
wù yè ɡuǎn lǐ
  • estate management;realty management
  1. 高校物业管理发展对策研究

    Study on the Countermeasures for the Realty Management in Colleges and Universities

  2. 业主自治是物业管理的基础

    Autonomy of owners is the basis of the realty management

  3. 基于Internet的校园可视化物业管理系统的设计

    Design of Visual Property Management System for Campus Network Based on Internet

  4. 加入WTO后对物业管理行业的影响及发展思路

    The Influence to Real Estate Industry After Entering WTO

  5. 随着分布式组件技术,特别是WEBService技术的不断发展完善,为解决小区物业管理系统面临的问题提供了一个很好的解决方案。

    The progress of distributed component especially Web Service offered a good resolvent for the problem that uptown facility management system faced .

  6. 中国加入WTO以后,国内的物业管理行业面临严峻的挑战。

    After China joins WTO , property management companies are faced with a rigorous test .

  7. 随着中国正式加入WTO,国际化进程在中国的高速发展,传统的企业管理方式正在面临着挑战,老的物业管理方式工作效率低、劳动强度大、准确性差的现实已经暴露无遗。

    Traditional enterprise management is facing challenges , old low efficiency of property management and labor-intensive , real accuracy difference has been exposed .

  8. 基于Struts框架的智能小区物业管理系统的设计与研究

    Research and Design of Intelligent Community Property Management System Based on Struts Framework

  9. 本文阐述了基于Agent技术的住宅小区物业管理系统的设计开发,包括网络结构设计、Agent与多Agent,并对系统设计中的关键技术问题进行了探讨说明。

    The paper introduces the design of the property management of the community basing on Agent , including the network , Agent and Muti-Agent , ect . It illustrates the systematic critical technology in the design .

  10. 以小区物业管理系统的开发为背景,研究了基于UML的应用软件系统的开发过程以及如何通过UML降低开发的难度和提高开发效率。

    Taking the real estate management system development as a background , it studied the development based on the UML application software system . reduced the difficulty and enhanced efficiency .

  11. 文中最后应用一个物业管理集成系统实例研究RUP的应用。

    In the last , the paper will give an example application , property management integration system , and study how to apply RUP to practice .

  12. 在此基础上本文结合房地产行业的特征,阐述了CRM系统在房地产企业中的市场定位、施工建设、销售管理和物业管理等全过程中的应用。

    On the basis of characteristics of the real estate , it discusses CRM application of market position , construction , sale management , estate management in real estate and the evaluation of effect .

  13. 论文针对物业管理中维修服务领域顾客满意方面存在的问题进行研究,在物业管理行业CS管理理论研究的基础上,研究了其基本理论、系统应用方法及程序、系统实施步骤。

    According to the problems of customer satisfaction in the process of management , this paper studies the basic theory of CS , application method and procedure , and implement step of the system .

  14. 然后重点探讨了房地产开发经营中的客户关系管理(第3章),强调CRM在房地产开发经营中的市场定位、施工建设、销售、物业管理等全过程中的应用;

    Then , in the third chapter , it analyses the application of the market orientation , the construction , the sales and the property management in the course of the real estate development and operation .

  15. 基于KPI的企业绩效考核指标体系初探&以某物业管理公司建立绩效考核指标体系为例

    The Initial Search for the Performance Evaluation Index System on the Basis of KPI & Taking a Property Management Company Building Performance Evaluation Index System as an Example

  16. 论文从回顾物业管理行业的发展历程入手,介绍了TC集团经营转型产生的社会大环境和背景,并对物业管理核心竞争力相关理论进行了梳理。

    Beginning with reviewing the process of developing property management , the thesis introduces the social environment and background of TC Group after business transformation , and summarizes the relevant theories of core competitiveness in property management .

  17. 文中运用Struts框架对智能大厦物业管理系统进行开发,并通过实例证明了Struts是实现MVC模式的一种很好的框架。

    The paper presented how to developed an intelligent building property management system by using Struts framework and at last gave a specific example to prove that Struts is a good framework of MVC model .

  18. 尽管哈尔滨市可以见到许多的国外物业管理模式,如英国的“管家式”、美国的“FM”式物业服务,但都并不完全适于我们的国情、市情。

    Though there have already been several models implored from the foreign countries , such as the FM from America , they seem not to conform to the conditions in our country , let alone Harbin .

  19. 其次,在分析SW物业管理公司薪酬管理问题的基础上,确定了薪酬设计的基本原则,并通过详细的薪酬设计步骤,展示了薪酬设计的详细脉络。

    Secondly , the author brought up the problems about pay management of the SW property management company , provided the basic principle of the pay design , and has demonstrated particular steps .

  20. 为改变这种状况,文中将结合网际组态(WebAccess)技术在智能建筑物业管理系统(IPMS)中的具体应用,对如何解决上述问题进行有关探讨,并给出了具体的应用模型。

    In order to change this kind of state , combine the concrete application of the internet configuration ( WebAccess ) technology in the intelligent building property management system ( IPMS ), and provides the concrete application model for discussing how to solve above-mentioned problems .

  21. 物业管理的品牌,是靠经验和技术支撑的。

    Property management brand , depending on experience and technical support .

  22. 物业管理企业经营发展刍议

    A Brief Discussion on the Operation and Development of Property-managing Enterprises

  23. 物业管理权不是权利而是权限。

    The property management right is not a right in legal .

  24. 油田社区物业管理的顾客满意度研究

    Research on the Customer Satisfaction in Property Management of Oilfield Community

  25. 基于马田系统的物业管理服务质量评价及应用

    Evaluation and Application of Property Service Quality Based on the MTS

  26. 做好全程物业管理档案工作

    To Do Archives Work of Whole - Process Property Management Well

  27. 物业管理行业电子政务应用研究

    Research of the Development Techniques of E-government in Property Management Industry

  28. 我国城市住宅小区物业管理研究

    Study on Property Management of City Small Residence Area in China

  29. 而城市房地产业的发展也将带动物业管理业的发展。

    The development of real estate leads that of reality management .

  30. 主要论述我国物业管理发展过程和取得的成效。

    It includes the developing process , and its main effective .