
  • 网络logistics infrastructure network
  1. 基于主成分分析、聚类分析以及BP神经网络分析方法,提出物流基础设施网络规模与经济发展的协调系数计算方法,并构建了物流基础设施网络合理规模确定模型。

    On the basis of main element analysis method , clustering analysis method and BP Neural Network analysis method , the dissertation advances coordinating codfficient calculation method of logistics infrastructure network scale and economics development . And the logistics infrastructure network reasonable scale model has also been set up .

  2. 物流基础设施网络合理规模确定模型构建。

    Set up logistics infrastructure network reasonable scale model .

  3. 物流基础设施网络规模与经济发展协调性分析模型构建。

    Set up a Harmony Analyzing model Between Logistics Infrastructure Network Scale and Economy Development .

  4. 物流基础设施网络是物流网络的重要组成部分,是区域物流网络体系规划中一个重要方面。

    Logistics infrastructure network is an important part of logistics network and aspect of regional logistics network system layout .

  5. 基于系统综合评价方法与多系统协调发展评价方法,构建了物流基础设施网络规模与经济发展协调性分析模型。

    According to system synthesis evaluation method and multi-system coordinating development evaluation method , the dissertation sets up the Harmony Analyzing model Between Logistics Infrastructure Network Scale and Economy Development . 4 .

  6. 现代零售业正向着规模化、连锁化的方向发展,在零售业物流基础设施网络要素中,配送中心作为连接供货点和需求点的桥梁,起着举足轻重的作用。

    Modern retailing is developing in scale and chain . Of all elements of retailing logistics infrastructure network , distribution centers which bridges between supply spots and demanding ones are playing a more and more crucial role .

  7. 分析了物流组织网络、物流基础设施网络和物流信息网络三者有机结合而形成的物流服务网络结构形式。

    Analyzed the logistics service network structure form composed of logistics organization network , infrastructure network and information network organically .

  8. 基于系统论和物流网络理论,提出物流基础设施网络是由物流节点集和物流线路集组成的集合。

    On the basis of system theory and logistics network theory , the dissertation advances logistics infrastructure network is an aggregate of nodes and lines .

  9. 基于经济与物流需求,经济与物流基础设施网络规模之间的关系,较为系统地构建了影响物流需求的经济指标体系和反映物流基础设施网络规模的指标体系。

    The dissertation designes systemically the economic index system of affecting logistics demand and the logistics index system of reflecting logistics infrastructure network scale , according to the relationship between economics and logistics demand , economics and logistics infrastructure network scale . 3 .

  10. 鉴于目前物流发展的实践和对物流基础设施网络研究的不足。首先,文章从系统论的角度,首次在理论上对物流基础设施网络的概念进行了界定,提出了物流基础设施网络的特征。

    In this thesis , for the first time the author brings forward in theory the concept of logistics infrastructure network and its character from the point of system theory , regarding the practice of logistics development and shortage of research on logistics infrastructure network .

  11. 广西&东盟物流体系需建立在物流基础设施、服务网络和具体物流实践活动上,在物流发展框架内,辅以电子商务规则。

    The commodity transfer system within the area of China-ASEAN requires proper infrastructure , serving network and certain commodity transfer activity as well as regulation of elect-business .

  12. 物流网络是适应物流系统化和社会化的要求发展起来的,是由物流组织网络、物流基础设施网络和物流信息网络三者有机结合而形成的物流服务网络体系的总称。

    MF network is developed to meet the demand of MF systemization and socialization and includes the three organic parts of MF organization network , MF infrastructure network and MF information network , that forms the modern MF service network system .

  13. 建国以来,我国交通运输物流基础设施建设取得了较大成绩,基本形成了不同运输方式协调发展,通过中转场站和物流中心或物流园区有效链接而成的交通运输物流基础设施网络基本建立。

    Infrastructure construction of transportation logistics net which is harmonious in different transportation methods and link effectively with station or logistics center or logistics areas was established .