pairing various Bordeaux wines with traditional Chinese dishes , including such perhaps unlikely combinations such as pigs ' feet with Saint-Emilion and duck tongues with Margaux .

  7. 红烧板栗猪蹄软罐头的加工技术研究

    Process Study on Retort Pouch of Pig Hoof Cooked with Chestnut

  8. 中国传统烹饪食品酱猪蹄改良工艺研究

    Improved research techniques of sauce pork hoof about Chinese traditional cooking

  9. 那么那个有着猪蹄的女孩子其实不能投球?

    So the girl with the pig arm can 't really bowl ?

  10. 真空包装对低温杀菌酱猪蹄的保鲜效果研究

    Study on preservative technology of low-temperature sterilized sauced pettitoes by vacuum packing

  11. 嘿!晚饭吃猪蹄和牛肚。

    Yum ! It 's trotters and tripe for supper !

  12. 把人家肥猪宰了,又去施舍猪蹄。(喻假善人)

    He steals a hog , and gives the feet in alms .

  13. 五香猪蹄软罐头的工艺研究

    The processing technology of five balmy spiced pork leg of flexible can

  14. 猪蹄子印怎么跑到天花板上了?

    How did the pig tracks get on the ceiIing ?

  15. 屠宰过程中猪蹄、头脱毛技术的研究

    Study on Depilation of Pork Trotter and Hog Face through the Slaughtering Process

  16. 猪蹄筋软罐头系列产品的研制

    Studies on Production of Series of Soft-canned Pig Tendon

  17. 服务员:我(这里)有煮口条,炸猪肝,和猪蹄。

    Waiter : I have boiled tongue , fried liver , and pigs'feet .

  18. 五香酱猪蹄软包装的简便制作工艺

    Simple Processing Technology of the Soft Packaging for the Five Spices Stewed Pig Hoof

  19. 况且猪蹄除了骨头就是那倒人胃口的皮,你到底叫我吃什么?

    Anyhow there is absolutely nothing to eat apart from bone and disgusting skin !

  20. 美国人不爱吃猪蹄、鸡爪、海参、动物内脏、肥肉等。

    Americans love to eat pig , chicken feet , sea cucumber , fat liver , etc.

  21. 其它一些美食包括燕窝、猪蹄和海参(很像一尺长的水生蛞蝓)。

    Other delicacies include birds'nests , pigs'feet and sea cucumbers ( which resemble foot-long aquatic slugs ) .

  22. 吃的时候还可以点红烧猪蹄,豆干或者绿豆汤喝,都是不错的。

    When eating can also point braised Zhuti , Dougan mungbean soup or drink , are good .

  23. 穿山甲猪蹄甲中氨基酸含量比较分析

    Comparison & analysis of amino acid content in pangolin scales and pork leg scales T.C.M. College , Hebei Medical University

  24. 睡觉前把熟猪蹄中的胶状皮盖在脸上,第二天早上拿掉。

    Put the paste of boiled pig hooves on your face before sleeping and clean it off the next morning .

  25. 还有人去饭店享用天然的高胶原蛋白的食物,比如猪蹄、鸡皮和鱼翅。

    They also flock to restaurants that serve foods naturally high in collagen – pig trotters , chicken skin and shark fin .

  26. 为证实猪蹄甲可代替珍稀中药材料穿山甲,进行了系统研究。

    The systematic study has been made to confirm that pork leg scales could replace pangolin scales , the rare herbal medicine .

  27. 目的:探讨猪蹄甲在消痈作用上对穿山甲的可替代性。

    Aim : To explore the eliminating carbuncle effect of the sus scrofa domestic brisson and the manis pentadactyla linnaeus by pharmacological study .

  28. 之前,刘维忠还发过一个帖子,称接受癌症手术后吃猪蹄有助于身体恢复,由此他被人们戏称为猪蹄厅长。

    A previous post from Liu that eating pig 's feet can help people recover from cancer surgery earned him the nickname pig feet chief .

  29. 材料包含有秋葵,糖蜜,芥蓝,地瓜,酪乳,鸡,猪蹄膀。

    Whoo-hoo ! Some of the ingredients include okra , molasses , collard greens , sweet potato , buttermilk , chicken , and ham hock .

  30. 该联合会希望中国能批准进口猪蹄,认为这是一个“潜力巨大”的市场。

    It hopes that China will approve the import of pigs " trotters - a " potentially huge " market , according to the Federation .