
  • 网络trojan;Les Troyens;The Trojans
  1. 你是唯一可以这么做的特洛伊人。

    You 're the only Trojan who could say that .

  2. 某个擅使弓箭的射手,某个特洛伊人或鲁基亚人射伤了他:对射手,这是一份光荣;但对我们,它却带来了忧愁。

    Some Trojan or Lycian archer has wounded him with an arrow to our dismay , and to his own great glory .

  3. 他在诗作中说特洛伊人努力保护自己的城市。

    He said Trojans worked very hard to protect their city .

  4. 特洛伊人的任何武器都无法伤害阿奇里斯。

    None of the Trojan weapons was able to hurt Achilles .

  5. 他比特洛伊人还不愿意为我们作战。

    He is less likely to fight for us than trojans .

  6. 没人想到特洛伊人的海滩这么容易就攻陷了。

    No one thought the Trojan beach could be captured so easily .

  7. 我不想看见特洛伊人再为我送命了。

    I don 't want to see another Trojan die because of me .

  8. 只要它还在一个特洛伊人手中,我们的人民就还有希望。

    So long as a Trojan carries it , our people have a future .

  9. 大概瓦兰提斯人是聪明人而维斯特洛伊人都是白痴。

    Might be the Volantenes are the clever ones and us Westerosi the fools .

  10. 希腊人与特洛伊人交战了十几年,但从未获胜过。

    For ten long years the Greeks fought the Trojans but could not win .

  11. 我们声明木马会给特洛伊人带来好运的。

    We declared that the wooden horse would bring good luck to the Trojans .

  12. 这两个特洛伊人尽力杀伤敌人而不惊动他们。

    The two Trojans slew such of the enemy as they could without exciting alarm .

  13. 特洛伊人从未被征服过。

    The Trojans have never been conquered .

  14. 到半夜,特洛伊人都睡觉了,希腊士兵从我肚子里爬出来。

    At midnight , people are sleeping , Trojan Greek soldiers from my belly climb out .

  15. 有多少特洛伊人的妻子会再也见不到他们的丈夫?

    How many wives wait at troy 's gates for husbands they 'll never see again ?

  16. 虽然这个女孩看起来是个维斯特洛伊人,但是她不说一句通用语。

    Though she did look Westerosi , the girl spoke not a word of the Common Tongue .

  17. 他难以控制,和特洛伊人一样想对付我们。

    He can 't be controlled . he 's as likely to fight us as the trojans .

  18. 当晚,藏在木马里的希腊士兵打开了城门让外援部队进入城内,里应外合,最终战败了特洛伊人。

    That night , the hidden soldiers opened the gates to additional troops , and Troy fell .

  19. 一场可怕的风暴随之而来,特洛伊人的船被刮离航道,向非洲海岸漂去。

    A terrible storm ensued , and the Trojan ships were driven out of their course towards the coast of Africa .

  20. 伊利厄姆将永世不衰,自吹自擂的特洛伊人看着那坚固的城墙和富丽的建筑说。

    Ilium will endure forever , said the boastful Trojans as they looked at its solid walls and its noble buildings .

  21. 与此同时,希腊军队假装撤兵,并散布谣言:这匹马是雅典娜送来的。信以为真的特洛伊人欢天喜地地将马拖进城里。

    Taken in by rumour that the horse had been sent by Athena , the overjoyed Trojans hauled it into their capital .

  22. 之后我成为了铁杆篮球迷。记得那时沃兹·哈泽德把我心爱的特洛伊人队打得很惨。

    I became a die-hard basketball fan , with early memories of Walt Hazzard kicking the crap out of my beloved Trojans .

  23. 希腊人将最好的士兵藏在一个巨大的木马里并诱使特洛伊人将木马拖进城里。

    The Greeks then put the best soldiers inside a massive wooden horse and tricked the Trojans to bring the horse inside the city .

  24. 这是一场长期战争,不是对付鹤,而是对付败草,这一群有太阳和雨露帮忙的特洛伊人。

    A long war , not with cranes , but with weeds , those Trojans who had sun and rain and dews on their side .

  25. 首先我被希腊人推到特洛伊人的城门外,然后被特洛伊人发现,被拖进了城里。

    At first I was pushed into the Trojan Greek people outside the gates of trojans , then was found , was dragged into the city .

  26. 通过梳理大量错综复杂的细枝末节,阿布拉菲亚先生在本书中带领读者从腓尼基人和特洛伊人的时代一直走到现代旅游业的出现。

    Marshalling a vast array of intricate detail , Mr abulafia takes the reader from the age of the Phoenicians and Trojans to the advent of modern tourism .

  27. 这其实是一首长篇史诗,讲述的是特洛伊人埃涅阿斯如何去到意大利,并成为罗马人的祖先的故事。

    This is actually a Latin epic poem , which talks about a Trojan named , Aeneas , how he traveled to Italy and became an ancestral Roman .

  28. 希腊人计划哄骗特洛伊人将他们带到特洛伊城内,于是他们谋划给特洛伊人留下一个“礼物”,并假装撤退。

    The Greeks planned to trick the Trojans into letting them behind those closed walls . They would leave a gift for the Trojans and pretend to retreat home .

  29. 他害怕阿芙罗狄蒂有一天会讽刺他,下令使她爱上安吉西思&一个特洛伊牧羊人。

    Lest Aphrodite should one day mock at him , he decreed she should lose her heart to Anchises , a shepherd of Troy .

  30. 特洛伊和他的人明显在幕后。

    And Troy and his basketball robots are obviously behind it .