
  • 网络trondheim
  1. 挪威还有一个城市也上榜了:特隆赫姆是移动技术的诞生地。创建于上个世纪八十年代的GSM标准,就是在这个城市。

    Another Norwegian city on the list , Trondheim is the birthplace of mobile tech. It is where the GSM standard was invented in the 1980s .

  2. 力图守住特隆赫姆一线的盟军。

    Allied forces struggling to hold the line at trondheim .

  3. 罗尔夫格里格成为在N次(特隆赫姆)建筑师,但若干年后,他决定把他的生命奉献给艺术。

    Rolf Grieg became architect at NTH ( Trondhjem ), but after some years , he decided to dedicate his life to the art .

  4. 1873年的今天,奥斯卡二世在特隆赫姆加冕为瑞典-挪威的国王。

    Oscar II of Sweden-Norway is crowned king of Norway in Trondheim .

  5. 挪威中部一城市,濒临特隆赫姆沥海峡。

    A port in central Norway on Trondheim Fjord .

  6. 然而,挪威的国家汽轮顾问要求在特隆赫姆与哈默菲斯特之间开办快船服务。

    Nevertheless , Norway 's national steamship advisor called for an express ship service between Trondheim and Hammerfest .

  7. 根据官方数据,自那时起,特隆赫姆本地技术行业蓬勃增长,现已有550家新兴企业,雇员规模高达1万人。

    Since then , the local tech scene has been booming , and now boasts over 550 startups with more than 10000 employees , according to officials .

  8. 从这个国家中部的特隆赫姆往北极圈的哈默菲斯特寄信,夏天要3个星期,冬天要5个月。

    To send a letter from Trondheim in the center of the country to Hammerfest above the Arctic Circle took as long as three weeks in the summer and five months in the winter !

  9. 当地时间5月15日,世界胡须锦标赛在挪威特隆赫姆举行,来自世界各地15个国家的163名“美髯公”选手参赛,展示五花八门的胡须造型。数届世界胡子锦标赛冠军艾尔马•韦斯再次赢得大赛总冠军。

    Multiple winner of the beard world championship , Elmar Weisser , became the winner again in World Beard and Moustache Championships in Trondheim , Norway , on May 15 . Some 163 contestants from 15 countries took take part in and demonstrated multiple shapes of beard .