
zhū dǔ
  • pork tripe
  1. 猪肚150克午餐肉1听豆腐皮250克

    pork tripe 150g , thin sheets of bean curd 250g ,

  2. 还有一道我不太熟悉的客家主食,叫做猪肚炖鸡,也是美味到无法形容。

    It is , however , pork tripe stewed chicken , among the Hakka staples , that was relatively unknown to me and it proved to be delicious beyond description .

  3. (常用复数)猪肠,通常念做chitlin'shogmaw(n.)猪肚(胃)我要自己煮个猪肠跟猪肚来吃。

    chitterlings ( n. ) I 'm gonna cook me up some chitterlings and hog maw .

  4. 我要自己煮个猪肠跟猪肚来吃。

    I 'm gonna cook me up some chitterlings and hog maw .

  5. 微波辅助技术优化猪肚菇多糖提取工艺

    Optimization of Conditions for Polysaccharid Extraction from Clitocybe maxima Using the Microwave-assisted Technology

  6. 然后缝上猪肚晾干后搁在神柜上。

    Next he sewed the belly , putting it on the cabinet after airing .

  7. 你不是要告诉她猪肠和猪肚吧,是不是?

    You weren 't going to tell her about chitterlings and hog maws , were you ?

  8. 克莱德:你不是要告诉她猪肠和猪肚吧,是不是?

    Clyde : You weren 't going to tell her about chitterlings and hog maws , were you ?

  9. 因此,活性氧代谢失调引发的生物膜结构破坏是猪肚菇子实体衰老的重要原因之一。

    Therefore , the metabolic disorder induced by the accumulation of active oxygen species was one of important factors for the senescence of Panus giganteus .

  10. 结果是这样的:主菜包括一盘堆得满满的炒饭,这道常见的受中餐影响的秘鲁炒饭里含有猪肚、煎蛋、炸大蕉、佛手瓜和鲜番茄;

    The result : main courses like a heaping plate of chaufa , a common Chinese-influenced Peruvian fried rice with pork belly , fried egg , fried plantain , chayote and fresh tomato ;

  11. 他先把猪肚割开,把肠和内脏拉出,把里面的瘦肉和骨也剔除。

    Unzipping the pork belly , he took out the intestines and viscera , plus removed the lean meat and bones , and then seasoned the carcass with salt , pepper , garlic and ginger .