
  • 网络Leonids;Leonid Meteor Shower;Meteor shower;leonids meteor shower;Leonid
  1. 狮子座流星雨及其观测

    Leonids meteor shower and its observation

  2. 针对天文爱好者,指出流星雨的观测方法和注意事项,并对1999年发生的狮子座流星雨进行全面回顾。

    We point out the observation methods and attentive items for amateur astromoners and review on the Leonids Meteor Shower in 1999 .

  3. 狮子座流星雨爆发对偶发E层的影响

    Effects on Sporadic E Layer of the Leonid Meteor Shower Bursting

  4. 采用三台CSH-1型次声接收器,在北京昌平区布置了一个次声测量三点阵,并观测到1998年11月17日狮子座流星雨产生的次声波P-t曲线和波速波向图。

    A tripartite array for infrasonic measurement in Changping county , Beijing was arranged , using three CSH-1 infrasonic receivers . The infrasonic signals ( P-t curve and wave vector ) produced by the meteor shower from Leo on November 17,1998 were observed .

  5. 从中国目视资料分析1998年狮子座流星雨

    An analysis of 1998 Leonid meteor shower from Chinese visual data

  6. 1998年德令哈狮子座流星雨目视观测及初步分析

    Visual Observations of 1998 Leonids in Delingha and Their Preliminary Analysis

  7. 2001年狮子座流星雨及科学观测记录

    The Iron-constellation Meteor Shower in 2001 and Scientific Observe Ratas

  8. 1998年11月17日狮子座流星雨的次声观测

    Infrasonic observation of meteor shower from Leo on November 17 , 1998

  9. 2015年我们能看到几场狮子座流星雨呢?

    How many Leonid meteors will you see in 2015 ?

  10. 2015年,我们应该什么时候看狮子座流星雨呢?

    When should you watch for Leonid meteors in 2015 ?

  11. 狮子座流星雨的目视和照相观测

    Visual observations and photographic observations of Leo meteor shower

  12. 11月17日和18日的清晨,请尽情观赏狮子座流星雨吧!

    Watch for the Leonids on the mornings of November 17 and 18 !

  13. 近20年来狮子座流星雨预报进展

    Progress of Predicting in the Leonid Meteor Shower

  14. 例如,狮子座流星雨的辐射点就位于狮子座星群。

    For instance , the radiant for the Leonid meteor shower is located in the constellation Leo .

  15. 我们很幸运,朗月并没有影响今年狮子座流星雨的观赏。

    Fortunately , the waxing moon won 't jeopardize the view of this year 's Leonid meteor shower .

  16. 根据地球运动的位置,每年十一月份的时候,我们就会迎来狮子座流星雨。

    November 's wonderful Leonid meteor shower happens every year at this time , as our world moves through space .

  17. 狮子座流星雨于每年的11月中旬降临,裸眼就可以非常容易地观察到。

    The Leonid meteor shower happens every year in mid-November and it is very easy to observed with the naked eye .

  18. 2001年狮子座流星雨,是几百年来难得有机会在中国观测到的一场流星暴。

    The Leonid meteor shower in AD 2001 was a great meteor burst inaccessibly happened in China during recent several hundred years .

  19. 和其他大多数流星雨一样,狮子座流星雨的最佳观赏时间在半夜和黎明期间。

    As with most meteor showers , the best time to watch the Leonids is usually between the hours of midnight and dawn .

  20. 根据中国史书和地方志中的记载,1533年10月23&11月4日出现的狮子座流星雨,是历史上最盛大的一次流星雨过程。

    According to historical records and local chronicles , the period from Oct. 23 through Nov. 4 of 1533 witnesses the grandest Leo shower in history .

  21. 1998年Tempel-Tuttle慧星的回归,再度带来了狮子座流星雨的观测热,也大大促进了对狮子座流星雨预报工作的研究与验证。

    The recent return of Comet 55P / Tempel-Tuttle in 1998 has push not only observational activities on the Leonid meteor shower , but also the research and verification about its prediction .

  22. 一九九九年狮子座强流星雨的无线电观测

    Radio observation of 1999 strong leonid meteor shower

  23. 狮子座的流星雨通常都是中等规模的流星雨,在黎明前流量每小时最多可达10到15颗。

    The Leonids are usually a modest shower , with typical rates of about 10 to 15 meteors per hour at the peak , in the darkness before dawn .

  24. 还在军艺上学的时候,春天,狮子座的流星雨,一帮人个个抢着告诉别人他看到了流星,当他很高兴的语气还没结束时,流星已经划过夜空。

    Also in PLA Art Institute , spring , Leo meteor shower , a group of people all told others saw meteor shower , when his pleased tone had not ended , the meteor had across the night sky .

  25. 此时地球与坦普尔塔特尔彗星轨道相交,该彗星轨道的碎片进入地球的轨道,与大气层摩擦,最后燃烧蒸发,这样我们就看到了狮子座的流星雨。

    It occurs when Earth crosses the orbital path of Comet Tempel-Tuttle , which , like all comets , litters its orbit with bits of debris . It 's when this comet debris enters Earth 's atmosphere , and vaporizes , that we see the Leonid meteor shower .