
  • 网络State control;status control
  1. 管理内容包括:对Android智能移动终端的文件管理、应用程序的管理、Wi-Fi连接管理、通信拦截管理等。控制的内容包括:应用状态控制、消息推送、远程系统命令执行等。

    The proposal of the management includes document management to the Android intelligent terminal , the management to the application procedure , Wi-Fi connection management , communication interception management , etc. The proposal of control covers application status control , message pushing , remote system command execution , etc.

  2. 并就寿命设计、状态控制设计及可修复能力设计三方面展开研究。

    Besides , profound studies on life design , status control and repairable design are carried out . 2 .

  3. 用虚拟Buffer状态控制MPEG-2系统层复用

    Virtual Buffer Control Strategy for MPEG 2 System Layer Multiplexing

  4. CMP过程中纳米级颗粒在芯片表面吸附状态控制

    Control of The Adsorption State of Nano-Size Particles on Wafer in CMP

  5. ESA系统状态控制电路可靠性的计算机辅助建模方法

    Computer Aided Modelling Means for the Reliability of the State Control Circuit of ESA

  6. 通过工控机和PLC连接,开发出了用于工控机的集数据采集和通信、设备状态控制和数据管理的监测程序,实现了监测控制。

    To connect control computer with PLC and realize supervisal , a real time supervisal control software of water supply system is developed . The software has the function of data connection , communication , state control of facilities and data management .

  7. 通过EonStudio与VC++6.0之间的通信,实现模型显隐状态控制、模型透明度调节、交互操作、快速视角切换等功能。

    The function of model display state control , model opacity adjustment , interactive operation and rapid viewport changing was achieved through communication between EON Studio and VC + + 6.0 .

  8. 该系统利用CMOS图像传感器采集条码图像数据,通过高速数字信号处理芯片DSP进行信息处理,并利用FPGA进行系统状态控制,从而完成对二维条码的快速识别。

    The system of two-dimensional bar codes is accomplished using CMOS image sensor , high speed DSP is utilized to process image data , FPGA is utilized to control the states of system . The new design has made scanning quicker and easier .

  9. 提出了3G系统中软切换双队列机制的多业务接入控制策略,对不同业务给予不同的优先权,根据网络的不同状态控制语音或数据切换呼叫、语音或数据新呼叫入网;

    An approach to call access control based on soft handoff / double queue for multi-class traffic in 3G systems is proposed to give different priorities in accordance to different traffic . The different calls are controlled to enter into the networks according to different network conditions .

  10. 研究引信电子安全系统(ESA)状态控制电路的可靠性建模方法。

    To study the method of setting up the reliability models of the state control circuit of electronic safety and arming devices system ( ESA ), the time domain analysis was used to divide the system into some operating sections effectively .

  11. 提出了参数开关调制控制混沌方法,通过对蔡氏电路中的电容参数进行开关调制,可把蔡氏电路由混沌状态控制到其平衡态和nP周期轨道。

    In this paper , a new method for controlling chaos is proposed , which is based on the parameter switching modulation . The chaotic Chua 's circuit is controlled to its fixed point as well as nP periodic orbits by using switching modulation on one of its capacitor parameters .

  12. 基于搜索状态控制的组合电路测试生成算法

    Test Generation Algorithm Based on Search State Dominance for Combinational Circuits

  13. 单层钢结构工业厂房结构状态控制标准研究

    Research on Structural State Control Criterion of Monolayer Steel Structural Workshop

  14. 高浓度含磷废水治理最佳状态控制

    The Optimal State Control for the Treatment of High Concentration Phosphorus Wastewater

  15. 信息管理系统中状态控制建模的研究

    Research on State Control Modeling in Management Information System

  16. 基于时间状态控制模式有初始角动量空间机器人的姿态控制

    Attitude Control of a Space Robot with Initial Angular Momentum Using Time-State Control Form

  17. 松籽运动过程中的状态控制与约束研究

    Research of state-control of moving pine-nut and restrain

  18. 多风井系统风机切换期间的矿井风流状态控制研究

    Research on mine air current state control during ventilators switching period of multi ventilation shaft system

  19. 提出了一种软硬件协同设计的系统模型&PSC(进程状态控制)。

    Process state control ( PSC ) is an intermediate system model proposed for hardware software codesign .

  20. 岩石的物理性质受岩石成分及蚀变状态控制,而岩石的工程学性质和力学特征是其物理性质的函数。

    The engineering properties and mechanical behavior are functions of the physical properties of the rock constituents and controlled by the alteration state .

  21. 简要介绍了对某型航空发动机在外场使用过程中,实施战斗与训练状态控制的方法及其相应的控制装置。

    The fight and train state control method as well as the control device for the engine in airport using is briefly introduced .

  22. 子牙河自锚式悬索钢桥各部分在整个施工过程中状态控制良好,达到了预想的设计效果。

    During construction , all the parts of Ziyahe self-anchored suspension bridge have been successfully controlled and the design expectation has been fulfilled .

  23. 但是迄今,应用系统科学思想,对高原训练及其与运动训练状态控制关系进行的研究,尚未见报道。

    Unfortunately , the study on altitude training and the relation to controlling training state with the idea of system science has not been reported .

  24. 较为详细地对仿真模型中的定子磁链观测器模块以及开关状态控制模块进行了描述,并简要说明了空间电压矢量作用于磁链,使得磁链矢量产生运动的原理。

    The stator flux observer module and the switch state control module were described . The flux linkage is acted on by the space voltage vector .

  25. 采用模糊专家规则进行烧结过程状态控制,同时采用聚类搜索混沌遗传算法获得最优的操作参数,从而实现了铅锌烧结过程的在线实时集成优化控制。

    The integrated optimization control techniques include the fuzzy expert rules to optimize the sintering conditions , the genetic algorithm of cluster searching and chaotic optimization to optimize the operation parameters .

  26. 为此,探讨了光缆接头盒机械性能试验的若干技术问题,如试样制备、试验条件和程序、设备和试样状态控制,以及与试验判据有关的几个问题。

    Consequently some technical topics , such as sample preparation , testing conditions and procedures , apparatuses and sample state control , and some problems associated with testing criteria , are discussed .

  27. 本文采用状态控制的方法,有目的地对结构进行极点配置,使受控结构系统的振型数据对损伤比原始的无控结构更敏感。

    In the study , the state feedback control method is employed to place the poles of the structure intentionally so that the damage indictors are more sensitive to the damage of structure under control .

  28. 提出一种全新的飞行状态控制的实现途径&无舵飞行姿态控制,使飞机具有更优的飞控品质,并有利于气动外形和结构的优化。

    This paper presents a new method to control the flight attitude i.e. rudderless flight control system , which enable the aircraft to have better performance in flight control and the optimization of aerodynamic profile and structure .

  29. 为此,本文以重型柴油机为控制对象,从燃油控制和缸内状态控制(温度、压力和氧浓度)出发,开发控制系统。

    Therefore , this thesis adopted the heavy-duty diesel as the control object and developed the control system in view of the fuel injection strategy control and in-cylinder condition ( temperature , pressure and oxygen concentration ) control .

  30. 由工作流系统管理这些流程,可以使流程的执行变的条理清晰,流程各步骤的开发人员无需关心流程的进度控制逻辑和状态控制逻辑,从而降低了开发难度。

    Managing these processes by workflow system can make the process execution becoming clear and hierarchical . In this way , process developers should not pay more attention to progress control logic and state control logic , and the process development becomes easier .